Chapter 1 - Growing
The sounds of the machine filled the small room as the liquid in the tank slowly filled up. The only man in the room sat there, with a hose attached to the mouth. Nothing happened but soon the hose moved a bit and a liquid was rushing through the hose, straight to his lips.At first he felt almost suffocated, but soon realized that he had to suck and drink if he wanted not to suffocate. The liquid flowed through the tube and he felt the substance pass through his throat and fills him. His belly rounded up slowly as his stomach expanded, he lay on the ground with his legs spread and tried to get used to the new situation. He felt the lower part of his stomach expand, as the shirt he was wearing stretched over his growing body. He developed substantial pot belly, and the pain in the lower abdominal area signaled to him that he was approaching the capacity limit. Becoming visibly bigger.
Was it his wish? Did he wanted to go through this experience, or it was she? The female feeder he once met at college, about a year ago? Now it's was hardly a memory from a distant past, from the times when he was a lot smaller, that's for sure. But now he was completely different. A lot fatter, a lot hungry, and more importantly for her, a lot submissive.
Now she control everything, and while he sat there drinking non-stop fattening liquids he understood how unique he was, and how special all the situation was. After all, not everyday you meet a thick woman, who was determined to make sure you'll explode to non-proportional sizes.
Stuffed to the brim, he feels his thighten clothes getting smaller while his body continue to expand. Soon enough his shirt will not be able to cover his fattened belly. His pants were stretched over his plump legs, the liquid ingredients were full of fattening food, with thousands of calories making sure his body will never be the same.
He lost counts long ago, and couldn't tell how much time has been past since the feeding session has started, he only knew that he must keep himself fed if he does not want to lose his mind.
Soon enough, he saw his belly starting to poke through the shirt, lifting it out slightly. The way the fat was growing all over scared him a bit. The thighs started to fill out the underwear, his calves expanded. He started to jiggle. As he filled out even more he felt strange and surreal. He was getting heavier and bigger, while he was blowing up, filling his pants, with his bottom starting to push out. He was now chubby. When he looked straight down, his belly was still growing, and was growing out in all directions. When he looked down, he felt a slight double chin, with rounder face all over.
Then, his arms became thick and flabby, like great big saddlebags hanging down, growing in front of him. The thighs were getting more and more jiggly and saggy. His double chin started to develop a third chin. His shirt was getting uncomfortably tight, showing the shape of his new big belly, and felt this excess fat jiggling and moving. Rapidly, he was becoming obese, he heard the sound of a ripping and tearing fabric when his bigger, bare, belly was bursting out from the remains of the shirt. He wanted to tore the rest off, but couldn't move, the tube made him uncomfortably sucked, and horny.
When she will come back?
Although he enjoyed the process he wanted it to stop, or at least to paused a little. Endless eating and drinking made him bloated and stuffed like never before. His expanded thighs were spilling out of the tight pants, and he was covered with a shocking amount of stretch marks, with the growing stomach hung over the waistband and ate up any lap space he once might have had. Now, all he could do was keep eating and shoving down more and more food, gulping endless amount of liquid and fattening food.
She still has not comeback, and meanwhile his legs were unconsciously spreading and becoming wider, the wide expanse of his big, bare, growling gut spilling forth. It made him harder to feel the throbbing penis against the underside of his spilling belly.
He leaned back, trying to take out the tube but couldn't, and felt asleep, getting flashbacks from earlier times when he met her, before all this. When he was a lot smaller, and she was still the same, as then as now: Sexy with thicker hips, and demanding. Oh, and how demanding she is!
Back then, when he was slimmer, he encountered a beautiful woman at the restaurant. This was one of those days, when he was goes to fast food restaurants and let himself indulged and eating as much as he could. Because his process of making himself fatter, was one of his goals for years and he hoped to make himself bigger with pushing more food then he was used to in normal days.
She worked at this place, a sexy girl, with wide hips and plump face, and she wore a tightened uniform. Her white shirt stretched out over her tummy and breasts. Her pants looked small on her legs and hips, and in the moment his eyes fell on her, he knew he must meet her again.
4 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years