Ruining Mia

  By SLDB  

Chapter 1 - a wonderful life

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© 2021 SLDB

By all accounts, Mia’s life was the envy of nearly every human on earth.

At 5’6”, the twenty-year-old college soccer player was graced with natural beauty across every inch of her delicate form. Her face was angelic, blessed with a flawless bone structure and blemish-free skin. Long strands of silky black hair trailed down her back, cascading over her tanned skin before resting halfway down her torso. Gorgeous brown eyes gave her the most captivating smile on campus, and a simple flutter of her eye lashes had been known to bring the strongest of men to their knees.

Her toned, fit body was lean yet shapely, accentuating her C-cup breasts and rounded behind. A high-performing athlete for most of her life, Mia was proud of her semi-muscular physique, and often gloated to her vane friends about how much stronger she was compared to their twig-like bodies. To many, Mia was the definition of female beauty, but her luck in the cosmic lottery extended beyond mere physical gifts. Mia had been more than fortunate in nearly every aspect of life. Raised in one of New York’s wealthiest families, Mia grew up in one of the most privileged environments on earth, allowing her all the resources for the ideal upbringing. She had beauty, wealth, and intelligence. Mia truly had it all.

But that was about to change.

Cold steel chains clung tightly to Mia’s wrists, bounding the young girl to the floor as she sat helplessly on her knees. She had fallen asleep in her dorm room like she had so many nights before, yet when she awoke, she found herself here, staring into an endless void of darkness.

“Please… let me go,” the girl pleaded to no one in particular as tears began to form around her eyes. “I’ve done nothing wrong; I don’t know why you’ve brought me here.”

A foreign shadow suddenly shifted in the distance, drifting towards the chained girl before circling her entrapped body.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mia,” the shadow replied, the sound sending a chill down Mia’s spine. The voice echoed from all around at a pitch just higher than a whisper. It was feminine in nature, but deeper than any woman she had ever known. Its words lingered in the air, bouncing throughout the room in all directions before fading away into silence.

Mia bowed her head, tears now streaming down her face and pooling on the dark floor below.

“Why are you doing this? What have I done to deserve this?”

The shadow continued its eerie trajectory, gradually growing in size as it slowed.

“Oh Mia, your life is absolutely perfect, isn’t it? You have money, beauty, intelligence… but the balance of the universe has been tilted, and corrections must be made.”

Mia blinked incredulously. “What… what do you mean by ‘balance of the universe?’ I’m just a simple college girl, how could I possibly matter to you?”

The shadow changed course, approaching slowly before resting only a few feet in front of the girl. Swirling around in a tall column of smoke, the amorphous gas began to take shape, dark tendrils materializing into pale flesh. Inch by inch, the shadow faded away, revealing even more of a massive and pale-skinned creature.

“To maintain order in the universe, there must be a balance between the haves and the have nots. There is a disturbance in this balance, my little Mia, and I’m afraid you’ve been selected for some… alterations.”

When the shadow had completely disappeared, Mia found herself staring at a massive, 350-pound woman dressed in red lingerie, her opulent body straining the fabric of her outfit. The entity looked to represent a woman not much older than herself, though far less fortunate in the genetic lottery. Mia was absolutely repulsed by the image before her, and her face visibly grimaced at the site of the woman’s bulging belly as it jiggled in front of her.

“I don’t understand. Who… what are you?” Mia asked with a mix of fear and disgust. This had to be a dream.

The large woman grinned, waddling closer and kneeling down in front of the young girl.

“My little Mia, it does not matter who I am. What matters is that I have been sent here by powers far beyond your comprehension, and they have given me a very specific task that must be completed soon. We must reshape your life to better serve the natural balance of the universe, and that is all you need to understand.”

Tears now flowed freely down Mia’s face as she felt herself struggling to breath. “Please don’t do this. I love my life. I’ve done nothing wrong. This must be a mistake! Certainly there-”

The large woman smiled as she pushed a thick sausage finger to Mia’s lips, silencing the girl in the middle of her sentence. Placing the palm of her pudgy hand on the young girl’s forehead, the woman’s face grew emotionless as she concentrated on the task head.

“Close your eyes and relax; this will all be over soon.”

In a flash of white light, Mia screamed as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her consciousness was flung far from the cold void, twisting through the nether as she felt the universe itself all around her. Her body twisted and contorted as she traveled through a cosmic highway of rainbows before another explosion of white light awoke Mia from her sleep. Gasping for breath, the young girl tossed her covers to the side and bolted upright, her eyes darting around the dark room as a sense of relief washed over her. The young college student was back in her dorm room.

“It was just a dream… a terrible, awful dream,” Mia said weakly as sweat poured down her face.

But a loud set of footsteps approached from the corner of her room, and Mia turned her body around to find the obese woman in red lingerie standing only a few feet away, a sinister grin spread across her spherical face.

“My little Mia, I’m afraid this is all very real. Now get up, we have work to do.”
11 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
love the ending
and the ending size
and everything
Nok 4 years
Great story, love those kinks together, the weight gain, psychological, the naughtiness, and the breeding. And, ofc, fantastic writing bring them all together.
SLDB 4 years
There’s no chapter 12. It looks like chapter 10 was posted twice.
SLDB 4 years
Sorry for procrastinating on this. Two chapters remain and are already outlined.
SLDB 4 years
Have another chapter releasing later today. Things will be ramping up from here on out.
SLDB 4 years
Sorry all, I haven’t been feeling well these last few days. Still planning to have this done soon.
Champ 4 years
Love it!
SLDB 4 years
Forgot to mention that this is inspired by “The Adjuster” on the changing mirror, though the ending will be more focused on feederism.
Karenjenk 4 years
3- Love that she got shorter!
SLDB 4 years
Hoping this will be more of a quick-hitter since the last story ended up longer than intended.