My Fairy Grows Into a Fat Pumpkin

Chapter 1

Zack sighed as he got home from work. Another crappy day at the office. He wondered when his life was going to get better, but that probably wasn't happening soon. Zack was a man with black hair and was pretty fat. Zack used to be slim when he was younger, but due to stress eating the guy gained over 70 pounds, giving him a frumpy figure with a large belly. He sighed looking at a picture of his mother who had died years ago from illness. This left him and his sister to fend for themselves for the most part. He saw his sister Megan on the couch playing with her switch. She was 22 years old with long blonde hair framing her cute face. She had black lip stick on with black nail polish on too. She wore a purple crop top and a black skirt to show off her slight hourglass. The girl had C cup breasts, and a perky butt to go with her slender frame. Megan loved dressing up as a goth girl to express herself. Not to mention she had a small following on the internet as a streamer.

"Welcome back bro. Happy Halloween, I just got back from trick or treating. I got so much candy for us," Megan smiled eating a chocolate.

"Glad you had fun with your friends," Zack sighed as he drank some water.

"Work suck again. You have that look. The I hate everything face," Megan stated.

"Yeah, pretty much. Nothing new there," Zack smirked taking off his coat around his large belly.

"You should get a job to work from home like me, so you wouldn't have to commute all the time," Megan suggested.

"If I could do that, I would. But this job pays really well. We need to pay the bills after all and everything is getting expensive," Zack stated rubbing her head.

"Well, my streaming's kicking off well. Maybe if I get big enough, we can start living the good life," Megan stated.

"Well, see. Alright, I'm going to bed. I'm tired," Zack sighed.

"You should go out there and meet a pretty girl. It's Friday night," Megan smirked.

"I don't have the energy or time for that," Zack groaned.

"I just think you should have some fun once in a while is all. You work too much," Megan sighed.

"Thank you, sister. I'm sure I'll get the chance when where in a better spot," Zack smiled.

"Also, did you eat my piece of cake I left out yesterday?" Megan wondered.

"No, why."

"Huh, maybe I ate it already," Megan pondered nibbling on her candy.

"Careful you don't eat too many sweets sister. You eat so much junk. You're going to get fat if you eat too much sugar," Zack smirked poking his sister's flat belly.

"I'll never give up sweets. I love them too much. Besides, I don't gain weight, unlike you," Megan pouted poking her brother's gut.

"Right. Well, don't say I didn't warn you," Zack laughed.

Later that night, Zack was already asleep since he passed out when hitting the bed. He woke up from a nightmare about his mother again, dying while he couldn't do anything to stop it. He remembered him crying at 15 years old, while his little sister of 10 was sobbing as their mother drew her last breath. Life really wasn't fair, was it. Zack needed a midnight-snack after his dream as his belly rumbled. He went down the stairs as he heard some noises. Maybe his sister was getting something too, but as Zack turned the light on, he gasped seeing something unexpected.

A little girl with wings was eating candy from the bowl. She was surrounded by wrappers and had a little bloated belly from eating so much chocolate. She paused what she was doing and gasped as well, seeing she had been caught red handed. The little girl had red hair that looked a bit orange as well framing her chocolate covered face. She stood about 10 inches in height, making her quite tiny like a doll. The girl had orange butterfly wings on her back, making him think it was a fairy. But fairies didn't exist right. Maybe he was dreaming again as he wiped his eyes. But she was still there, taking another bite of candy with a nervous look on her face. He then saw she was wearing a green crop top and shorts on her butt, giving her a nice hourglass figure.

"Uh, I can explain," the fairy said with a scared look on her face.

"I don't even know if your real or not to be honest. Are you a fairy?" Zack stared in bewilderment.

"Yes, I am. Please don't hurt me. Sorry, for intruding without permission and for eating your stuff too. I was quite hungry," she sighed.

"I'm not going to hurt you. But how did you get in here?"

"Thank you for understanding. My names Lara by the way. Nice to meet you," the fairy stated bowing her head as she let out a little burp.

"Nice to meet you too. Names Zack. So why are you here?"

"I got lost."

Lara hopped out of the bowl of candy as she landed on her bare feet on the table. Then she began telling Zack her story.

"I was flying with my family, but then a storm came out of nowhere and I was separated from them. I was blown into this town, and my wings were damaged too. So now, I can't fly well anymore. I can only stay air born for a bit before they start hurting. So thats when I found this house to take refuge in and I've been here ever since," Lara frowned looking at one of her wings that looked cut and damaged.

"You poor thing. Well, that explains the missing cake," Zack smirked.

"Sorry, I've never tried human food, but that was cake you called it. It was amazing. So sweet and delicious," Lara smiled licking her lips.

"Glad you enjoyed it. You must have been hungry after all that. So, you lost your family. I'm sorry to hear that. Is there any way we can get you back to them. I know what it's like to lose someone," Zack sighed remembering his mom.

"No, they have to come looking for me, and I don't know how long thats going to take. The storm really blew me far," Elara frowned.

"I didn't even know fairies were real," Zack stated.

"They are, there just hard to spot. We usually have camouflage spells to keep us hidden. Other creatures exist as well. We all live in a different dimension, but we come over to your world occasionally to visit. You have a lot of stuff the monster verse doesn't have, so we like to come over to this world to explore new stuff. This stinks. I'm stuck in another world; I know nothing about with broken wings. What am I supposed to do?" Lara sighed.

"Well then it looks like I'll have to keep you here, till your family finds you it seems," Zack smiled.

"Wait, you're going to let me stay. For real? I couldn't burden you like that," Lara sighed.

"It's no trouble. I don't mind keeping you here for now. Besides, your wings are damaged right. I would love to help you, ok," Zack smiled.

"Oh, thank you human. I appreciate your kindness," Lara grinned shaking his finger with her small hands.

"Zack who are you talking too?"

Megan came down with her hair looking messy. Then she gasped seeing Zack talking to a fairy.

"Um, I can explain," Zack sighed as Lara giggled.

6 months later

Lara smiled as she flapped her wings and flew around. Zack was happy for his little friend, now that she was fully healed. Megan was there as well, watching Lara fly around. Over the last few months Lara had begun living with Zack and Megan. Zack had built Lara a bird like house to sleep in with a small pillow to sleep on. Megan of course decorated the house a bit with purple lights and painted it a bit to give it some flare. Lara was grateful she didn't need to hide in the attic anymore and could sleep on a nice comfy pillow. She asked a lot of questions about how humans lived and stuff. She would observe Megan watching movies and playing videogames too. Honestly his sister and the fairy had gotten very close, almost like sisters. Not to mention he had gotten close to her too. He would come home from work and seeing her come to greet him brightened his days usually. He also learned a lot about fairies and their customs. Lara was good at magic and could cast spells to make things float and such. But thanks to her wings being broken, she couldn't cast spells that required more effort to cast. But now, she could thanks to them finally being healed.

"Wow, look at you go Lara. Awesome," Megan smiled.

"You're finally flying now," Zack smiled.

"I know, and it's all thanks to you guys," Lara grinned as she landed on the table.

"How about to celebrate, we eat some pie," Zack grinned.

"Yummy, my favorite," Lara smiled as her little belly growled.

Zack smirked as he watched the little fairy dig into her pumpkin pie, taking handfuls into her mouth from the tin. Lara had been eating well since she came here, as him or his sister would bring her home treats of all kinds to try out. Her taste buds were exploding as she tasted so many new things she had never had before. Lara especially loved the sweet stuff like donuts, candy, and other desserts. It was a big upgrade compared to the fruits and vegetables fairies usually ate. However, since she was eating so much sugar and food, there were some changes to the red headed fairy's figure. He saw a little belly peeking over her shorts, with small love handles proofing over the sides of her waist.

Seems his little friend had put on some weight, since coming here. It made sense that Lara would get a bit soft, being surrounded by so much food and how calorie dense it all was. Not to mention, she would just sit around most of the day and spend time with Megan. Maybe he should cut back on buying her pumpkin pies, or she would start to look like a round pumpkin. Lara kept eating her pie as her belly visibly grew out a bit as she stuffed her tummy full. After a bit more pie, her belly was looking bloated as she came up for air. The little fairy collapsed on her butt, as she rubbed her stuffed pooch, letting out a small burp. He noticed the dent in the pie was about a quarter, more than a few months ago. Seems his little friend was a bit greedier lately too.

"Oh, that was, burp so good. Gosh human food is the best," Lara grinned.

"Glad you enjoyed it, just don't eat too much, don't want you getting fat," Zack smirked poking her little bloated belly.

I did put on a bit of weight. I've been eating rather well since coming here, but now that I have my wings again, I can start exercising again," Lara stated.

"Don't listen to my brother. He needs to be more sensitive about a girl's weight. It's not like he can talk," Megan smirked poking Zacks gut.

"Oh, and since I have my wings back, I can perform my powerful spells again. Check this out. I've been waiting to show this to you," Lara smiled.

"What spell is that?" Megan wondered.

"It's a surprise. Oh yeah, grab me one of your shirts and pants, Megan," Lara stated.


Me gan put her black band shirt next to Lara as she went inside the collar. The goth also put the shorts down as well. She took off her little clothes as she wrapped the shirt around her. They watched as Lara began channeling her energy as she grunted, straining herself a bit. Then the siblings gasped as they saw the little fairy start to grow in size. Lara grew taller and bigger fast as she started filling out the shirt. Her wings also retracted into her body as she started gaining more height. Lara grabbed the shorts and pulled them up her legs as her shirt was still covering below for now. Then they watched as she grew right into Megan's clothes. Pretty soon Lara was just a bit taller than the blonde goth as she stretched her now human sized body.

"Oh my god, Lara, your big now. Just like me," Megan giggled as she hugged Lara.

"Yes, indeed," Lara smiled.

"Wow, that is some powerful magic. How does it work?" Zack grinned.

"I can gather enough magic and grow myself to a human's size. However, it only lasts for a couple hours, and I can manage one transformation a day," Lara explained.

"This is so cool. Now we can go to the mall together and pick out clothes for you," Megan smiled.

"Well, isn't that something," Zack smiled.

But now that Lara was the same size as him, he realized how beautiful she really was. Her orange hair was like a sunset, as it framed her cute face. Not to mention, the girl's nice C cup boobs and perky butt under Megan's shirt. Her legs were so smooth and cute below those shorts hugging her supple hips. Zack realized he was staring as he blushed looking away. Lara took notice and grinned.
6 chapters, created 5 months , updated 5 months
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