The Flight

  By Bcain

chapter 1

James checked his watch again as the pa chimed to announce the boarding of his flight. He then glanced over the throng of people that had gathered around of the podium awaiting their group number to be called. There were families, couples, friends, old and young, as well as many solo travelers such as James.

He’d just finished up a fun weekend visiting his brother and now it was back to the real world. Slightly hungover, the airport seemed like much more of a chore than it had only a few days ago with his arrival.

James absentmindedly ran his hand over his flat stomach as he stood waiting. He was a rather athletic young man of 27 and his slim fit t-shirt and joggers hung off his runners frame, a testament to the many workouts he’d completed.

Finally hearing his group announced he made his way to the ticket scanner and filed in line with the others. The process was slow as the group shuffled down the jetway and into the plane. James was relieved when he reached his seat to find that it was completely empty. As rough as he was feeling this morning, having the row to himself would be a welcomed comfort. He took his seat and began to settle in as the plane continued to fill with passengers.

One by one the people made their way past him as James kept an eye out for anyone who might end up joining him in the seats next to his. Thankfully the family with the young child and the bickering elderly couple kept moving past his seat. The last thing he needed was to deal with that on top of the light throb in his head.

The line began to thin and eventually stopped, no one claiming the two open seats next to James. He had lucked out after all and would be able to comfortably snooze on the way to his destination. The flight attendants moved through the cabin, locking the overheads into place in prep for the flight as one final passenger lumbered into the aisle.

James was no longer paying attention and didn’t notice this one final passenger until he heard the ruckus that was being caused. He looked to the front only to see one of the largest women he’d ever laid eyes on. She struggled to squeeze past each row as she waddled towards her seat. Her hips were extremely wide, so much so, that she had turned sideways to move her bulk down the rows. This was of little help though, as her belly surged out before her and hung down over the waist of her yoga pants in several jiggling rolls and her ass shelved out behind her making her sideways positioning a negligible improvement to fitting down the narrow aisle. The passengers in the aisle row seating were offered a generous amount of her front or back as she spilled into their shoulders and laps, most looking on in disgust as they tried to recoil from the avalanche of flesh.

James could only stare in amazement at the display, wondering how on earth anyone could let themselves get that big. He subconsciously rubbed his hands over his narrow shoulders as he watched her ham hock arms grasp from one seat to the next as she struggled to support herself.

Panting heavily and red faced from all the effort she finally reached James’ row. He rolled his eyes not so subtlety at the turn on his good fortune. Of course she was sitting next to him, it was just his luck to end up next to a fatty so big she needed multiple seats.

An attendant came to help her place her bag in the overhead, lord knows she didn’t have the strength to do it herself after her bumbling display down the aisle. She lifted the armrest between her two seats before backing her huge butt into the seat. James was offered an up close and personal view of her ass and could easily make out her constricting thong through the maxed out leggings which were stretch thin over her blubbery butt.

“Scus me hun.” She offered to James in a rather thick southern accent as she sank into her seat with a loud grunt and thud, continuing to pant.

Her bulky body spread out in the seats, filling both entirely and spilling over the armrest and onto Jame’s arm. Her trunk like legs squished tightly together, her huge belly filled her lap and provided a table like surface for her massive breasts to rest on. The shirt she wore offered a rather scandalous amount of cleavage though this seemed more to be from the fact that she had long outgrown the clothing item.

She looked back to him and offered an apologetic smile that dimpled her chubby cheeks and highlighted her multiple chins.

James quickly tried to maneuver away from her fleshy rolls which seamed determined to swallow him whole, but it was to no avail. Each shift sent vibrations through her pillowy body and he eventually gave up after she started to look concerned by his movements.

He would have to spend the duration of the flight wedged between this impossibly huge woman’s sea of fat rolls and the window.

James did his best to get comfortable in the limited space he had. Lucky it was chilly on the flight as the large woman’s flabby body radiated a good amount of heat. Spilling out from the confines of her shirt and touching skin to skin on his arm he was thankful that he was not warm and sweaty on top of being squished.

Placing his headphones in he quickly zoned out, ignoring the odd sensation of the large woman’s body undulating onto him with every bump or jostle. He was finally able to ignore his current seating situation and drift off to a somewhat peaceful nap as the plane took to the skies.

The plane continued on its 2 hour journey and the passengers slept or turned their focus to their screens for entertainment. If they had bothered to look at poor James and his seating partner they may have noticed something rather strange. It was slow, barely noticeable to the naked eye, but the bond of the skin to skin contact had taken hold between the two and as James slept he slowly began to receive some of the large woman’s body weight. Pound after pound began to transfer to the young man, his trim body swelling outwards as the large woman next to him slowly slimmed down.

His belly was first, pooching out as the additional weight settled on his frame, but as more and more weight was added he began to fill out all over. His shirt and joggers stretched to accommodate his increasing size. His chest puffed outward into a soft pair of moobs that rested on his growing paunch. His butt began to take up more and more of his seat as it grew and spread outwards. All the while the woman next to taking up less and less of the space they now shared. 20 pounds, then 50, then 100 and beyond, James continued to fatten up.

Soon each of their fat rolls competed for the space between them as they matched each others weights only for the process to continue on as James slowly eclipse the girl next to him in size.

Fatter and fatter he grew before the woman finally removed the armrest between them which was wedged tightly within his love handle. The armrest had acted like a dam that once released allowed his widened hips and side rolls to spill into adjacent seat. James was now the one taking up more than one seat with his fat ass as he spread out beyond the confines of the armrest. She gave a satisfied nod at the turning point looking over her flatter stomach and perkier breasts.

Eventually the small woman was squished against her aisle side armrest as James filled the two seats next to her. Her form fitting cropped shirt now showed off her flat stomach and her leggings clung to her supple thighs and toned ass. As they prepped for landing a small bit of turbulence sent waves through James’ now corpulent form. The massive man continued to snooze, unaware of the changes that had occurred. The woman took him in with a gleeful glint in her eyes. His massive moobs were packed tightly in his shirt and outsized her own perky Cs by several cups. The bottom hem of the shirt failed to cover his huge hairy stomach. It spilled out onto his lap and towards his knees. His wide hips now filled the two seats entirely and attempted to fill the third that the woman was sitting in. His thighs were packed tightly together and they met all the way down to his knees. His joggers clung tightly to his huge lower half, several sizes too small, though still managing to contain his bulging fattened legs.

With a final thud the plan landed and James was roused from his sleep. He slowly got his senses as the plan pulled into the gate, the sleep had been rather deep and it took some time to regain his composure. A general fog clouded his mind as he struggled to get a string of thoughts together. In the meantime passengers began to disembark.

“Scus me hun.” James heard as his attention was pulled to woman next to him.

She leaned over to grab her bag from the over head, giving James an eyeful of cleavage as she deftly removed her luggage. Her strong looking legs sunk slightly into the side of his large belly as she finally lowered her bag from above. She looked oddly familiar to James, but he couldn’t place it. He then finally brought his attention to the heavy fleshy mass that filled his lap. Confused he prodded it causing his finger to sink into the soft flesh and jiggle slightly in response.

He then looked back to the woman, his brow furrowing as he slowly put two and two together. She winked in response to his confused look as she sauntered up the aisle effortlessly.

“Sir do you need assistance?” His focus was pulled back to an attendant who was looking him over rather skeptically.

He looked back for the mysterious girl, but she was gone. Only the empty seats of the plane remained.

He could only blush in response to the rather embarrassing discovery that he was in fact too fat to remove himself from his seats. The realization that he was now a massively obese man washed over him, only to be interrupted by the gurgling of his large stomach. He wondered where the food court was and how far he would have to waddle to get there as the attendant slowly assisted him out of his seats.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
7   2   2446


Beatlemaster... 5 months
It would be fun to read a sequel piece where he makes it to the food court to satiate his new hunger. While eating he notices the girl eating a tiny salad and winking at him.
Beatlemaster... 5 months
Great story, I like how the drastic weight gain and loss is handled so casually. And an airplane is a perfect setting for such a swap.
Bcain 5 months
Thanks for the feedback. A sequel to it would be fun, I often just get these silly one off ideas and just quickly churn them out without thinking of the longer narrative ha.