Chapter 1
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Heather smiled as she stepped into the factory's front doors. Today she was going to an interview for an accountant job for the factory's owner. She saw machines making candy along with workers handling chocolate. The young girl fresh from another job was excited looking around. She was 5 ft 9in with blonde hair in a ponytail and glasses on her pretty face. Heather was wearing a white blouse and a pencil skirt on her with heels as well. She looked very professional despite being a young 25-year-old girl. She also had B cup breasts and a perky butt to go with a slim waistline. Still fresh in her career as an accountant she was very happy when she saw the ad for this job that was paying a million dollars for the year.
She opened the door to the owner's office a bit nervous. The owner was nothing Heather expected when she thought of a factory owner. Inside was a girl wearing a goth outfit filling out paperwork as she looked up smiling. The girl got up and Heather saw more of her outfit. She was wearing a black shirt and a purple skirt with stockings on her legs. She also wore heeled boots to make her a bit taller, but without them she was probably around 5ft 5in. She had black hair with purple highlights running down her shoulders. The girl wore black lipstick on her face and nail polish with the same color as well.
She was shocked how young she was, and another thing Heather noticed was how chubby this girl looked. She had a pot belly peeking over her belt on her waist and a wide chunky butt making her skirt look tight on her. She also had D cup breasts that were pressed into her shirts opening giving her some nice cleavage making Heather blush a bit. Her thighs were also a bit thick too as she swayed her way over shaking the blonde's hand.
"Hi, my name's Lisa and I'm the owner of the factory."
"Names Heather and it's a pleasure to meet you. But you're not what I was expecting to be honest."
"Oh, were you expecting Willy Wonka or something," Lisa laughed.
"Ha, maybe," Heather giggled.
"You're not what I expected ether. A pretty blonde that could be a model but is smart with money. Guess we shouldn't judge books by their cover no," Lisa grinned.
"I'm not pretty stop," Heather blushed.
"Don't be so modest, anyway that's beside the point. Welcome to my chocolate factory. Why don't you tell me your name," Lisa smiled.
"It's Heather, and you have a job opening for an accountant, is that salary for real though, this sounds too good to be true?"
"Yes, I know it seems like I'm overpaying you, but there's more to your job than being an accountant. There's a good reason you're getting so much in your pay. You see my factory and brand is still growing and small. I need to know how to get my customers to buy more of my chocolates and other candies. So, I need someone to take part in a psychological experiment to see how addicting my chocolate is. Every time you complete your day, I'll reward you with chocolates for you to try," Lisa explained.
"So, I'm your taste tester for your products," Heather asked.
"Yes, but I'm also going to watch your behavior as this goes on for the year and see how it affects your brain. I need to see if my customers will keep coming for more. How to advertise and entice people to buy my stuff. Then there's another reason you'll be paid so much and it's fairly simple. Eating all this chocolate I want you to taste is going to make you pack on the pounds. I need you to eat a decent amount each time to make the experiment work and you're tasting my stuff thoroughly. By the time you're done for the year your figure will be in shambles most likely. My figures starting to grow as well. After turning 27 this year, guess my eating and tasting caught up to me," Lisa smirked patting her own belly.
"I see," Heather nodded.
"But you can just be an accountant and I'll pay you the usual salary if you want. But most people don't want that ether since working in a factory surrounded by chocolate isn't good for the waistline regardless. This is usually the part where you tell me no," Lisa sighed.
"Ok, I'll take the first offer," Heather smiled.
"I see well that's too bad you actually said yes," Lisa gasped.
"Your surprised?" Heather smirked.
"Well, yeah, everyone I interview ends up choosing the second option and then they leave after gaining weight anyway over the months. Are you sure about this?" Lisa asked.
"Well, I know I'll be putting on a lot of weight, but one million dollars is worth it in my opinion. Besides while my figure will be ruined after this, I can always lose the weight after the year is up. I'll think of the pounds I put on as an investment," Heather smiled.
"Ether you're really smart or you're desperate to get this money," Lisa grinned.
"Hey, I need to pay off my student loans and get my retirement plan and saving fund going somehow, and this is the quickest way," Heather stated.
"Ok then I'll have you sign the contract for this job agreement, and I'll start you the next day," Lisa smiled.
"Sounds wonderful, time to kiss my skinny figure goodbye for now," Heather smiled rubbing her slim midriff making Lisa giggle.
The next day Lisa taught Heather what her job entailed, and the blonde caught on quick. She even already suggested some tips to Lisa about saving money. Lisa was liking this girl more by the minute and it wasn't just because she was cute. Lisa was attracted to girls but tried to keep things professional with her new employee.
Heather had a desk, an armchair and some filing cabinets to put stuff in. Seemed cozy enough for the blonde. Then after Lisa gave her a tour of the factory just to show her around a bit. Most of it was pretty standard with a lot of machines producing chocolate along with workers handling everything.
"This is a nice factory you got, how long have you had it?" Heather asked.
"I opened this factory a year ago. I used to own a popular chocolate shop and I made a lot of money so I could open this factory. I've made even more money since, and my parents thought I was crazy. Look at me now, but it's getting too hard and stressful for me to handle the finances on my own. I mean look at how much weight I've put on stress eating my own chocolate," Lisa sighed poking her own belly pooch.
"Well, now I'm here to save the day," Heather smirked.
"Yes, you're helping me out so much by doing this and I'm already impressed by your work," Lisa smiled.
"Please it's nothing compared to you, and what you've done. I did what I was told to do by my parents and became an accountant. You followed your dreams. and succeeded," Heather smiled.
"Aw, thanks. Oh, wait till you see this next room," Lisa smirked.
The dark-haired girl opened the door to a room and Heather's mind was blown. It was a small room with tree's, grass, mushrooms, and a little stream that was brown. It looked like something out of Alice in wonderland.
"Wow, this room is so cool. You made all this," Heather awed looking around at the sites.
"Yes, I was inspired by the Willy Wonka movies room made of sweets. It's not nearly as big, but it's cute for what it is. I'll be opening the factory for tours and this room will be a nice little place to visit no," Lisa beamed snapping off a branch nibbling on it.
"Does the chocolate go bad though?" Heather wondered.
"Chocolate can last a decade or more, so I would just have to replace the chocolate every 10 years or so. Would you like to try some?" Lisa asked.
"Sure, I don't have to worry about a diet for a while so might as well, my parents were strict and never let me have sweets or savory food," Heather smiled.
"Oh, you poor thing, you've been missing out. You're in for a surprise then," Lisa smirked.
Lisa broke off a branch for Heather to try as she grabbed it from the goth. She began eating the branch hesitant at first, but then she moaned at the flavor looking very happy. Soon Lisa smirked as Heather had eaten the whole branch. Lisa then told her to try some of the stream of chocolate. Heather nodded as she got a big jug and scooped up some of the river. She began drinking the liquid as she moaned more as it was similar to hot chocolate. Soon she had guzzled down the whole jug of chocolate as she felt really sluggish all of a sudden. The blonde looked down to see her belly was slightly bloated against her blouse. She poked her new stuffed tummy as she let out a burp making Lisa laugh.
"Sorry I got burp, carried away. Now I'm so full," Heather moaned holding her belly bulge.
"It's alright, you look like you were having fun there," Lisa giggled poking Heathers belly.
"Maybe I shouldn't come here often. If I do, I'm going to be a blimp by the end of this year. Your sweets are incredible. It's so good," Heather grinned belching again rubbing her bloated tummy.
Oh yeah, she's perfect for this," Lisa thought smiling.
After that day Heather began her job filling out her new role fast in more ways than one. When she was done for the day Lisa would have her try different kinds of chocolates that would usually leave the girl bloated by the end. All the chocolate was incredible when it hit her lips and it was almost orgasmic how good it was. Lisa was right, she had missed out for sure. Lisa was happy to have Heather but was nervous if Heather would change her mind after gaining a few pounds like the rest did. Eating all this chocolate was going to start catching up to the tall sexy blonde sooner or later. One month later the results of her chocolate indulgence were beginning to appear.
Lisa came in at the end of Heathers shift to see the blonde sitting in her armchair with a lot of room to spare. She was dressed in the same outfit she had interviewed in, and Lisa noticed the girl had put on some weight already. She seemed a bit fuller and curvier to the goth and she had a slight belly roll she had grown on her waist. Once it was completely flat, but now all the chocolate she was putting in her tummy was making it bigger much to Lisa's amusement. Watching this hot blonde girl eat her way out of her skirt was kind of funny to watch for Lisa.
"Well, well, I see all those chocolates you're eating are already sticking to your waist," Lisa smirked poking the blonde's slight bulge making the girl blush.
"Yeah, I know. I eat right and exercise outside of work, but I'm still packing it on already. All this chocolate I'm eating has put 9 pounds on me already," Heather sighed.
"9 pounds already, gez you're going to be big by the end of this," Lisa giggled.
"I know this is so embarrassing. To think the head cheerleader in high school and college is now getting fat," Heather stated.
"You were a cheerleader? Thats cool," Lisa smiled imagining the blonde in a cheerleading outfit blushing.
"Well, my uniform isn't going to fit me for a while that's for sure," Heather sighed.
"What do you do for fun these days?" Lisa asked.
"I like watching cartoons, playing video games, I also like to read sci-fi and fantasy books as well," Heather stated.
"No way, I love cartoons and video games too. Hey, we should hang out after work today. I'll show you my game collection," Lisa beamed.
"Sure, I don't have much going on anyway," Heahter smiled at the goth's enthusiasm.
"Sounds great. Oh yeah, anything different about your appetite or mood lately? Just want to know for the experiment," Lisa asked.
"Nope everything's normal, besides this new belly of mine," Heather sighed.
Later on, Heather went to Lisa's apartment on the second floor of a complex. The blonde saw she had a living room with a couch and a big TV. Lisa had a decently sized kitchen and then a big sized bedroom. Inside It had posters of metal bands and rock music. Her sheets were black on her queen-sized bed and her shades were closed. The chubby girl sat on the couch with her belly bulge resting in her lap a bit patting the spot next to her for Heather to sit. The girls soon began playing video games on the couch and Heather lost to Lisa quite a lot. They were playing a fighting game and the girl was struggling to beat the goth girl in combat. Lisa also offered her chocolates and she mindlessly nibbled on them without keeping track how many went into her mouth. The night ended with Heather going home with a full stuffed belly again. Lisa smiled as she never knew she would have so much in common with Heather.
Me and her should do this more often, Lisa thought giggling.
So, things continued similarly like this for a while. Heather would come in and do her work and then sometimes hang out with Lisa after. Soon another month had passed, and Heather was noticing more changes putting on 11 pounds according to her scale. Being 155 pounds at 5ft 9 in when she started this job that meant she was 175 pounds now. She sat in her seat noticing her growing figure. Her breasts had gone up to a C cup as she had to get a bigger bra. Her hips were flaring out too giving her more of a hourglass look as she got wider. Her butt was also getting heftier too, but this didn't mean her belly wasn't growing in. The slight bulge she had before was now a starter belly that peaked over her belt a bit. Her legs were also looking a smidge thicker too as they looked slightly jigglier now. Too think it only took two months to put on 20 pounds.
Heather also noticed she wasn't feeling bloated anymore after eating the chocolate at the end of her shift as her belly had stretched a bit needing more food now to feel full. Her appetite was definitely larger lately as she needed more food to stop it from growling. The blonde also noticed she was feeling a bit more sluggish after her shifts thanks to all the sugar she was taking in. She still did her exercises, but noticed it was a bit harder with more weight to carry and her muscles getting eroded away being replaced with fat. All the new fat on her was definitely making her a bit more out of shape. Her office uniform was getting tighter on her softer body as well. On top of that she was getting some cravings for chocolate when she was home, but she resisted thanks to her willpower.
Lisa came in looking at her now softer looking friend as she grinned. The goth had more time to experiment, and taste test her own creations, but having a second opinion was always good. The black-haired girl looked down at her own figure in dismay putting on 8 pounds these last few months. All the sampling and hanging out with her new friend had made the chubby goth a bit pudgier in the waist mostly. Her pot belly was sticking out over her belt more as it almost reached out as far as her big boobs. Her goth outfit she wore on the day of the interview was beginning to feel tight on her. She grimaced that she was close to outgrowing her clothes.
Gez, Heather's the one who's supposed to get fat, not me. I need to get some control on these eating habits of mine, Lisa thought sighing grabbing her soft love handle while Heather wasn't looking.
"Hey Lisa, what have you got for me today?" Heather asked licking her lips.
"I've got just simple chocolate balls today, similar to Lindt balls, try them, my your looking soft already. Your certainly growing into your role aren't you," Lisa smirked.
Heather put the balls past her lips as she licked them eating more as she filled her belly.
"Yeah, all this chocolate is making me sluggish, and my toned slim figure is slipping away, filling out so to speak, Gosh I'm getting fat," Heahter sighed slapping her little belly.
"Are you noticing anything else?" Lisa asked.
"I do have some cravings for the sweets, but my willpower is still strong," Heather stated.
"Seems like my chocolate is on your brain though. Thats good that means my customers won't forget my chocolate and will buy more of my product," Lisa grinned.
"So, I'm slowly getting addicted to your treats," Heather sighed.
"Yep, basically. I wonder how you'll be handling this 10 months from now," Lisa grinned poking Heather's small belly pooch as it growled for chocolate.
Soon Heather had eaten an entire bag of the chocolate balls as she rubbed her bloated belly belching. She undid her belt and unbuttoned her pants to make room for her stuffed tummy. Her blouse also rid up a bit as the bottom of her pale pooch showed. Lisa was in awe at Heathers greedy indulgence noticing some chocolate on the girl's face. Then Heather let out a wet fart making Lisa giggle like crazy. She blushed at how silly she looked and how much of a slob she must have seemed.
It's ok, this is only temporary right? Heather thought turning red rubbing her full belly pooch.
If you thought this was interesting, you can check me out on Deviant art Chubbygirls12 where you can read many more stories I've written. Thanks for reading. (: /art/Gimme-Chocolate-Part-1-wg-961338674
14 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year