
Chapter 10 - moving out

With her Junior year in the bank, Jess had spent the first month of summer setting up a new apartment with a classmate she had been growing close to over the last few years. Maria was a quiet girl, but had a clever sense of humor, and a devilish smirk Jess had come to look for and admire.

They had been room mates on campus for the last two years, but had shared cramped spaces with two other girls, and had met when living in the dorms Freshman year. Now it was time to try out a split rent, and see how the friendship held together when the strain of adult life was added to the mix. Each girl had a year left of school, but their parents agreed that life lessons such as apartment living were just as important as academic ones.

The move went seamlessly and after two weeks, the girls had went out and rescued a kitty from a local kill shelter as a sort of split responsibility as well as a soft and cuddly housewarming gift. The month that passed between the end of the semester and her annual Sister vacation on the fourth of July was one of the best months Jess had ever experienced, and the buzzing in her pocket every other day or so, to update her on her sisters spiraling weight gain hardly seemed to bother Jess in this extreme comfort zone.

Unlike Jess, Maria had never gained a pound in college. Nor did it seem to Jess that Maria ever worked out, the young Italian woman simply knew how to balance her diet and her fun. This made for a contrast between the two of them at different points throughout the year.

When, in their sophomore year, Jess had gone through a short lived stage where she was interested in other girls, the two had briefly dated. During this year Jessica hit her heaviest weight, and to her surprise, the curvy but very fit Maria only seemed to like her more. The phase had not ended because of a lack of interest on either part, Jess noted, but rather because she had returned home that year, and was quite embarrassed at how much her tummy had grown, overhanging her jean shorts for the first time in her life. After Jess had ended things between them it was Maria who made sure they remained friends, and Jess was not only thankful for this, but all this time later she felt she was indebted to her friend for keeping their relationship alive.

Once or twice during the years Maria had offered Jess the chance to rekindle the flame between them. And Jess admitted that she was quite tempted, but seeing the way that Maria continued to eyeball her bulging tummy, or her growing ass told her that Maria would forever be a dangerous force when it came to her figure. And so the two remained friends, and from time to time they would act intimately, cuddling during a movie, or kissing lightly before falling off to sleep, but nothing like the way it had been, and Jess knew that was for the best when it came to whether or not she became Maria's piggy.

But things had warmed up a bit again lately, and Jess had to admit she was not looking forward to spending a weekend away with her sisters, and the constant reminder that she had ruined her baby sister. And of course, there was also the fact that she was not going to enjoy being away from the calming presence of Maria.

The truth was, that the curse, or charm, or however the Crossroads would phrase it, that surrounded Sammy kept Jess from being able to share the knowledge of her sisters massive gain with absolutely anyone. In a way, since it also meant she could not be held responsible, this relieved her, but Jess knew that Maria would get a certain kick out of seeing Sammy balloon, and that sort of distraction might help mitigate some of her guilt, or at the very least serve as a sizable distraction to the buzzing in her pocket that trumpeted the fact that her sister was nearing 300lbs with more than 150 left to go.

As the weeks passed by, and their relationship started to blossom once again, it became more and more clear that Jess needed to share the gain in some way with Maria, she needed Maria to see the gain for herself. The trip to the Island with her sisters was fast approaching, the thought of seeing Sammy for the first time since Christmas was looming ever more present in Jess's life and thoughts. She would have to make a change of some kind, a way to relieve some of this stress and the building guilt she felt. And the truth was, she hoped that another fatty for them to focus on, might keep Maria's attention away from her own belly. This, of course, only made her feel more guilty, and in turn, only drove her further in the direction of finding a solution. But to do this, Jess knew she would have to communicate with the Crossroads, and even worse, to ask them for something. Jess knew placing herself in that position was placing herself in an unwise place to be, and naturally, that any request made of the Crossroads would be very very costly.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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The Sky 5 months
I really liked your story, I found it very interesting and fun to read. I know it's been a while since you wrote, but I hope one day to read another of your stories.
Karenjenk 3 years
I have read this a bunch of times.
weird how it has over 100,000 view and 53 likes and 80 comments.
usually there are more likes.
this story really does it for me.
Love the premis and the characters
seems to real
even though its a fantasy
LOVE you
LoopsnBloops 5 years
Absolutely amazing story! One of my new all time favorites!
Nicolas Eric 6 years
hoping for a sequell
Nicolas Eric 6 years
hoping for a sequell
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Wow! Now, that's one horror/erotic story!


No wonder it has 80,000+ views!

You have outdone yourself, Kitty!
Insanity2222 6 years
i wish you'd make some more of this amazing story
Hazardose 7 years
Waiting for the next several chapters smiley
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Oh absolutely. If I post anything anywhere I'll also post it here
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
I'm really not sure. I have lots of ideas but I've kinda run out of steam here. I'm not certain this is really even the site for where the stories going
TheDemolitio... 7 years
I love it! Well done!
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you as always Girlcrisis smiley
Girlcrisis 7 years
...tantalising tease. I think it really powerfully conveyed the horror of the amount of control Crossroads has over Jess's body and how high the stakes are when bargaining with them. In short, I am impressed as always.
Girlcrisis 7 years
I liked it. Not because I found it a kinky turn on (lactation/fertility is really not my thing) but because I admire you for being ballsy enough to write something so shocking. The shock only heightened by the story so far unfolding as such a slow and tan
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
For those with similar concerns, this is likely going to be the height of kinky for this story. Things will not be escalating with these particular kinks, this was for reference, so that Jess now knows how bad of an idea it is to ask for something from th
Girlcrisis 7 years
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much. smiley I'm going to try and update it tonight
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you very much smiley you're comment comes at a very good time as my confidence in my stories popularity has been waining this week.
Brickman 7 years
I made an account just so I could say how much I appreciate your writing! You leave me raving like a starving man for more!
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Thank you smiley
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