Weight gain stories

Weight gain

A Dangerous Solution

A young, beautiful woman volunteers herself to a program that promises to change her body and mind forever. This story is dark, involving conditioning, semi-forced weight gain, and depictions of medical procedures.   More ▼

Shaping Bodies  

Two inventors discover a process that creates fat in women. They become able to enlarge breasts and reshape bodies. They later find that they can make women more alluring in only minutes. Implants will become a thing of the past.   More ▼

Kelly’s Kraving

Kelly had always wanted to eat. To eat and get fat. Her mother had worked hard to prevent that outcome, but now that Kelly was on her own, now that she was free, what would she do, and more importantly, how fat could she get?   More ▼

Four Dates With Fatty

Newly-single Charlie decides to explore his 'thing' for bigger girls, and finds a girl who's up for more than he bargained for - including public teasing, force-feeding, and humiliation.   More ▼

Stuffed Like the Pasta (complete)  

Crystal (22F) has to face some weighty truths after food started satiating all her feelings during a complicated relationship with her manager, Travis (29M), at the Italian restaurant.   More ▼

Domestic Bliss

*1-2 chapters added daily is the goal** Domestic discipline, force-feeding, weight gain, mind control, and multiple pregnancies. Gradual build that includes adult sex scenes. Consensual relationship.   More ▼

My Lady’s Story

Dark fantasy and magic weight gain. When a girl is sold into servitude to repay a debt she is fattened and increasingly entrapped by her own gluttony. *story updated - new chapters added*   More ▼

Fall Quarter Kelsey  

The continuing story of Kelsey’s journey to self acceptance. Will she grow to accept herself? This is her struggle with being true to herself and doing what makes her happy.   More ▼

Tubby Tommy  

Tommy loses his resolve one he gets involved with a girl fascinated with his ever changing physique. Follow his ups and downs as he follows whatever gets the biggest reaction from her.   More ▼

Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others

When a former fat girl is forced to return to her hometown she discovers that you can't always leave the past behind.   More ▼