Unexpected Gains

  By Bcain  

Chapter 1

(I am trying to get back into writing and sharing stories and so I wanted to re-upload my older collection first since I had taken it down a while back, hope you still enjoy even if its a second time around)

Meet Rob, a 25 year old financial analyst from New York. Rob was your average post grad bachelor, working for the weekends, but also driven to work his way up the corporate ladder early in his career. He was of average build and while not stunning; he had a handsome charm to his looks. There was, however, one thing that set Rob apart from the droves of people that surrounded him in the big city and that was that he was an FA or fat admirer. Though he never opened up bluntly about his preferences, he wasn’t afraid to share them should someone ask. Most of his friends that were close to him could tell he had a preference for girls of the thicker variety at the very least.
Like most Fridays, Rob was out with some coworkers at their favorite dive for happy hour after clocking in another long week of work. Drinking and laughter ensured as the stresses of the week melted away. Noticing they could use another round, Rob offered to take this one and made his way to the bar. On his way up he noticed a cute girl standing next to an opening at the bar. She was exactly his type, cute face with a dimpled smile and ever so slight double chin, long brow hair that flowed down to her shoulders, a full chest of what had to be at least double Ds, a cute pot belly that mounded slightly out of her dress, and shapely full butt complimented with thick thighs, which of course was what caught his attention first as he walked up. She had to be somewhere around 180-200 pounds at her roughly 5’5” height, which may have been on the small side for what Rob usually went for, but her cute face more than captured his attention.
He introduced himself as he also tried to get the attention of the bar tender. “Hey, I’m Rob, I just had to tell you that I think you have the cutest smile.” The liquid courage he had been drinking the past hour certainly helped his confidence. “Oh, thanks!” she replied with that same dimpled smile he had just mentioned. “I’m Carly, nice to meet you.” They continued to talk as Rob waited on his drinks. He learned that she too was there for happy hour with some friends and that they both lived in similar parts of the city. She was a nurse at a nearby hospital and they had just finished up their shifts, and were relieving similar work related stresses. They hit it off and as Rob left with the round of drinks, he didn’t hesitate to get to ask for her number. She happily obliged and both parted ways with a slight flutter I their stomachs.
Though Rob knew he should probably wait to call her, he couldn’t help himself, as he wanted to see her again. He called her up Saturday afternoon, “Hey, Carly? This is Rob from the bar last night.” “Oh hi Rob I’m glad you called, I went to find you later last night, but I think you left the bar by that point.” He was surprised by her forwardness, “Yeah we moved on to another spot shortly after I talked to you. I wanted to see what you were up to tonight, thought we could maybe grab some dinner?” he questioned hopefully. “Yes, absolutely, that’s what I was going to ask last night. I have a great spot in mind, Marcellas and I can set up reservations for 7, sound good?” Again, Rob was surprised how she took charge of making the plans, but also kind of liked it. It took a lot of pressure off him to make all the decisions. “Yeah heard that place is great, but haven’t been yet. I’ll pick you up at 7”. “Okay see you then” she replied.
4 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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