Chapter 1
PrologueJanus Marley was dead to begin with. That was a fact. The register of her burial was signed by the clergymen, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. The dragoness Eleanor Scrooge signed it, and her name was good to change anything the woman could put her hands on. The business Janus and her once shared as partners was now all hers. Eleanor was sad about her friends passing of course, but she didn't forget her logic as a businesswoman and gained a lot from the day of the funeral. Marley had apparently died of a heart attack. She had grown rather large in her final moments and the black-haired dragon's health had declined. The woman was dead as a doornail apparently. If a doornail could be dead that is. Bet you didn't expect a Christmas story to start like that, did you. 😅 Well, for this story to make sense, you need to know this fact or nothing magical can happen.
Chapter one Eleanor Scrooge
7 years had passed since the death of Janus Marley. It was Christmas eve in the city of Londan. The year was 1843 and was home to creatures of all kinds from humans, elves, orcs, goblins and more. Everyone was out in the streets buying presents and food for the big day tomorrow. Christmas that is. There were carolers singing to spread joy, making people smile. People were seeing loved ones at parties to share their love for one another. Eleanor stared outside at all the people as she sneered. The dragoness looked mad at the festivities outside her window.
"Idiots," Eleanor hissed.
One of Eleanors workers Bob Cratchit sighed, hearing her remark as he shivered. The man wished his boss wasn't so hateful towards one of his favorite times of the year. Bob was a very thin man with brown hair, wearing a blue coat. It kept him a bit warm, but he was still very cold. That was because his boss liked to keep freezing in here. She only lit some candles and put a single piece of coal in the fire, for the whole day. The place itself was quite spacious with 2 desks and many books and papers on the shelfs. This was a counting house for lending, and accounting. Eleanor was in charge since her partner Janus had died 7 years ago. Still Bob wondered how the dragon stayed warm in this freezing place. Wasn't she supposed to be cold blooded a bit. Though he had some ideas as to how by looking at her padded frame.
Over the years the dragon girl had probably gotten used to the lower temperature. Not to mention all the adipose she had gained for insulation. She kept the place cold in order to save money. The woman was quite frugal, but not when it came to food. The dragoness loved her treats, and it showed on her waist. Bob had watched her boss grow slightly larger every year. Eleanor had long locks of red hair tied in a ponytail that framed a puffy round human face. She also had a frog's neck with her 2nd chin making her look so corpulent. Bob remembered when her face looked more defined, but it had grown so plump now. Below, on her waist, she wore business like black pants and a white blouse covering her waist. Her breasts were looking quite deflated due to their size at F cup.
She slouched her posture thanks to their heft as it hurt her back a bit, but also due to her meaty paunch that was sagging over her large belt. Eleanor stood over a table as her gut rested on it, spreading a bit as she grabbed some donuts. Her blouse's buttons looked like they were holding on for dear life, with her top not even covering the bottom of her belly. God forbid she ever bent over to reach for something. Though lately she was asking Bob to reach for stuff she dropped lately, for reasons. Bob had watched her blouse get tighter over the year, slowly riding up that massive belly till her deep naval was showing. However, Eleanor was as cheap as ever and was waiting till the last moment to get a new one. Even if she looked a bit silly with her exposed bottom paunch wobbling around as she walked. The lizard must have realized how expensive it was to keep outgrowing your clothes, but she couldn't stop her greedy belly from wanting to be filled.
Her butt was looking huge too, as her cheeks went up and down with her steps, wobbling. Eleanor's pillar like legs were also touching from the top to her knee's as they made her waddle like a penguin. She even looked like one, in her white blouse and black pants. Not to mention with her tubby belly with wings that probably didn't support her flight. She made such loud heavy steps when she made her movements. Her red wings were pretty big though but looked weak as she barely moved them. The woman's red tail was also looking very thick as it didn't move around much either. It reminded him of an alligator's a bit. The dragoness was certainly around or over 300 pounds now, showing off the prestige and wealth she had. The dragoness loved money and food. It seemed like it was the only 2 things she understood as she didn't really have friends or family she spoke too regularly.
The dragoness was as solitary as an oyster. Infact, she hated people and other beings for the most part, only caring about how to make a profit from them. The red headed dragon rubbed her horns on her head while sitting her huge butt on the chair as it squeaked in agony. She sighed, looking pleased to be sitting as the dragoness bit into her donut with her bingo winged arms. Even her hands were puffy and soft. Bob, remembered that chair having a lot more room for the dragoness to spare. Her gut touching the table was new as well, though the woman's doughy paunch spreading on her lap was normal. She should probably get a new, bigger chair, but saving money took priority. The dragoness reached for her pen as she began writing again after her little break.
Eleanor blushed thinking about how little room she had in her seat. If the dragoness wasn't careful, she would start needing 2 chairs, like her partner Janus did towards her last years. She sighed thinking about how she really needed to get her weight under control soon. The dragon was really playing down just how greedy she was getting lately with her appetite. However, this time of the year always stressed her out, so she could wait till the new year at least. A new year to try to lose this pudge. Though, she hazily remembered making the same promise last year. Maybe she didn't, she thought shrugging at her bad memory. Then the dragoness saw Bob get up as he was shivering.
Bob worked for Eleanor about 5 years or so. He was her only worker as she liked to save money by doing the work herself and giving him the other half of it. After all, Janus was no longer here, so she needed some help. He worked practically all day and had only one day off a week. Not to mention the dragoness kept it cold in her place at all times. He was a great worker though and got the job done for Eleanor efficiently despite the conditions. Though his wage could have been better. But costs needed to be cut somewhere to fill Eleanors pockets even further and fill her belly as well. Bob looked her in the eye, seeming a bit nervous.
"What is it, Mr. Cratchit? Eleanor wondered eating more of her donut.
"Sorry to bother you mam, but could you put more coal in the fire for today and lite it up with your breath please. I'm usually ok, but it's extra chilly today," Bob said shivering in his coat that barely covered his waist, using a scarf to cover the rest.
"But to do that, I need to burn more coal. Were both wearing clothes to protect us from the cold right. You're even wearing a coat. Coal is costly to burn, you understand," Eleanor stated.
"Yes, mam. Could be worse," Bob sighed.
"Yeah, you could be unemployed. It's a terrible time to be out of work no," Eleanor sneered.
"Right," Bob frowned going back to his desk.
Bob sat at his desk as he shivered, continuing his work.
Eleanor kept on writing as well, nibbling on her 3rd donut already. Then she saw a girl walk into her place. Eleanor looked up, seeing her niece Freya. She was still a fairly young dragoness with long brown hair. Not to mention she had a business just like her aunts. However, she wasn't nearly as good at making a profit. She overpaid her workers and spent too much on others. She made money, but not the kind Eleanor did. Freya wore her coat framing her plump figure. Freya wasn't rotund like her aunt, but she was putting on some weight recently since getting engaged to an elf. Some women just let themselves go after finding a man.
Freya had a pot belly under her coat that bulged a bit out. Her cheeks were soft with a hint of a double chin forming as well. The dragoness's breasts looked so curvy and perky at D cups. Below her waist sticking out were supple baby making hips ready to take to that role soon. It was like her man was spoiling her on dates on purpose, to put meat on her bones for the first child. She also had nice plump legs under her pants that touched up top and rubbed together a bit. Eleanor hated to see what she would look like after the first child, as she burped from her 4th donut. Freya wagged her thick tail around with her wings stretching a bit. She had a bright smile on her face as she warmed up the room a bit, with her rosy cheeks.
"Merry Christmas Aunt Eleanor. You as well Bob," Freya greeted.
"Thank you, Freya," Bob smiled.
However, Eleanor ignored her, pretending she wasn't there.
"Maybe you didn't hear me, Aunt Eleanor. I said Merry Christmas," Freya smiled.
"Heh, heh. Bah humbug," Eleanor smirked.
"Surely you don't mean that," Freya sighed.
"I do. What's Christmas, but a time for buying...things that people don't need. Sometimes going into debt over it. I get some customers that ask me to lend money for this time of year. To afford... presents. If there's one thing Christmas is good for, it's making money. Business's use it as a way to make their profits. It's a sham my niece. Capitalism at its finest. Not to mention I find myself another year older, and richer too. If I could work out my will, every idiot who goes around saying Merry Christmas would be boiled in their own pudding by my flames and have a stake through their hearts," Eleanor laughed.
"Aunt Eleanor, please don't say such things," Freya frowned.
"So, my niece, you keep Christmas in your way, and I'll keep it in mine," Eleanor stated.
"Keep it how. You don't," Freya snarled.
"Then let me leave it alone then!" Eleanor shouted. "It hasn't done you any good financially."
"Not everything has to be about profit Aunt Eleanor. You lend people money but expect interest in return. I don't do that when it comes to Christmas. It's a time of giving, a charitable loving time. For everyone to open their hearts to each other in these cold winter months. It's never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, but it's quite alright. I do believe it's done me good and God bless it," Freya smiled.
Bob smiled clapping. Eleanor looked over annoyed.
"Don't push me Bob," Eleanor snarled.
"Sorry mam," Bob gulped looking down at his desk again.
"You're quite the speaker; I'll give you that. Maybe you should be a politician instead of running that poor excuse of a business. Now you're marrying that poor elf, John. Sooner or later, you'll be a mother, having many mouths to feed as you pump out babies every few years. Your already getting nice and plump like a goose for it. That will keep you nice and poor my niece. If I had too many mouths to feed, I would have nothing left," Eleanor sneered.
"Yeah, I have been eating well. John loves to spoil me rotten, but it's quite alright. As long as he still loves me, and I don't see it the way you do. I'm excited to be a mother one day. Besides maybe if things worked out years ago with Bellamy, you could have had that as well," Freya stated.
Suddenly Eleanor went silent. She sighed, recollecting her past. There was a bit of regret and pain. But Eleanor didn't need things like love when she had financial security. All she needed was herself. She didn't understand love, but she did understand money and business. And food of course that gave her comfort.
"It's alright, I don't need someone else in my life or anyone else for that matter. All I need is myself," Eleanor stated.
"Still, you must be lonely. Why don't you dine with us?" Freya suggested.
"Dine with you. Nah, I'm good. I'd rather see you in hell first," Eleanor giggled.
"Come on. It will be a good time, I promise. It will also bring great joy to me and my husband if you could join us," Freya stated.
"And meet your poor husband. Forget it. The fact you make more money than him is sad. How can you live like that," Eleanor sighed.
"I love him, and he loves me. Thats priceless," Freya smiled.
"Well maybe your too in love," Eleanor smirked poking Freya's pot belly.
"Not like you have any room to talk either," Freya pouted poking her aunt's massive belly back as it wobbled. "Seriously though, there's no more room in those pants of yours is there. You've gotten so fat over the years. Your looking more like your partner Janus Marley every day. If anyone's greed is out of control, it's yours," Freya smirked.
"Get out, and take your Christmas with you," Eleanor shouted as she blushed like a tomato.
"Oh, sorry. Maybe I went too far. I know your sensitive about your weight, but I just couldn't hold my tongue when your making fun of my plump hips. Why do you always have to fight me. Why can't we be friends?" Freya frowned.
"You're wasting my time," Eleanor sneered.
"Alright, sorry to bother you. My offer is still there though, if you want to join us for dinner," Freya stated.
"Goodbye," Eleanor sighed.
Freya walked towards the door as she turned towards Bob again.
"Oh yeah, how's your family Bob?" Freya wondered.
"Were doing well. In good spirits. Lucy's still a bit ill, but she's working through it," Bob smiled.
"Good, I wish you and my grumpy Aunt a merry Christmas and a happy new year," Freya smirked, knowing how it annoyed the fat dragoness.
Freya smirked walking out as Eleanor snarled with steam coming out of her nose.
"Idiot. Oh, look at the time. Talking to her was a waist of my minutes. I'm going to be late for the exchange. I must leave *burrrrrrp* at once," Eleanor sighed finishing her 8th donut.
The dragoness groaned as she rocked a bit to get to her feet. However, before she could rise up, she heard a snapping sound. Bob then watched Eleanor fall as the chair finally gave under her heavy weight. Her huge butt landed on the wood floor as it wobbled with her belly. She looked embarrassed, blushing as red as her hair. The dragoness tried getting up, struggling to roll over.
"Dam it. Don't just stand there, gawking. Help me up," Eleanor pouted.
"Right, sorry," Bob said, as he ran over to help her.
He heaved her up to her feet as he grunted and pulled on her heavy mass with all his might. She really had gotten heavier for certain. Freya wasn't wrong with her observation. Eleanor grabbed the table for something to lean on as she panted a bit.
"Thank you, Bob. Just perfect. Now I need to replace my chair. Well, it did last me for a long time. Must be getting old like me," Eleanor sighed.
"That chair served you well," Bob stated knowing the real reason it broke, looking at her huge wobbling butt as she waddled away.
'The chair was finally out of its misery,' Bob thought giggling a bit.
"Alright, I'll be off," Eleanor stated grabbing her coat.
"Before you go, could I ask you something," Bob sighed nervously.
"Yes, what is it?"
"I was wondering about tomorrow," Bob stated.
"You'll want all day tomorrow off I presume. It's Christmas day after all," Eleanor sighed.
"If it's convenient for you," Bob gulped.
"It's not convenient and it's not fair. Paying you for a day's work when you're not here is quite inconvenient if you ask me," Eleanor hissed.
"It's only once a year," Bob sighed.
"A poor man's excuse for picking a person's pocket every 25th of December," Eleanor stated struggling to button her coat to her double chin. "But I suppose you must have the whole day. Finish up here tonight and be here tomorrow morning an hour early, got it," Eleanor stated firmly.
"Yes, mam. And merry Christmas Ms. Scrooge," Bob smiled.
"Humbug. Don't push your luck," Eleanor sighed as she grabbed her walking cane.
Eleanor began waddling outside, using her cane to help her move. She noticed her coat was riding up her belly a bit as she pulled it down blushing. Eleanor began taking her heavy steps as she saw a little girl with a walking stick coming over. She was also with a boy as well. The girl was probably around 8 or 9 maybe. The child had black hair rubbing down her coat. She was so thin and weakly. The girl panted as walking looked like a struggle for her. Eleanor was panting a bit too, but for a different reason, moving her thick frame forward. The red headed dragon waddled up to the girl, looking like a giant compared to this twig. She had to look over her belly a bit.
"Wow, mam. You're so...big," Lucy gawked in awe.
Just what the round dragoness needed to hear as she rolled her eyes blushing.
"Lucy, thats rude. You shouldn't say that," the boy sighed, hoping she didn't piss off the fat dragon.
"You're a well-mannered girl, aren't you," Eleanor said sarcastically.
"I didn't mean it in a bad way, honest. Your large belly just caught my eye. I love soft and squishy stuff," the girl smiled poking Eleanors gut as it wobbled a bit at her weak jabs.
The boy gulped. It was like his sister was poking a hornet's nest full of honey.
"Your Ms. Scrooge right. I could tell it was you right away," Lucy grinned.
"What gave me away. Actually, don't answer that," Eleanor blushed looking at her large belly, not seeing her feet as usual.
"I'm Lucy, Bob Cratchits daughter. Nice to meet you. I just came to surprise my father is all. My brother came with me as well, to make sure I was ok. I'm so excited *cough* for tomorrow," Lucy panted a bit.
"Easy Lucy," the boy sighed rubbing her back.
"Well maybe you should go inside then. You sound a bit sick. It's still cold in my place, but it's better than waiting out here I suppose," Eleanor stated.
"Thank you, Ms. Scrooge, and have a merry Christmas," Lucy smiled patting her belly again.
"Bah humbug, just get inside girl," Eleanor sighed rolling her eyes.
Lucy giggled watching the dragon waddle away with her stick and her tail dragging through the snow a bit. Then the girl walked up to the door and entered inside slowly with her stick. Her brother guided her in, holding the door open. When Lucy came inside, she waved to her father as Bob lit up a bit, but was a bit concerned.
"Hi father. Surprise," Lucy grinned.
"Lucy, your here. I'm glad to see you, but you shouldn't have made such a long trip," Bob sighed kissing her nose that looked a bit red.
"I made sure she made it here ok. She was very insistent about seeing you, that I gave in," the boy blushed.
"Well, thanks for looking out for her Peter," Bob nodded patting his boy's head.
"Don't worry, *cough*, *cough*. I just really needed to see you father. My health isn't going to *cough* stop me," Lucy panted.
"You're such a strong girl, you know that. Well, just wait a bit longer. I'm finishing up here and then we can go home ok," Bob smiled picking Lucy up and kissing her cheek as she giggled.
"By the way, I saw Ms. Scrooge on the way in. You were right, father. She's so big. Her belly would make the comfiest pillow," Lucy beamed as Peter giggled.
"Yeah, that it would," Bob laughed.
16 chapters, created 2 months
, updated 2 months