Weight gain stories

Growing for her

Diving into a new relationship completely lovestruck with the woman of his dreams, Ace isn't concerned by the changes to his body. Who would have thought love could have such devastating consequences for your waistline?   More ▼

The perks of my summer job

I took the ice cream parlour job because I needed to make some quick cash between semesters. What I never planned on was a certain busty blonde barreling into my life and changing it forever.   More ▼

10 reasons

Secretly liking the idea of growing a beer belly, Eric posts on an anonymous forum to gauge how people feel about that. A comment detailing 10 reasons why he should do it is all Eric needs to embark on the path of most indulgence.   More ▼

It awakened something in me

When a young woman sees a feeder/feedee couple at a buffet, it awakens something in her and inspires her to pursue her darkest desires.   More ▼

Let me feed you

You've read the title. You're curious. Maybe you're a feedee or gainer, maybe something in between. Maybe not. It doesn't matter to me. Come and have a taste, sweetheart - let me feed you.   More ▼

Spring cleaning

It's that time of the year again! You trudge to your closet to pull out your spring clothes. Only after a whole winter of indulgent snacking, they don't seem to fit like you remember...   More ▼

Submit your story ideas!

My dear macarons - have a story idea you'd love to see written in my style? Check out this story for details on how you can make that happen!   More ▼