Nothing Lasts Forever

  By Que435  Premium

Chapter 1 - Worth a shot

He had always been skinny despite his best efforts. He wanted to have big well-defined muscles that everyone stared at as he walked down the street. He wanted every muscle to bulge powerfully, but by twenty-two, Anton was still the same - skinny like he had always been.

Anton tried everything, always in vain. Out of deprecation, he tried all the different supplements he saw on shady sites but, these too showed no results. It wasn't until the day after his twenty-second birthday that his prayers were answered.

He was willing to try anything but was certain this wouldn't work. "Genie's Wish" was a site he stumbled across. It was decorated with an old-fashioned blue design. The single page consisted mostly of text that introduced the site then a text box and an enter button. Reading the text told Anton that he should enter his wish into the box and press enter. As well as this basic information, it stated that no wish could last forever, and they always came with a cost.

Each person got one wish once submitted there was no way out, no edits. It was what it was. Anton doubted this site would lead to anything but he was willing to give it a shot. Typing in his wish for the body he wanted before putting his laptop aside and heading downstairs, to the kitchen, for a glass of water.

His house was built with tall, steep stairs that required a bit of effort to pull yourself up them. As he climbed it seemed as though each new step was getting easier. The shorts he wore felt tighter around his thighs. His stretchy t-shirt grew tight around the sleeves and in the chest. Passing the mirror as he entered the room he dropped the glass as he caught himself.

His pecs were massive. Whipping his top off to get a better look at his bulging pectorals. It was like every muscle had doubled in size and they were still getting bigger, stronger. His waist tightened and his abs bubbled up from his flat stomach. Six quickly became eight then settled at a ten-pack. Anton flexed his arms and watched as they went from big to bigger.

Anton's eyes darted around as his muscles developed into the type he had always wanted to have until finally, they stopped. Gone was the thin body he had and in its place, Anton was an adonis. No... He was bigger than that. He had become a muscle god.
6 chapters, created 1 month , updated 1 month
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