A Fantasy (part I)

  By Laios  

Chapter 1 - Part I

I’m seated, shirtless in front of a table filled with all sorts of my favourite foods. The chair I’m seated in is a heavy one with arms, a little narrow, that squeeze my belly from the side. It’s a little uncomfortable, but not too bad.
As I survey the banquet in front of me, you come up behind me, run your fingers through my hair, down my face and neck to my shoulders, rubbing them. After a moment, your hands run down my chest, playing with my nipples before sliding down to my belly and rubbing it all over, your finger dipping into the depths of my belly button. Finally finishing up with checking how much the chair arms are digging into the sides of my belly.
“Looks like you’re wedged in nicely. Time to get started, don’t you think, my big pig?”
I nod. Smiling you say, “My good porker. Now what shall we start with?” You walk around the table surveying the food. “I know my big pig loves his desserts, why don’t we start there?”
You pick up a cheesecake and a fork and then look over at me. I’m staring at the cheesecake feeling my mouth watering. “I know cheesecake is one of my porker’s favourite desserts.” Keeping your eyes on me, you put it down, smiling at the look of disappointment that appears on my face. “Not just yet, my fat pig, it’s a little too filling to start with.”
You walk around the table, stopping to examine the different foods. Smiling every time you look at me and notice how excited I get when I think you’ve decided on the first food item, smiling even more as you see me get anxious when you move on.
“Is there a problem, my big pig?” I shake my head, knowing the rules, my mouth is only for things to go into, not for things, even words, to come out of. You smile even wider, “Such a good obedient fat piggy, remembering the rules. You must be so hungry too, I haven’t let you eat for a whole day.” I nod vigorously. “Well, look at your reward. This whole feast is for you!”
You pick up a plate of vanilla cupcakes with a chocolate cream cheese frosting. “I think you’ve waited long enough.” You carry the plate over to me, set it down on the table and sit on my lap. My eyes are fixed on the cupcakes the whole way. “Your belly sticks out so far that I almost don’t fit in your lap anymore. You're such a fat oinker.”
You pick up a cupcake. My lips part slightly as you peel the paper off the bottom. I start to reach out for the cupcake, you scowl and slap my hand away. I quickly put my hand back on the armrest. “I feed my piggy!” You say sharply. “Remember, if you can’t follow the rules, there will be consequences!” I nod, looking down remorsefully. “That's one!” I keep nodding, my eyes now focused on the cupcake in your hand.
“Look at me!” You say and I tear my eyes away from the cupcake to look up at you. “How many is that?” I lift one finger up off the armrest. “Good porker. I know you’re hungry, but you also have to follow the rules.” I nod again, lowering my finger.
You lift the cupcake up to eye level. “This will be a good starting point for breaking your fast.” I nod excitedly.
You smile and dip a finger into the frosting. You take some frosting on your finger and move your hand toward my mouth. My lips part and my mouth opens. As your finger reaches my open mouth, my head moves forward, and my tongue darts out to lick your finger clean. You giggle and pull your finger back just before my tongue makes contact with the delicious frosting.
“Not just yet, my big pig. We’re not quite set up.” I lean back, clearly disappointed, a bit of a pout on my face. “Now now, don’t be a baby!” I stop pouting and watch you as you lean back, away from my belly. Your hand moves down and you use the frosting on your finger to write ‘PORKER’ across it. You then dip your finger into the frosting and write a two letter word on my chest: ‘MY’.
“That's better!” You say. You dip your finger into the frosting a third time, before bringing it up to your lips. Coating your lips in the frosting, you lean forward and place your lips against mine, my tongue darts out, licking the frosting off as we kiss.
1 chapter, created 5 months , updated 5 months
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