Laura's Gain

Chapter 1

On the soccer field, all the girls ran around. They were the best college team in the state, and their star player Laura was their best shot at winning the championship. She was the fittest girl on the team, and could outrun everybody there. Because she did so much running, her body was slim and muscular. She had big breast big but a slender toned waist. Her ass was perky like a peach. Her boyfriend Sam loved how her body looked in her tight jeans and dresses. He would drive her to practice and watch her from the sidelines, running around in small shorts and tight jerseys.

"I'm kind of hungry." Laura said to Sam one day when he was driving her to soccer practice.
"Really? We had a big breakfast, and you really shouldn't eat again before you go to practice."
"Yeah, you're right." she said, "But maybe just a small snack?"
She made Sam pull into a McDonalds where she bought some fries and a cheeseburger.
"You call that a snack?!" Sam asked her, shocked to see her eating it all with pleasure.
"I'm just really hungry." she said, a little embarrassed she was making such a pig of herself.

Even though she had a full belly from the burger and fries, she was able to run around the football field without a problem. Easily outrunning her teammates.

"I'm hungry again." Laura said on the way back from practice.

They pulled into a nice restaurant by a lake and took a seat by a window. It had a lovely view.
Laura ordered a steak with fries, a portion of onion rings and extra coleslaw, as well as a strawberry milkshake, a bottle of beer and a coke. Sam again was shocked by how much she was eating.
"I'm a little worried." he said to her as she was covering her fries with mayonnaise. "You are eating like a pig these days. I don't want to hurt your feelings, I'm just worried you might be pregnant. Don't women eat more when they get pregnant?"
"I'm not pregnant Sam." Laura said. "My appetite has just gotten bigger recently I don't know why." Laura felt embarrassed when he said this, she knew he was right, but she was so hungry so she kept kept eating. She ate all of her food and when Sam couldn't finish his cheeseburger and fries, she finished those too. Afterwards she ordered chocolate cake and ice-cream for dessert. Sam didn't get anything so he had to wait for her to finish it all. When she did finally finish everything her belly was so full she had to loosen the top button of her jeans. She was able to hide this by pulling her t-shirt down, so she didn't mind too much.

The next morning Sam text Laura: "Hey babe, am I still taking you to soccer practice today at 3?"
But he didn't get a reply all morning. He tried calling her but he couldn't get through. He decided to go to her place anyway and wait for her outside. By 3 o'clock they were already late but she was nowhere to be see. He kept calling her and finally she answered.
"Oh no!" she exclaimed when she finally answered. "I slept through my alarm. It's loo late to go now."
"But if we leave now we can be there in twenty minutes, you won't be very late."
"Yeah but," Laura said, "I'm just kind of feeling lazy today."
"But don't you have the big game coming up next month? You need to be practicing."
"It's OK." Laura said. "Everyone knows I'm the best. I'm not worried about that. I just want to have a lazy day in my sweatpants snacking in bed. Is that a crime?"
And so Laura missed soccer practice that day, and the next one too. Instead of practicing or going to the gym or going for a run, she lied down in her bed all day, snacking in between fast food deliveries.

"Maybe you should go to a doctor." Sam said to her one day. "It's not normal, how much you're eating."
Sam was standing in Laura's bedroom while she was lying in bed in her bra and panties. She was eating a pizza, fries, mozzarella sticks, and a bag of potato chips. She had spilled crumbs all over herself and the bed.
"I mean look at you! You are starting to get chubby. You ate too much. Come on we should go to practice early, you need the exercise.

Laura didn't want to admit it but Sam was right. That day in the changing room she noticed the other girls look and giggle when she was undressing. She looked down to see her belly was sticking out. Her practice shorts were tighter, and so was her shirt. On the field she could still keep up with the other girls, but she was no longer the fastest or the fittest.
"Hey Laura, maybe you should lay off the donuts." her coach said to her at the end.

After that day Laura felt humiliated and always made excuses for missing practice. "I'm sick." or "I promised my Mom I'd help with something." or "I'm just feeling lazy."
Sam eventually gave up asking her about soccer practice. All Laura wanted to do was lie in bed and watch shows while eating.

On Laura and Sam's anniversary, they planned a date of dinner and a movie. Laura had not left the house in two week so was excited to get out, but when she was picking out a nice outfit, she realized that none of her nice clothes fit her. All of her jeans were impossible to get over her thighs and ass, and even the ones she could get up she couldn't button. All of her dresses made her look pregnant and they were uncomfortable to move in because they were so tight. Even all of her panties had rips in them.
"I'm sorry babe, I think I have to cancel tonight. I have nothing to wear :(" she text him.
"What do you mean you have nothing to wear? You have lots of clothes."
"Yeah but none of them fit me anymore :("
"That's what you get for being a lazy pig." he texted.
"Hey that's mean. Maybe instead of going to a nice restaurant, I can just wear my sweatpants and we can go to McDonald's? I think it's acceptable to go to the movies in sweatpants right?"
"I don't know, I think it makes you look like a slob. But sure, I guess it's better than cancelling."

When Sam picked Laura up for their date he couldn't believe how fat she looked. Even her sweatpants were too tight for her, and her t-shirt barely covered her belly.
At McDonalds Laura ordered a large Big Mac meal with an extra portion of French fries, two double cheeseburgers and one hamburger. She covered her fries in Ketchup and stuffed them into her face. The ketchup spilled all over her t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Oh no." she said. "I made such a mess."

In the movie theatre, Laura poured buttery popcorn into her mouth. She brought her own snacks in her bag, candy bars and marshmallows and potato chips, and ate them throughout the entire movie. Her belly was so full from the big dinner, that when she stuffed it even more, the stitching on her pants started to rip.
"Oh no." she said. interrupting Sam from the movie. "My sweat pants are ripping."

Sam looked down to Laura's body. Her big belly was sticking out of her ketchup stained shirt, which also had some other food stains and crumbs on it. Then he looked down to her massive thighs and saw a huge rip down down her left inner thigh. Her fat was spilling out everywhere.

When Laura finally realized she was getting too fat and needed to diet and exercise, it was too late. She was so out of shape that she couldn't even run anymore. She went to soccer practice and everybody there had their jaws open when they saw her.
"Laura, I thought I told you to lay off the donuts." her coach said in the locker room, the rest of her team bursting into laughter.

On the field she couldn't keep up with anybody. As her team mates ran around the field without a problem. she had to stop and try to catch her breath.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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