Love (gaining) goes both ways

Chapter 1

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Jordan was a skinny kid coming out of high school. He got a job at a local pizza place. Jordan was always a social guy and was good with girls. He was 6ft 190 with good looks. He had a girlfriend that was very controlling and he wasn’t truly happy in the relationship. At his new pizza job he met a girl his age that he thought was very beautiful. Her name was Cadence. She was 5’6 about 130. She openly flirted with him trying to get with him until she found out about his girlfriend. Jordan was loyal and would not cheat. Cadence knew Jordan was unhappy with his girlfriend and kept dropping hints to get them to break up but he was too loyal. Jordan’s girlfriend had forced him to work out to be the man she wanted him to be even though he hated it. She wanted him to be exactly what she had dreamed of in a guy. He came in the next day to work complaining about it to Cadence. “I can’t believe how selfish she is, everything has to be her way.” he said. His relationship was stressing him out and it caused him to stress eat. As he made pizzas he would keep taking hand fulls of pepperoni out of the bin and eat it. Cadence felt bad for Jordan. Secretly she really liked Jordan. Cadence began to notice his habits and got an idea. She can fatten him up and make his girlfriend leave him and then he can be happy. With how he was eating it wouldn’t be hard. The next day she brought in donuts and said he could have them because she accidentally got too many. She started a conversation with him about work drama and sub consciously began eating and eating until he finished 5 donuts. He kept talking and didn’t even notice. Cadence kept refilling his soda as well trying to keep calories coming in. His girlfriend noticed him eating more and amped up his work out sessions. Cadence learned his workout schedule was every other day and she began to bring in more on those days for him to eat. His appetite increased and increased as his metabolism began to rapidly decline. He began to skip the gym and hide from his girlfriend. He began to pick up more shifts at work. He was playing into Cadences plan. He had gained 10 pounds in his first month. Her count was he was getting 3,000 calories every day he worked. She then began putting weight gain powder in his drinks. Jordan came in one day and seemed angry. “I just can’t do anything right for her” He said as he picked up a big slice of extra cheesy meat lovers pizza, “she said I am not going to the gym enough and that I am ‘gaining weight’. I am not! There is no way that I could I have a great metabolism” He picks up another slice of pizza “She is insane.” Cadence responded “Yeah, she has no idea what she is talking about and I can’t believe she says these things, you’re an amazing guy and any girl would be lucky to have you. Here I got you this hopefully it will make you better. It’s a homemade shake I made.” She hands him a big cup of a shake. She smiles as he tries it. “wow. this is the best shake i have ever had!” He said. Cadence felt butterflies in her stomach. She had filled it with heavy cream, ice cream, oreos, butter, and cake batter. The whole shake was 1,500 calories. “You made this?” He said. “Yeah! And i made plenty more. If you like them I can bring them in when we work together for you.” Said Cadence. Her plan was flawless. He finished it off and his work shirt showed off a growing belly. It was a little tight. She thought it was so hot. His girlfriend however didn’t. She forced him to start going to the gym again.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Jellyrolls 1 year
I love this. Shorter stories with a good visual kink in it 🖤
Shiloh 1 year
Fanedfox 1 year
Great plot. Your writing seems a bit awkward, but otherwise a good story.