January Second

  By Moocao  

Chapter 1 Diary of Eva Nightingale

Diary of Eva Nightingale

January 2nd 2000

Why, why am I like this? Yesterday was my 16th birthday party and all I wanted to do was eat. I am a fata** aren’t I? I know I eat my emotions when I’m sad or afraid. But this is something else.
God, the other girls were right. Even now I want more. Hell, it’s a turn on even. Every time I eat too much I get, uumm, let’s say “excited” no wonder I’ve been gaining weight. Up to 110 now.

January 2nd 2001

So, three girls left my party early, and half of the people I invited didn't even show up in the first place. Only one said why, Stella told me it was because I ignored my guests to just eat the whole time, like it was my goal to swallow as much as possible and the people were just there out of obligation or something. Is it weird that it just makes me want brownies when i think about this?

January 2nd, 2002

Okay, so I’m an adult now, but I've ve gained even more weight. Up to 145 lbs, I think I might be the only girl to get a freshman a 15 before I even start college. Why does that excite me?

January 2nd 2005

My first year as a college grad, I’m nervous about what to do with my life, I ended up sitting around feeling nervous about the future and stuffing my face with pizza all day. It’s no surprise that I’m over 160 now.

January 2nd 2006

Okay, my mom basically turned my birthday into “move out or else.” I mean, my degree is worthless, I guess she sees me as a failure? At least I have a job now. It’s a shit job at the local pizza parlor, but hey, free pizza. That is the best perk possible. At least I’ll have something tasty to eat while I suffer alone, and get kicked out of my house. Pizza makes the worry stop, but only while I'm eating, it comes back the second I'm done eating. No wonder I’m up to 187 fucking pounds.

January 2nd 2007

Okay, I got another “one more month” from mom. I’ve been saving up to afford a first and last to get an apt. room. I saw the guy who manages the place I was looking into checking me out. I think his name was Ted something. First guy to like me in years. Hell, I was even stuffing my face with Pizza when he saw me. God I was embarrassed. It made things so much worse, when I get embarrassed I want to eat more. That sort of thing is probably why I keep gaining weight, fuck, I’m up to 198 today. That makes me want to eat more.

January 2nd 2008

So, Ted Asked me out to a date at the local buffet for my birthday, he spent the whole time watching me with those lovey dovey doe eyes, even though I was nervously stuffing my face again. God, it’s like I turn into a bottomless pit every time I get nervous. Hell, he even said I was hot when I’m over 200 lbs at 5’6”

January 2nd 2009

Oh my God!!! Ted proposed! He took me to the nicest restaurant in town and got down on one knee while we waited for dessert! Its so great I don’t even care that I’m up to 222 lbs.

January 2nd 2010

First anniversary! Ted took me to the local pizza parlor. Some friends said it was too cheap for an anniversary date, but I LOVE pizza, so if anything it shows how much he knows me. Ted is so romantic and sweet. He didn’t even mind that I gained even more weight. It will take more than 230 pounds of fat to make him unhappy with me.

January 2nd 2011

I was freaking out in front of Ted, I weigh 250 pounds now, and I keep getting fatter. Ted told me that he doesn’t care much about weight and that I shouldn't worry. That makes sense I guess. He’s always seemed pretty supportive of me regardless of my weight

January 2nd 2012

Okay, I hit 275 fucking pounds on my birthday. I had a meltdown again in front of Ted when i realized i can't see my feet with my chest and belly in the way. What he told me is a shock. He said that he lied when he told me that he didn’t care about weight. Apparently he LIKES fat girls. He said that he was first intrigued by the way I was eating when we met. He thought it was hot. Does he really think I’ll just take that and be cool with the weight?”

January 2nd 2013

Okay. Today was a weird day. Scale said I was up to 288, I think Ted saw the sad look on my face. He said something that made me think. He said that he loves the fact that I get fatter every year. I asked him if he would want me to gain more. He looked down and seemed guilty as he sat in silence for five fucking minutes before he said “Yes.” I asked him how much and got a similar pause before he said he didn’t know.

January 2nd 2014

So, apparently I have zero self control whatsoever. I hit three hundred fucking pounds yesterday. On my birthday! Why do I weigh myself every year? It only makes me sad. The good news was Ted, he was an ANIMAL in bed. I have never had this much fun with him before.

January 2nd 2015.

So, for the first time in over a decade I actually lost weight this year, down to 297. Not a huge victory, but my weight is going down for once! My joy was spoiled by some bad news. Ted seemed actively disappointed when he found out, like, on the verge of fucking tears. Was my great hope his worst case scenario? What do I even do about this. I’ll talk with Ted tomorrow.

January 2nd 2016

I’m still 297. I had lost some weight before getting some awful news from my Dr. I can’t have kids, ever. It wasnt a huge goal of mine, but being unable to, I don't know, it makes me feel like I'm not a real woman. I ended up eating my sorrow enough to gain the weight back. Ted has been so sweet and supportive. He said he never really cared about having kids. I know it isn’t true. He always gets that lovey dovey look in his face when I talk about having children. So he really is working hard to support me. It’s a weird silver lining, but I really do feel loved.

January 2nd 2017

I’m up to 304. I took Ted aside one day and told him I would do anything he wanted for him as a thank you for all that he’s done for me in his support of my loss. He really is my rock. What he told me shouldn’t have been a surprise in hindsight, he asked me to gain weight. He wanted me to hit 300 again. I loved my time gaining intentionally. I got so much pizza! And it felt weirdly good to see the number on the scale going up and hear cheering, not just the boos from my own mind. Honestly? I haven’t told Ted, but I think I’ll keep gaining and keep tabs of his reaction.

January 2nd 2018

Up to 315! Ted figured out I was still gaining for him. I think that was the best night in bed I have ever had. God, if this is my future then maybe it’s a good thing I can’t have kids. I wouldn’t want them to hear the constant orgasmic screams from my room.

January 2nd 2019

I am all the way up to 330, and I was absolutely right. Ted says he feels like a teenager again. I keep eating and we keep going at it like bunnies. It's great.

January 2nd 2020

As a nonessential worker I practically lost my job over the pandemic. Then I actually lost my job, but at least I have unemployment, so I still have some income. Ted is working from home now, so I have access to him 24/7. Also, I am up to 350 pounds from constantly sitting at home with Ted, doing nothing but eating and having sex. So much sex.

January 2nd 2021

I am up to 370 pounds, and I think I have realized something about myself. I think I have squashed a kink of my own. I realized it turns me on to eat and gain weight. It was a thing I had denied since high school, but maybe that's part of why I loved my husband practically on sight? Maybe a part of me could sense he wanted it too? I had always written off my enjoyment as Ted being more excited and emphatic in bed, but I really think it’s me too. Like, I tried it out and I think I even enjoy myself more when I think about my gain in bed. Ted will be excited to hear this.

January 2nd 2022

390 now. I have given in entirely to my desires. Life is nothing but sex and food now. Ted even took out a loan so I could stay home and keep eating all day long, rather than get a job again. Then he ravishes me like a wild animal when he gets home from work. I’m nervous about us getting money problems for it, and guess what I do when I’m nervous, I eat, I eat even more than I usually do. So, Ted gets to have some fun at least. Hell, I’ll play the victim, but I enjoy it too.

January 2nd 2023

Big 400!!! I rounded another hundred pounds! Even better news. Ted won the fucking lottery! Best of all he hasn’t quit his job, he says he plans to keep working for a living, and he wants me to eat the entire 8 million he won. Here I thought 400 pounds was a lot. I am going to get so damned fat, and I’m looking forward to every second of it ^_^.
1 chapter, created 10 months , updated 7 months
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