
  By Que435  

Chapter 1 - Jaycee

For Jaycee life was hard. Not because he had to do arduous tasks or worked a lot but rather because of his size. The shear mass of fat that had ammased on his body through his twenties and thirties, that stunned even those that didn't know him as a teen, makes each breath he takes a monumental achievement.

Jaycee is so large that there is no longer a moment in the day where he can restrain from packing himself with more and more calorie-dense junk food. Every burger, every doughnut he eats helps to add brick after brick to the prison that his body has become.

Over the past 15 years he turned himself from a sporty teen into someone who couldn't walk far then then into someone who couldn't leave the house which soon became someone who couldn't leave the couch and finally became someone who was bount to their bed.

Jaycee became unable to lift his legs even a little, the masses of adipose attached to them locked him down to the mattress. His massive gut sprawled out in all directions pinning him back preventing him from sitting up and acting as a rest for his giant supple man boobs and for his flabby pillow arms. Time flew by, the only changes being the increasing size of both him and his portions.

Although the mattress Jaycee lived upon wasn't a particularly great quality one, all of his extra cushioning was plenty enough to make up for this and to make him comfortable. His sizeable arse and backrolls created his own sort of built in mattress that, luckily for him, was super comfortable as there was no possibility of him loosing it... EVER.

Jaycee had no choice at this point but to continue down the road towards total and complete immobility. The road towards complete dependence on his partner for even the simplest of things like feeding himself. Although he didn't care he knew it was too late and that nothing could be done about it now. He didn't feel bad for putting a burden on his partner, in fact Jaycee suspected that all this may have something to do with them. After all it was shortly after they got together that the weight started piling on.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
18   1   2024


Chrysophase2003 1 year
Nice start. Can't wait to read more.