Amanda’s Tale

Chapter 1

She put the car into park at the end of the long driveway. Glancing at the paper she had in her hand, she checked to make sure she was at the correct address and then looked back up at the house. It was bigger than she had expected, two stories tall with what could of been an attic, green shutters against the white siding, and a tall chimney stretching up into the gray, overcast sky.

The ad she responded to was curiously brief:

.................................... .........


Looking for a caretaker for a number of animals. All are gentle and friendly. Duties will include maintaining feed and water systems, occasional vet trips, regular walks, and other basic care. Hours: Every other day, Times can be worked out.

Wage: Gas and expenses paid for as needed, wages paid every week and can be discussed in person. Specifications can be discussed by calling (650) 345-0000.

Serious inquiries only please.

.......................................... ...

Taking a deep breath she pushed her anxiety to the back of her mind and grabbed the door handle.

Stepping out into the chilly autumn air she played with the idea of jumping back into the car and driving off. Forget this job, forget about school and just go back home where she belonged. "Yeah, back to a life of waitressing in a bar while drunk truckers groped at my ass" she muttered to herself as she walked to the door. She needed this job to help put gas in the car. She had received a full ride to school but it didn't pay any extra. Besides, where else was she going to get a job where she didn't have to deal with people and only had to work every other day? Squaring her shoulders she pushed the door bell and heard it echo through the big house.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a small red light blink on and realized it was a camera mounted high looking down at her covering the porch. The speaker next to the door crackled to life and a deep soft voice issued...

"Yes ummm, miss, may I help you? Sorry to be so rude, but I can't get to the door easily."

She had been warned there were intercoms but the presence of the camera through her off a bit. Unsure of where to look or where to direct her voice she just looked at the big wooden door. "Umm..It's Chloe. Chloe White. We spoke on the phone about the position?"

"Hello Cloe, yes...I remember now, thank you for coming so quick. My name is William, or Bill to my friends. Sorry for not meeting you in person but I'm...ummm...indisposed at the moment. I wasn't expecting someone so young and so...." he cleared his throat...."ummm, so young. But your credentials and references are amazing. I'm lucky you've agreed to take on the job.

"You're here about the dogs and as I said on the phone they're rescue dogs so they're probably a little hard to control, but you look more than capable." He chuckled, a soft warm deep sound that seemed to vibrate inside her for some reason. "But there's something you should know and I understand if it costs more, I ...ahem... can afford it. When you go behind the house you'll find both Rusty and Spike's kennels, but you'll also find a big old barn my grandfather built. In the barn you'll a special friend of mine, a Clydesdale filly I also rescued. I know I had no business taking her on but it broke my heart when I first saw her. There is some feed for her but I'm sure it's the wrong stuff. There's also some other things she'll be needing so I'd appreciate you making a list, ordering the supplies and stowing them away when they're delivered. Also I'm not as light on my feet as I used to be so her whole area could use a good mucking out.

"I know you can handle it, I noted you were a horse lover on your resume and if you want to know the truth, that's the main reason I wanted you to work for me...any questions?"
15 chapters, created 8 years , updated 3 years
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DODbhm 2 years
Holy crap, this is smoking hot. Would love to read more.
WayTooThin 8 years
Chapter 14 had an unexpected twist. Very interesting
Chrysophase2003 8 years
This is some of the best erotic writing I've seen in years. Please, keep it up. Please, this is a skill few people have and many want.
Asi 8 years
Please continue
Pd500 8 years
Fantastic! Chapter 9 is getting hot!
FA Guy 8 years
Great additions to the story. Keep it up.
Pd500 8 years
I'm loving where this is going!
FA Guy 8 years
Great story. I can't wait for more chapters.
Jktab 8 years
Biddygal 8 years
this is a lovely sweet story. I am looking forward to the possibilities. You've created some really 3D characters in such a few chapters. Bravo.
Giantjay 8 years
I agree, a wonderful start! Looking forward to more!
Story Consul... 8 years
oh, I can't wait for more...
Rstlne 8 years
Mysterious and pretty cool in general.
Pd500 8 years
Nice start!