Riley’s Overindulgence

  By BonzosDrums

Chapter 1 - the new job

It was the end of Riley’s first week of work. The perky 18 year old high school was looking forward to her first weekend off too. She stands 5’10, much taller and more athletic than most of her classmates. She loves to exercise but always slacks off during the soccer off season, especially now that she’s working. A blonde with blue eyes and a fairly average athletic build she didn’t stand out much except for her height. As she was walking out late on a Friday night she noticed a large stack of undelivered pizza boxes by the door. “What’s with all this pizza?” She asked her boss who happened to be standing close. “Oh, those are the leftovers. You want some? It’s not gonna get eaten so take whatever you want” she said as she walked off. Riley smiled gladly as she grabbed three medium pizzas, enough for lunch for her and her friends every day for a week! Riley hurried out to her truck and set the still warm boxes in the passenger seat. ‘Hm, I actually haven’t tried the pizza yet’ she though. Figuring a few slices would make a good dinner before the weekend she opened a box and grabbed a plain slice as she shifted into first and drove towards home. ‘Wow, this is really good!’ Thought Riley as she reached for a second slice. It was a decent drive home and by the time she got there she reached into the box and found only one slice “holy shit!” She said as she tossed the now empty box on the floor. She quickly ate the last slice before standing up and grabbing the pizza boxes. She rested a hand on her belly to find it bigger and rounder than it’s usually flat and tone state. ‘Damn I really just ate all that! Maybe I should save the rest for my friends’ she though as she walked inside her home. Setting the two boxes in the fridge she made her way to room where she proceeded to roll her usual after work blunt. Stepping out onto the deck to smoke Riley couldn’t keep her hands off her belly, feeling the newfound curve to it rather appealing. ‘Working around food this good may have some drawbacks’ she though, but the weed quickly evaporated any though like that. In fact, by the time she was done, all she could think about was the taste of that pizza. “Well a few more slices won’t hurt” she said to herself as she stumbled back inside, now high as a kite. She took out another box, peppers and onions, and brought the whole thing to her room. Despite her first pie the munchies were in full effect as she turned on the tv and dug in. She only felt the painful tinge of being stuffed after she devoured half the pizza. “Oh god how much did I eat?” She asked herself as she sat back in her gaming chair, her belly now so stuffed it strained her work shirt. The high young girl rubbed the now ball belly she had as she laid back and groaned. It felt sickly to be this full, yet for some reason running her aching belly made her crave more. Without really thinking Riley picked up another slice and swallowed it fast. Rubbing her round belly made her want it bigger as her attention focused back in the pizza. Within minutes it’s was all gone, stuffed inside the now very round and very time belly of Riley. “Oooh, so full” she moaned out as she rubbed her stuffed round belly. She felt so fat yet couldn’t keep her hands off her belly, slowly rubbing circles in the tightly stretched skin. She stood up and awkwardly walked towards her bed. On the was she shed her work clothes onto the floor, exposing her bare round belly. “Ugh, why did I eat all that?” Riley asked herself as she sat down on her bed in just her undies, her hands fixated on her ballooned belly. “So full” she moaned out as she layer down and rubbed her side. She felt so disgusted thinking about all that food, yet rubbing her painfully stuffed round belly felt so incredibly good. Rubbing the round taught surface, giving it soft pats gave her a new sense of pure pleasure “Oh, so full” she moaned out again as the fullness turned to sleepiness. Her hand and arm gave her a hug as she laid on her side rubbing her belly. “More” Riley moaned out hugging her swollen belly as the high girl drifted off into her first food coma sleep.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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