Princess Sapphire Beginning

  By MrsR  

Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday Princess

Gather round for a sweet tale of enjoyment, terror, love, laughter, and friendship. A tale that will have you looking at your food differently... the tale of a lonely princess who, one day, made a wish that changed her entire world.

In a world where freshly baked bread was worth more than gold, there were 6 empires each with their own unique food sources, but the most wealthy and loved was the Fondant Empire. Within the Fondant Empire the oldest noble family, the Honeys, had seven children as potential candidates for the throne.

This story is about the youngest, Princess Sapphire Honey.


Sapphire was named for her beautiful blue locks and sparkling blue eyes full of excitement and wonder. To describe her personality one might be quick to say emotional. Her siblings mainly use words like crybaby, brat, spoiled, and such. Though she didn't mean any harm Sapphire was in fact the youngest in the family and caused much trouble and strife when she wasn't stationary.

When she was younger she often played alone. A noble family with so many options tend to favor those who are of more value and 7th in line was not a very profitable investment, not to mention being the child of a concubine. The only time she ever got to see her father was when her mother stayed in the position of favorite which lasted off and on until her mother died, poisoned when she was about 5 years old. Thankfully under the care of a very loving nursemaid, Sapphire grew to be lovely in looks and nature.

On this crispy Fall evening of 1200 AC (after the big crunch), there was a minor disruption taking place in the Imperial Palace of the Fondant Kingdom. It was the 18th birthday of the youngest princess Sapphire Sugar Honey II preparations were finally finished but the princess was nowhere to be seen.

The maids were in a panic checking everywhere they could for the princess but she was far away walking towards the fizzy sea with the citrus scent. Something was drawing her there, the air smelled extra sweet, almost a hypnotizing aroma. There in the graham cracker crumb sand was a small creature that seemed to be calling out for help.

"Please... I don't want to die out here... it can't end like this.." It seemed to cry out to her. Tears started to well up in Sapphire's eyes still mesmerized by the scent she picked up the creature, it was a small fairy-like creature all shades of pink with a faint glow that seemed to be fading. "Eat me," the creature says in an almost whisper "My power will become yours and I may live on within you.." This request almost shook Sapphire out of her hypnotic state because of the gruesome image that came to mind. " I-I couldn't do that to you no matter how good you smell." The fairy looked at her with pleading eyes and spoke, " I beseech you, I can even offer you something if all goes well."

Sapphire walked along the beach with the fairy cupped in her hands, try as she might it was hard to form a thought other than "keep walking". She was drooling at this point and every time she looked down the fairy looked back teary-eyed.

Sapphire's feet finally stopped moving at the foot of a cave. The ground began to rumble and out of the cave came a large beast at least 5x the size of a bear. It raged and foamed until it locked eyes with her. The beast towered over her and looked down with cold hard eyes. "EAT ME! IF YOU DON'T WE'LL BOTH DIE!" the fairy screamed as loud as she could. At this moment the terrified princess would do anything to escape this fate and quickly popped the fairy into her mouth biting down.

Strangely the taste of blood did not touch her tongue only the tanginess of kiwi fruit and the smooth creamy flavor of pear juice.

Suddenly a light enveloped her, pink like the glow the fairy had. Her eyes glowed in the settling darkness as she levitated out of its reach and the beast shrunk back. She let out a scream in the direction of the beast releasing a powerful sonic wave that completely obliterated it. Bones and all crumbled to dust.

Slowly she floated back to the ground and collapsed in the sand. "Do you see what I mean now?" the happy voice of the fairy was heard clearly in Sapphire's head. "And I'm fine with being eaten, being inside your body helps restore my energy until I have enough magic to retain a physical body again." The fairy then materializes in front of Sapphire and lands on top of her head.

The princess exhausted from the string of events that just happened to her didn't speak or move.

The fairy tilted her head curiously at the girl who had not moved an inch. " I guess it was too much for your first time eating a fairy, I'll have to give you some of this energy back.." it says as it dusts a fine powder over Sapphire's body. She begins to stir slightly as her skin gets a strange tingly sensation on the areas where the powder touched her. The fairy floats down from Sapphire's head and hovers in front of her face. "From now on you will be my master and I will always care for you, please accept this healing power from me," she says as she plants a small kiss on the princess's lips.
2 chapters, created 8 months , updated 7 months
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