Time for Revenge

  By Natatat  

Chapter 1 - Prologue

“some girls like the feeling of being helpless.”

The words echoed in her head. She was helpless to stop. She could not hide the evidence of her gluttony. She could not go back she had stretched her appetite. She rolled the bit of extra flesh that had begun to accumulate on her middle in her fingers. Her other hand was shoving donuts in her face. She was not entirely conscious of it. All she felt was her jeans getting a bit tighter.

Had she gotten too high? Is this why she was still eating? Was she even hungry?

These thoughts were hazy and fading with every delicious bite. her hand sunk into the flesh on her belly. Her eating became desperate; frantically devouring the fried dough butter and sugar and cream. As her belly grew heavy so did her breathing. She was indeed a helpless glutton. She started using both hands.

There would be time after to examine the damage from all this delicious overindulgence. She pulled the box closer and began shoving them down at breakneck speed. She barely took the time to breathe. Instead only pausing to wash the comical amount of partially chewed pastries gradually disintegrating in her puffed out cheeks. She needed more.

When she finally snapped out of it she was groaning and covered in confectionery. Her fat little belly pushed out over her overtaxed jeans. It was mushy and hard. She was drinking the last of what might be milk. At this point she did not care.

It tasted too good. It felt too good to keep filling herself. To be a slave to her desires is nirvana. To be this overstuffed that she was gasping for air and still going. To be this out of control and to be ready to be at the mercy of whoever might intrude on her shame binge.

She let out a loud long burp and dropped the container. She rubbed her belly enjoying the soft layer of fat. Getting excited about what this binge would do to her. Excited about how little she had gone to the gym. About how mushy she was getting.

“Some girls like the feeling of being helpless.”
15 chapters, created 3 years , updated 6 months
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Kexickus 3 years