The Dragons Princess

Chapter 1

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"I'm very thrilled about the upcoming wedding this week" A man said talking to a young girl zoning him out looking toward the window instead.
"Erika are you listening to me" The blonde girl turned to look back at him smiling.
"Sorry father, I guess I just have a lot on my mind lately" Erika said.
The girl that sat in her chair was the princess of the Spark Kingdom. Erika had blonde locks that reached her shoulder blades framing her cute angelic face. Her breasts were perky and full in her blue gown having decent cleavage for a young maiden. The bottom that sat in her chair was soft and plentiful. The girl's legs were toned and yet full at the same time. Erika rested her thin arms on the chair's sides as her delicate hands went to her lap.

"Ah, I get it, are you nervous about marrying prince John. I know it will be nerve racking at first, but things will work out. Once you marry him your life will become so much better and amazing you'll see" The king smiled.
"Yeah, thanks for the support father" Erika said sarcastically looking slightly annoyed.
"Of course dear, I know it will work out. I arranged it in the first place because I know what's best for you, now get some rest. Your going to be very busy soon. Good night" The king said walking out fast.

Erika turned to look at her window again and sighed resting her head on her arm. Erika was going to marry in the next few days and the stress was setting in fast. It was arranged by her father King Harry because he always made all the decisions for the girl through out her whole life. Ever since she was a baby he was very protective of her. To this day she mostly grew up inside the castle and had only gone outside a handful of times in the past. He would say that assassins or bandits could kidnap her if she went out. He told her the world was a scary place and that staying in the castle was the safest thing to do. The princess listened to him for these 18 years she's been alive and now Erika was starting to have some regrets. The truth was she hated being stuck in the castle all day. The girl read books in the library growing up about the different animals and landscapes that could exist in the world.

Erika had never left the kingdom her father rules, so she never saw any of these things up close in person. Something she really wanted to see was the ocean. A huge body of water that had no end in sight. Compared to the streams around the castle she was blown away that such things existed. She wanted to get out in the world already and explore everything she read about. The princess thought that one day her father would let her have her freedom since she was an adult now technically. How wrong she was now that the girl was going to be married off to that man.

First, did she love him. She only knew him for a couple of weeks so she couldn't form an answer, but probably not. Erika thought he was very egotistical and thought he was better than everyone. Not to mention very snobby, was coming off very fake and not genuine. But she was getting married anyway. She tried to convince her father to stop the marriage, but he told her it was happening so she might as well come to terms with it. Father knows best is a phrase she's gotten sick of. The girl knew the real reason they were getting together. She over heard her aunts talking one day, saying that it was all a political move.

If Harry marries her off to John then their kingdoms will trade resource's and give the kingdom more money. Is that all she was. Just a pawn on the chess board of monarch's wanting more money. No say in anything. It all just didn't seem fair or just to the young girl. She was a human being with feelings after all, not some political puppet. But there was nothing she could do about any of this. That made her feel helpless and depressed. If the princess kept defying her father she knew it would only be the hard way. She remembered the whipping sessions he gave her when he got furious. The girl still had some scars on her back.

She was a princess and apparently very beautiful according to her subjects, when she did get to see them. Things could be worse as she thought about her rich lifestyle and how much luxury she lived in. She was friends with some of the guards and the commander since she was a child. She also had Krista the head cook who taught her everything about cooking. She was the only person Erika could call her real family. She looked up to the plump cook and admired her. But she still wanted more beyond these walls, beyond this life. There were always less fortunate people starving in the streets according to her father. There are worse things then being a prisoner of your family I guess she thought. At least she wasn't hungry and didn't need to make her own decisions.

"Yeah everything's ok" she lied to herself. She was going to marry a snobby prince and based off how he spoke of women as his playthings he was probably going to be the boss of her. It would be her father all over again she worried. She heard about how women where treated in the kingdom. He would hit her if she spoke up against him because god forbid if a girl has an opinion. She would have his babies and be a mom raising kids all day. Then before she knew it she would be middle aged when her kids finally grew up. Her life was going to be doing things she didn't want to do. No freedom, no will, no wants, just obey your man and shut up. The blonde began to cry as she let her emotions free at least.
"My life isn't so bad" she kept lying to herself.
Acceptance would have to come sooner or later. Crying wasn't going to solve her problems, but it could make her feel better a little. It was best just to accept that this was her life now.

"BOOOOOOOOOOM!" Erika jumped as she heard a huge explosion coming from outside.
"What was that" she questioned shaking in fear. She slowly looked toward her window and saw a fire on the castle's roof. There was also stones and wood scattered all over near a huge hole in the castle's wall.

"Woah, this is scary, but exciting for some reason" she said seeing the most action in her whole life now. She was worried, but also enthralled by all the commotion.
"BOOOOOOM!" Another explosion went off, but closer this time. The princess couldn't see where it had gone off, but she felt it was closer. This is just like those action stories she read she thought scared out of her mind. Then the girl heard a loud thump on her roof and Erika began shaking even more. She went toward her window shivering in fear as in a split second she saw a huge yellow eye ball looking into her room.

"Ahhh" Erika jumped falling backwards from fright. Then before she could register what the hell she had made eye contact with the roof of her room came off. She saw the ripped part of the castle fall to the ground as she looked up in shock. The girl was on her butt leaning on her hands backing up from the thing that had made a opening in her room. A huge silver dragon was towering over her room standing on what was left of her walls. Erika all of a sudden stopped moving as she was stunned by the sight. the dragon's head got close to her as it stared at her with big glowing yellow eyes.

It showed its fangs and snarled making Erika shiver all over again. Its horns were long on the back of it's lizard like head held by a long neck. The dragon had a slim body all around with two shining bat like wings on it's back. The monsters arms and legs looked strong with sharp claws on it's hands. Behind the dragon was a long tail that had begun to wrap around the tower they were standing under. Even if the princess had been taught educate her whole life, she felt like she was going to shit herself staring face to face with this creature.

The dragon's eyes looked at her then the creature's eyes opened wider as a hand wrapped around Erika's waist taking the princess off her feet. As the girl felt herself lift into the air she began to scream. The dragon took flight with her still in its grasp. Erika could hardly keep up with her ever changing situation as she screamed for dear life flying over the castle. When the girl wished to go outside the wall's, this wasn't what she had in mind. She saw parts of the castle on fire and huge parts of the building blown off. She was starting to fade from the shock of everything as the girl blacked out.


Erika opened her eyes once more slowly as she wanted this to be a terrible dream. The girl wasn't that lucky though as she was still high in the sky held by the dragon's silver hand. She looked down to see many different landscapes like she always wanted, but wished it was under different circumstances. She was wishing she had just stayed in her room and not been taken by a huge monster. She looked up slowly at the dragon with wind blowing in her face from how fast they were going. The girl had read about dragons a couple of times in the castle's library. They were supposedly nasty beasts that loved to destroy towns and hoard treasure.

Great now its probably going to keep me in a cave full of gold until it decides to eat me. Now the life with a asshole husband and kids wasn't sounding to bad all of a sudden. Erika noticed that the dragon was starting to lower towards the ground. Closer and closer the ground got until it let go of Erika dropping her a few feet. The princess landed on her side as she slowly got on her butt. The dragon landed in front of her eyeing her every move. The girl could of started running, but thought that would of been a bad move. She took deep breaths as the dragon kept its stare on her.

Then steam began to release from its scales all over as it created a mist. Am I going crazy or is the dragon getting smaller she thought. Then she lost sight of the huge beast entirely thanks to the mist. How could I lose sight of a huge beast like that she wondered. This was the princess's chance to get away as she started to get up to make a run for it. Then something began to walk towards her in the mist. It looked like a human to her. Maybe this guy killed the dragon she thought. Then the steam cleared completely as the human stood a few feet from Erika.

It was a woman in a silver dress robe. Erika was speechless as the woman approached with the princess landing on her butt once more. The new woman walked over swaying her supple hips. Her long full legs moved slowly towards the princess with bare feet. Her breasts were large and plentiful and made the blonde's look like a child's. Her midriff was flat and slim for the most part, but was soft at the same time with a little slight belly fat around her navel. Her face was so pretty to Erika with yellow eyes staring at her. Her face was framed by locks of silver hair that reached her mid back with horns on top. Wait a minute Erika thought as she took a second glance. A silver tail came out from behind her as shining wings sprouted from her back.

Don't tell me this sexy woman is she thought gulping.
"Can you stand human" asked the woman.
"Yeah, I, I just need a moment" Erika said slowly getting to her feet. The girl held out her hand to help the blonde to her feet again. "Are you, you wouldn't happen to be the dragon that just took me from my home would you?" Erika asked laughing nervously. The woman smiled with her fangs showing.
"Yeah, that's me" the woman said smiling. Erika gasped in shock from this as she never heard of dragons being able to change form. "Sorry, I'll explain myself. My species can turn into a human hybrid state you see".
"By the way what's your name princess?" The dragon girl asked.
"Its Erika" the blonde stuttered.
"That's a lovely name, perfect for the princess of the Spark Kingdom. My name's Clair by the way" The dragon woman smiled.
Erika looked into the women's eyes and saw those same yellow eye's she had saw back in her room's window. There were no doubts, this girl was the same beast that had kidnapped her.
"Well, Clair you can just eat me and get it over with" Erika sighed making the dragoness laugh.
"Don't worry, I have no intention of eating you" Clair said smirking.
"Then why did you take me from my home. What's your aim here?" Erika questioned. The blonde was still scared by Clair as she could turn back into a monster at anytime. This woman was the same monster that took her she thought.
"I'll explain later in detail, but the short version is I hate your Kingdom and want it to fall. That's all. Now follow me princess" Clair smirked.
Oh that's all, ok then. I guess she's taking me to her cave now Erika thought.
The girl followed the dragon woman toward the edge of a cliff. The princess saw the sun begin to rise as she looked upon a large town with huge buildings made of metal. The whole space was surrounded by a metal wall on all ends. The girl was in awe as she saw how large it all was. Not even the castles size could compare to some of these structures.
"Welcome to the city I run. This is your home now princess Erika" Clair smiled.

Hope you liked the chapter.

You can find me on deviant art and curvage as well user name chubbygirls12.
44 chapters, created 2 years , updated 1 year
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Shivian84 1 year
Love the story, well written and great detailed. Keep up the wonderful work.
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much, Glad you liked the story. (:
GPRGMJ 1 year
thank you for this work of art, just perfect i needed something like this a long time ago ^^
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Wow, thank you. I'm glad this story made you happy. (:
NipNip 1 year
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it with certainty, this is one of best WG stories I’ve ever read in my life. From the romance to slobbish behavior to story and WG, it’s perfect in every single way
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. I don't know if its perfect, but I tried my best. I'm glad you loved it from beginning to end. Thanks again. (:
NipNip 2 years
I love how you’re incorporating more slob elements like farting, that’s really hot to be honest. Hope we see more of it. I also love the romantic build up with the two leads, it’s very beautiful/kinky
NipNip 2 years
I enjoy also how Erika is becoming more like her wife in more than just weight, but also becoming a dragon herself. That alone is so precious for what it means got Erika’s and Claire’s future
NipNip 2 years
Another thing is to incorporate scales and accurate size measurements in this world. This story is fantasy but also more modern too, and I know I’m saying a lot, but your story just keeps getting BETR
Chubbygirls1... 2 years
I'm glad your liking everything so much. Its ok that you have a lot to say. Hope the story continues to make you happy.
NipNip 2 years
This is one of the best WG stories I’ve read this year! I love the girls are getting more slobbish and gassy and lazier and growing more love for each other and the fact there’s a good story. AMAZING!
Chubbygirls1... 2 years
Thank you. Thats so nice of you to say. I'm glad your enjoying the story and characters and the weight gain of the girls. (:
Theswordsman 2 years
Love this story
Chubbygirls1... 2 years
Thank you so much. (: