Sarahs Karma

  By DarkJames

Chapter 1 - the cafe

Sarah walked downstairs in her pajamas. She was a tall lady, around 6’1 at 125 lbs. Her curly, red hair was a mess as she shuffled over to her wife, who was making eggs on the stove. Karmen was a beautiful girl, 120 llbs at 5’5, with long brown hair. “Hey baby. Glad to see you’re awake.” Karmen said. Sarah grunted and said “Where’s Lilian?” “Lilian’s upstairs getting ready for school.” replied Karmen. Sarah mumbled a thank you and then walked upstairs. “Breakfast is in 10 minutes!!” Karmen shouted after her. “Mommy!! Can you help me bubbon this pwease?” Lilian cried. “Sure sweetie. I’ll be right there” Lilian was a sweet, petite 7 year-old about 3’9 at 50 lbs. She helped Lilian button her sweater, put some clothes on, and had breakfast with her lovely family. She thanked her wife for the eggs.

Normally, Karmen took Lilian to school, but she had to go to work at the hospital extra early today. Which meant Sarah had to drop Lilian off. After quite a lot of complaining she and Lilian headed in their gray Honda to Lilian’s school. She dropped Lil off with her teacher, Mr. Garder, and then went to a small cafe near her daughter’s school to get a coffee.

The line was taking forever because the was and extremely obese lady trying to order an obscene amount of food. Sighing she pulled out her phone. She texted Karmen “Ugh I’m going to be late to work because piggy here is taking so long to order 🙃” She responded with “Pic?” Sarah snapped a pic of the waddling lady trying to fit in a chair. “Lol thats worse than I thought. She’s like the size of a house! 😂” Sarah chuckled to herself. She looked back over at the lady who had managed to fit into the chair but just barely. Her huge gut hardly fit in her to tight dress, her flubbed up, cellulite cover thighs filled up the chair leaving her trapped, and her neck was gone covered in 4 necks and shoulder fat. She looked to be almost 450 lbs. Sarah felt weird. She felt like they would meet soon. Eventually, she got to the front of the line and ordered her small, black coffee. Walking put she saw the fat lady trying to get up but her chonked up body couldn’t do it. Several employees had to help her stand. She got her coffee and headed to work.

Sorry that this is so short 😅 Have a great day/night!!
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
10   3   2874


Fatraveler 1 year
I'd love to read more please!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
This is a good start! 💖
DarkJames 1 year
Thank you