Gimme Chocolate: Gabby Turns Fabby

Chapter 1

Gabby woke up ready for her final day of high school. She jumped out of bed being so excited she was graduating. She put on a green T shirt and some jeans as she stood in front of her mirror standing 5 ft 7 in tall admiring her long smooth red hair. She also admired her C cup perky breasts, and toned bubble butt she had. The girl's slim waist with some abbs made her look fit with the muscle tone going along her tanned body thanks to being outside often. Gabby knew she looked like eye candy and her confidence in herself reflected that.

She ran down the stairs with her backpack to see her sister on the couch eating some breakfast. Her sister Cathy was about a year older than her and had the same red hair but cut shorter than Gabby's long locks. But there was more than just hair style looks that made them different as Cathy was very overweight. Her sister was slouched over with her gut resting on her thunder thighs thanks to the hang her pooch had. Her meaty arms kept bringing food to her double chinned face as she opened her mouth to eat more. The girl's breasts were sagging along with her butt spreading a lot taking up a lot of the couch below her hefty girth. If Gabby had to guess she looked around 250 pounds or so. The girl smirked at her fat sister as she grabbed breakfast from her mom as she sat next to her having a huge portion herself to match her sister.

"So, you find a job recently fatty," Gabby giggled poking her sister's tummy.
"Not yet, I've just haven't had any luck, and will you reframe from calling me fat please, you're such a brat I swear," Cathy smirked tickling her sisters belly making her giggle.
"Ok sorry, I give. You're going to make me drop my food," Gabby laughed.
"Maybe, I'd be doing you a favor. If you keep eating like me all the time, you're going to blow up to my size in no time," Cathy smirked.
"Please I've been eating well for years, and I haven't gained a single pound," Gabby grinned.
"Well, that can change. The older you get, the slower your metabolism becomes. So, make sure you keep up with working out at least you skinny piglet. Remember when you were younger. You had a cute little tummy, that you grew out of," Cathy stated.

Gabby remembered her pudgier days as a kid getting made fun of next to her chubby older sister back then. But those days were gone as she got older growing into the slim beauty she was today.

"Don't remind me, thats in the past now. Alright, I'll see you later," Gabby stated rubbing her slightly bloated tummy.
Gosh that girl's gotten so arrogant since she grew slim. Maybe a few pounds would humble her a bit," Cathy smirked belching loudly.


Gabby went to school as she began to get dressed for the sendoff ceremony in her cheerleading outfit. She never imagined when she was a pudgy youngster that she would be a sexy cheerleader one day but thank fully she grew out of her pudgy frame into a cute slender cutie. The girl put on her blue crop top showing off her toned midriff. Then she put on the red skirt with her long socks showing off her tanned legs nicely. Then next to her was the head cheerleader Heather. The 5 ft 9 in blonde usually wore glasses, but when she took them off and got the uniform on, she was super sexy.

Gabby had always been a bit jealous of her teammate, talking behind her back at times. But she also liked looking at Heather sexy hourglass frame making her a bit hot and bothered. Gabby was also on the cheerleading team in order to get a closer look at cute girls, being bisexual. Standing next to Heather was Gwen with her brown hair and Stacy with her hair dyed blue both having sexy frames on them making Gabby blush.

"So, you ready to go cheer one last time," Heather stated.
"Of course, one last time," Gabby grinned.


After the game the girls went out for fast food to treat themselves one last time before summer and college started. The girls chose more moderate meals while Gabby decided to order two burgers and two large fries with a large soda making everyone giggle at the red head wondering where she put it all. The cheerleader bit into the burger moaning as she loved eating these things.

"Gosh, every time we come here, you order so much food. Does it only fill up to your leg or something," Stacy giggled.
"What can I say, I love food," Gabby smiled getting lost in her burger.
"Well, someday those habits are going to catch up to you. You can't stay thin forever eating that crap," Gwen stated.
"You sound like my mom and sister. I might love food, but I don't think I'll ever get fat," Gabby sighed rubbing her slightly bloated tummy.
"Careful what you say, you never know how you're going to be 10 years from now," Heather smirked poking Gabby's little stuffed tummy making Gabby blush.


Soon after graduation the girls went their separate ways with Gabby going to college to become a secretary wanting a desk job that didn't involve to much effort. She also joined the cheerleader team while studying as well. The girl had also developed a partying habit which her insatiable appetite loved eating all the snacks. She did still go to the gym just in case to stay in shape though, not taking her chances getting the famous freshman 15. She also got a boyfriend named Lucus in her first year with him being attracted to her energetic personality and her toned sexy body at a party they met at with the two hitting it off. He was a swimmer and really loved Gabby's cheery smile. She had a big appetite, but that was to be expected of someone who was physically active.

Then 4 years went by until Gabby was ready to graduate from college, but some things had changed over the years. First, she had stopped going to the gym to make time for her boyfriend on dates and of course the nice sex. Second for her studying as she had a lot to do. But thanks to her bad eating habits along with partying too much, some cracks began to appear in her muscle toned figure. She winced as she saw she had gained 6 pounds on her graduation day. Now this might have not been much to worry about for most, but when Gabby looked over how soft her body looked compared to when she started college, she got a bit nervous. The red head studied herself in the mirror wearing her underwear.

She saw her abbs she used to have, were completely gone and replaced with a slight belly that was almost concave. This was most likely thanks to all the junk food and beer she had drank over the years. She also noticed how soft her arms looked instead of that toned appearance. Her legs were in the same boat as they looked fuller with no muscles. Simply put all her muscles had eroded and had been replaced with a layer of slight fat instead making the cheerleader look less athletic and more average fitness wise. Thank fully it wasn't that noticeable and her boyfriend was cool with it too, actually preferring her softer appearance. Sure, she had gained 6 pounds and lost most of her muscles, but she figured it could have been way worse considering the freshman 15 existed trying not to be too harsh on herself. She could easily lose this weight once she started her new job now that college was over, right?


A month after graduation from college she started her new job excited to start her career she had chosen as a secretary. The owner took one look at Gabby taken aback by her beauty as he hired her instantly. Gabby showed up for the job in a white blouse in a black skirt as it hugged her curves nicely while she got to show off her nice legs in her heels. She was trained to answer calls and file paperwork, greet people who came in while she sat on her butt all day long. It was straightforward, but sometimes it would get more stressful as she was given more duties. Then after a year into the job and it was starting to get boring for her not to mention draining.

She was tired of the rude people that came in sometimes or called on the phone. The long hours of boredom along with her coworkers talking behind her back probably jealous of her looks. This was all driving her crazy kind of missing school wanting to be a cheerleader again. She would go to the gym to help offset this stress she had, but recently she was getting too tired to go to the gym. Instead, sometimes she would just go through a drive through eating in the parking lot or go home passing out. The 40-hour work week along with some over time was really draining her energy. Plus, all that sitting and eating she was doing on the job was making her lazier and sluggish. She was really getting a reality check finding out how much the real world sucked outside of school while also worrying about her car payments and student loans.

Thankfully Lucus let her stay with him so that was a nice silver lining. But he was a bit disappointed she was more tired lately. The worst was when she passed out not even wanting to have sex. He wondered what was wrong with his fiery cheerleader he fell for in college now replaced with this drained log of a girl. But he supported her thinking this was only temporary once she got into the swing of things. He had also learned she had gained 8 pounds over the year. It was barely noticeable still in her clothes, but in bed he noticed the flab that was building on her frame. He also noticed how her once nice tan was beginning to fade as she went outside less these days looking lighter in color on her softer skin.

He didn't mind her sight gain though overall as it only enhanced her breasts making them fuller and her soft butt more padded loving to squeeze it in his hands. He didn't like the beginnings of a starter belly beginning to make itself known as it grew a bit more pronounced. Not to mention the slight jiggle he saw in her thighs and arms telling him she was slacking on her fitness. Gabby was embarrassed she had put on more weight, but with her cutting back on the gym, being sedentary, and still keeping her poor eating habits it was no surprise she had continued to soften. It was a miracle in his eyes that she wasn't larger by now with how much she puts away sometimes. Her metabolism was still holding in there, but it was clear the dam was starting to crack as she got older. She was no athletic hottie anymore, but her softer appearance was sexy in its own way. But he was bummed by her change in demeanor though not feeling like he was dating the same person anymore.

Realizing how much she had softened up Gabby tried to get back into going to the gym more and dieting. That didn't end well though with her feeling even more tired after work lately as she actually stopped going all together by the 2nd year. With dieting her belly would protest growling until she filled it nice and full like it was used to. Every time she would start trying to get healthier habits she would rebound back to where she was. Then by the end of her 3rd year since college she had put on 9 more pounds. Now her growing figure was starting to be noticed as her starter belly grew in on her midriff peeking a bit over her panties.

She had gained 23 pounds in 3 years from her 124 pound she used to weigh despite her efforts to lose the weight. This also affected her fitness and started to make her clothes not fit quite like they used to. She tried getting on her favorite jeans for her to struggle having to dance to get them up her legs and plushier butt. Then the hard part came as she tugged at her flabs trying to get them to close while sucking in her little belly. Unfortunately, she didn't quite get them to meet red in the face gasping as she laid on her back defeated by her pants.

"No, not my jeans. These were my favorite, but they just won't fit anymore. I can't be that fat," Gabby sighed.

Then the red head saw her boyfriend standing at the door as she blushed with him probably seeing her struggle a bit. He sighed as he saw her muffin top starting to form over her jeans indicating how tight they were even unbuttoned. Seeing her not fit into her favorite jeans made him nervous, like this was a bad omen of bigger things to come for Gabby in a sense. Overall, it just made him disappointed in her. He also noticed how pale she was looking lately as she had lost her nice tan, that was proof she never went outside much anymore. In his eyes she was a pale shell of her former athletic glory getting out of breath from putting on jeans. After that day, she had to buy a larger size for now. So, she forced her growing butt back into the gym when she bumped into someone familiar with blonde hair.

If you found this interesting, you can check me out on deviant art. Chubbygirls12
4 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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