Chapter 1
Eira sighed as she got out of bed stretching her arms and wings as she glanced at the morning sky. Today was the day she finally set off on her own from the colony for her personal 3-year journey that all dragon's took when they reached adulthood flying around the world. Most dragons were eager to be on their own stretching their wings free, but Eira was nervous about it. She would rather just stick around reading her books.Being an ice dragon, she was one of 2 daughters growing up in a cozy home and she lived a spoiled lifestyle not eager to leave at all thanks to her slight laziness. But she had no choice as her dad was forcing her to go. She came out of her room standing at 6 ft, 2 in tall with heels made of ice to keep her cool making a 3-inch difference for the tall girl.
Many dragons considered her very pretty nicknaming her the snow princess. The dragoness had long white hair matching the color of falling snowflakes with grey straight little horns as well. Her hair also had some blue highlights as well with some bangs covering one of her green eyes on her regal face. She wore a white gown showing off her soft D cup breasts with her back exposed for her large blue wings. Her blue tail also had room to move around above her plush butt and curvy hips. With the girl's slim, soft pale midsection she had a nice hourglass figure. The dragoness took off her gown and put on a dress for now showing off her long soft legs.
Her older sister was waiting for her at the table smirking that her lazy sister had to finally get off her butt and do something with her life. While Eira was an ice dragon her sister Aine was a fire dragon, thanks to their parents falling in love with each other despite being different elements. Opposites attract I guess, but the sisters didn't always get along at times. Aine was a more eager, go getter type with her outgoing personality conflicting with Eira's relaxed laidback demeanor. Her sister had long black hair in a ponytail with red highlights thanks to her embers showing through at times with an hourglass figure similar to Eira's, but she was more muscular. The fire dragon was more active, and it showed with her toned body with abbs contrasting Eira's more soft physic.
"So, you ready to go out on your own little sister," Aine giggled.
"Yeah, thrilled," Eira sighed over her sisters teasing.
"I know, you're going to have to actually support yourself and go places, scary right," Aine laughed clearly loving this.
"Why do I have to do this? I'm so nervous about leaving on my own," Eira sighed.
"Even if I was more excited, I was a bit nervous too when father told me to go, but you'll be fine. Just remember what he taught you ok," Aine stated hugging her sister.
Despite the warm hug making her hot she was happy her sister cared about her.
"Thanks, sister," Eira smiled hugging her sister back.
"I wish you luck today. Gosh, I'm going to miss you around the house. This journey will be good for you though I promise," Aine smiled.
"I guess, let's eat already before I go," Eira sighed with her belly growling.
"Of course. Oh yeah thats reminds me, make sure you don't end up like my friend Lira when she went on her journey ok?" Aine sighed.
"Don't worry. I won't let that happen to me," Eira smiled.
"Well, I know how you are at times, I'm just reminding you to be careful," Aine stated.
Soon Eira had left the dragon colony after saying goodbye to her family. For a couple days straight Eira was flying till she reached the place she always wanted to go. She lowered herself from the clouds as she grinned seeing the snow-covered mountains alongside long fields of white banks. Most dragons would consider a trip to the islands to be a vacation spot but for an ice dragon like Eira this was her paradise in the winter cold. She smiled feeling the cold breeze brush against her face and body.
Pretty soon the dragoness landed finding a small cave to camp in as she read a book to pass the time. She had killed a bear earlier, cooking it over a fire roasting the meat nice and tender. She had changed into a white short shirt and pants for the journey before she left. She was certainly going to miss her dresses. As she chewed her meat, she remembered what happened to her sister's friend Lira when she went on her adventure years ago. She was one of the strongest dragons in the kingdom having a lot of muscle like her sister the day she went off. She had blonde hair with a curvy figure with golden wings. According to her story she apparently had found an island all to herself one day while on her trip, with a plentiful amount of food to eat from. She also discovered a temple full of gold making the place her temporary stay.
While she still traveled, she never went far from the island with the gold and wonderful food making her want to return. This led to her lazing around more often while not being active as much with her abbs and tone beginning to vanish. Little did Lira know she was starting to fall victim to the dragon's greed as some called it treating it like a disease for her kind. This was when dragon's let their nature for greed take over getting lazy and content. The dragons would find caves or isolated places to call their home grazing about as they grew fat from not being active and eating too much. Sometimes they would even get so fat to where they could never fly again or walk in some extreme cases.
Soon it had been long overdue for Lira to return but she wasn't back yet, so the colony sent out a search team for her including her own sister. They flew to the island and inside the temple they found Lira, but she had changed quite a bit. Now she was enormously huge and rotund having grown into quite the fatty. Gone was that athletic dragon girl now replaced with a fat pig too heavy to fly, and now unable to leave the island. The gold and abundance of food had corrupted her turning her into a massive blob unconsciously making that temple her new permanent home happier than ever. By the looks of it she was only a few months from her walking days being done as well from her huge size and heft. Lira was one of the many dragons that had ended up with this fattening fate.
"I don't know why my sisters worried about me. Sure, I'm a bit lazy at times, but I have better self-control than that. I could never see myself getting fat," Eira smirked finishing her meal falling asleep with the fire glowing still.
The next morning Eira was flying further into the snowy landscape as she saw an explosion go off causing an avalanche nearby going over to get a look. She gasped seeing huge wolfs attacking a fairly large town surrounded by mountains seeing people running from the beasts. They were firing arrows at the wolf's and casting spells to ward off the monsters; but they weren't doing too well. Eira knew dragon's and humans didn't get along very well. She thought about just leaving them, but then something in her heart just couldn't watch them all die. Eira went down transforming as she grew in size changing shape.
Soon Eira was in her ice dragon form with her having a dragon's snout and teeth with her horns growing longer along with larger blue wings and scales to go with her tail. She landed between the humans and the wolfs as she roared at the creatures as they growled back. One of the wolfs charged at Eira as they lunged for her neck head on. Eira smirked grabbing the wolf midair by the neck as her claws glowed blue. The monster struggled for a bit before the beast began to freeze over. Then the dragon smashed the wolf into the ground as he shattered into many pieces frozen inside and out.
The other wolfs backed away after seeing their brethren die instantly and ran fast getting away from the dragon. She smirked turning around for the villagers to still be shocked to see an ice dragon confused as to why this monster had helped them. Eira began transforming back into her humanoid form creating a mist. The villagers were still on edge but were more shocked to see the monster turning into a human now as she approached in the mist as an elderly man approached her.
"Why did you help us dragon?" he stated.
"I couldn't watch you get killed now could I, do I need a more complicated reason or something," Eira stated.
"No, of course not, thank you so much for helping us ward off those wolfs."
"Of course. Well, guess I'll be off now."
"Wait, is there anything we can do to repay you?" the elder stated.
"Well," Eira said as she smirked coming up with an idea.
Not too long after Eira was filling her face with the feast the villagers had all cooked for her hours later. She was surrounded by so much food she had never tried moaning at all the flavors with the smells overwhelming her. She took seconds of everything having to try this stuff until she was stuffed to the brim letting out a belch. She sighed feeling sluggish having never stuffed herself this much before rubbing her belly to ease the pain. Alot of the citizens were still a bit frightened by this girl, but some were amused by her appetite.
"Burrp, oh excuse me, that was good. Also, whoever made the cookies as you call them were great especially," Eira smiled patting her belly.
"I'm thrilled you liked them," a man with pointy ears stated smiling.
He wore an apron looking a bit chubby with his short brown hair on his head with a pot belly resting over his pants.
"This is Miles. He runs his own bakery, and his goods are exceptional," the elder smiled.
"It's an honor to feed our hero of the day, so eat till you can't fit any more in this belly of yours," he smiled patting Eira's bloated tummy making her wince. "Oh, it looks like your already stuffed."
"Thank you for your wonderful food, but please burrp don't touch my belly right now. It's very full," Eira sighed.
"Sorry, well hope to see more of you soon, Eira," Miles grinned waving goodbye.
"Thanks, but I'm not sure I can stay long," Eira stated.
"Nonsense, you are welcome in this town whenever you like from this day on," the elder smiled.
"You're not frightened by me," Eira stated.
"I think actions speak louder than words. You helped us and that tells me everything I need to know. Even if some of the villagers are still warming up to you. In fact, if you want to stay, we could use your protection from the beasts out here in the mountains," the elder stated.
"Really, you would let me stay? How much would I need to pay?" Eira asked.
"Nothing, there's some caves nearby you can reside in since I know dragon's love to make homes out of them. Also, since you will be a bodyguard for the town, we will pay you in treasure that we have every month for your services," the elder stated.
"Wow, thats quite the offer, but I can't stay forever I have to go back home in about 3 years," Eira stated.
"Not a problem, by then will have built up our defenses more to ward off the monsters. Just recently the monsters have been getting more dangerous lately. It will be harder without you, but it should be fine," the elder stated.
"In that case, can I request some food as well," Eira grinned.
"Yes, the villagers can spare some food, so you keep your strength up," the elder smiled.
"Wonderful, sounds like a deal," Eira grinned.
10 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year