Wired - Part Two

  By SLDB  

Chapter 1 - Meet Up

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Authors Note: All people, locations, etc. in this story are 100% fictional.


© 2025 SLDB


Story Guide

1) Meet Up
2) Past Meets Present (S, M)
3) Plaything (B)
4) Stress Test (B, X)
5) Not Just Lunch (WG, S)
6) Frayed Lines (WG, S, WM)
7) F*ck Pig (X)
8) Juicy Offer (M, WG, X)
9) Failed Experiment (P, WG)
10) Joint Venture (M, S, WG)

• B = Bondage
• F = Funneling
• M = Masturbation
• P = Pregnant
• S = Slob/Stuffing
• WF = Workout Fail
• WG = Weight Gain
• WM = Wardrobe Malfunction
• X = Sex Acts


“Coming!”< br>
Jessica huffed as she stood alone in the long hotel hallway, her beefy arms crossed in annoyance as she listened to the sound of her Dan’s eager footsteps on the other side of the chic hotel room door. Nearly a week had passed since her ex-lover had shared the discovery of April’s new existence, yet the the dragging days that followed had felt closer to an eternity. The shocking revelation by itself had been nearly too much to bear, her brain having seized in pain from the mere sight of her original body on screen before her. However, the lasting sting that still permeated throughout her mind in the days that followed had far more dire implications.

April’s discovery left Jessica feeling wedged between a rock and a hard place. No matter the outcome, when the final months of this twisted experiment were finally over, the former fitness trainer was destined to be left in a morbidly obese body, the situation complicated even further by the fact that April had documented her rapid weight gain by plastering the internet with hundreds of photos and videos of her growing naked body. Countless people all over the world had become intimately familiar with the online fetish model known colloquially as “jshipgainz”. Stepping back into her old life would mean more than returning to an unfamiliar body, it would mean returning to an alternate existence entirely, one where uncomfortable run ins with strangers could always be right around the corner.

For Jessica, there was only one path forward that made any sort of logical sense given how much their lives and bodies had changed. They would each need to forego the experiment’s final payout and remain in their current bodies. It was the only way they could maintain any sort of continuity in their current lives. Yet getting her counterpart to agree was no guarantee, particularly with Dan so eager to lobby for April’s to return to her original body.

“Oh… it’s you,” Dan greeted her upon opening the hotel room door, his disappointment palpable in the tone of his voice. “Come in, she should be here any minute.”

Jessica rolled her eyes as she waddled into the room, her large belly apron brushing against the entryway as she awkwardly maneuvered around Dan. The man was consumed by the anticipation of April’s arrival, his eyes distractedly gazing down the short corridor for their expected guest, completely oblivious to the obstacle he was creating.

“If your goal is to appear desperate, then mission accomplished,” Jessica chided as she sank herself into the room’s king-sized bed, the furniture groaning beneath her corpulent frame.

The impatient man returned an annoyed glare, his face contorting as he reluctantly reached the same conclusion. “I think she’ll understand why I might be a little eager to see her given the circumstances. I take it you’re still not happy to be here?” he asked while closing the door and stepping back into the room.

Jessica made an exaggerated huff as she leaned back, her eyes darting to the window. She didn’t want to be here, not really. She had been perfectly content to continue living life in April’s shoes. Truth be told, the former fitness trainer felt disgusted at the mere thought of what was about to happen.

“Why would I want to miss the moment my ex reunites with the woman he ‘actually’ loves? It’s not as if that exact woman royally fucked my entire life up or anything like that.”

Dan sighed, the agitation easing across his face as he slumped into a nearby desk chair.

“I uhh… know this isn’t easy. But I do appreciate you coming and trying to make things right. To be perfectly candid, I half expected you to no-show or just ditch me and leave town.”

Jessica stared quietly toward the floor, mustering every ounce of strength she could find to hold her emotions in check. “Can’t say it didn’t cross my mind. It’s what she deserves after what she’s done to my old life.”

The two ex-lovers sat silently, the weight of Jessica’s words resting heavily on their minds until a series of knocks echoed from the door. Dan’s contemplative face quickly gave way to exuberance as he stood from his seat, using every ounce of restraint to keep himself from sprinting to greet their awaiting guest. Opening the door, his eyes were greeted by a forest of golden hair before he quickly gazed down toward the 5’2” blonde woman’s frame, and a familiar smile broke out on the woman’s soft face, her crystal blue eyes peering into his own with the same intensity.


The short plumper’s joyous shriek echoed down the halls of the hotel hallway as the 254-pounder launch herself forward, her meaty arms wrapping themselves around the awaiting man as she clung desperately to his muscular body.


Dan wrapped his arms around April’s soft frame, pulling her in close while relishing the sensation of her bloated soft belly squishing against his abs.

“Trust me April it is all very real, but please come inside we have much to discuss,” he urged anxiously, guiding the exuberant woman into the room.

“Ugh I said I wouldn’t cry,” April joked as she wiped away the faintest semblance of a tear. “I can’t believe this is actually happening.”

Dan gave one final glance down the hotel hallway, watching for any potential onlookers before closing the door behind them. However, as he turned his head back towards the plump blonde, another shriek pierced his ears.

“Oh wait you- AAHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK” the blonde screamed as she doubled over, her chubby manicured hands gripping the sides of her head.

Dan turned to find April hunched over on the hotel carpet, writhing in clear pain as her head throbbed.

“What’s wrong April!?” he asked as he frantically jumped to the woman’s side.

However, sitting nonchalantly just a few feet from the commotion, Jessica sat calmly from her bedside perch, watching the blonde with an unamused glare.

“April’s brain is in shock from seeing her original body,” the 352-pound woman said flatly as she watched the bloated version of her original body seize in pain before her. “It happened to me when you first showed me that video. It’ll pass in a minute.”

Jessica sat eerily still, her massive frame barely shifting atop the mattress as she watched Dan tend to April. The blonde grimaced, her cheery demeanor suddenly faltering as she leaned into the man’s embrace. Jessica looked on with an emotionless expression on her face, showing no signs of the storm of conflicting emotions churning within. She had every right to hate April. She had spent months recounting the numerous ways the woman had sabotaged her existence, stealing her chance at a normal year in the experiment, stealing the heart of the man she had fallen in love with, even stealing Jessica’s very sense of self.

Yet as she sat there, watching the April’s vulnerability unfold at her feet, she felt an unwelcome pang of something else entirely. A misplaced part of her mind that wanted to hold the blonde woman tight and whisper words of comfort. The two had exchanged eye contact for only a fraction of a second before April had hunched over in pain, but one glance into the blonde’s crystal blue eyes had sent a shiver down Jessica’s spine. Biting her lower lip, she clenched her eyes shut in an effort to quell the bizarre emotions bubbling within. She quickly shrugged them away, yet they lingered in the back of her mind, simmering beneath the surface.

“God when does it stop,” April groaned as she hunched over. “It feels like someone is actively hitting my head with a frying pan.”

The pain in the blonde woman’s head slowly faded with each second that passed, yet as soon as she glanced back towards the massively obese figure glaring at her from the hotel bed, the pain multiplied once more, her eyes wincing as she averted her gaze.

“I guess this is why the doctors forbade you guys from meeting,” Dan remarked as he tried to move April into an upright position, the plump blonde hesitating for another minute before cautiously looking upon the fat and swollen ankles of her original body.

“I think I’m ok now,” Jessica said warily as she stood.

A slight throb remained in the back of her head as she slowly surveyed Jessica’s bloated body resting on the hotel bed. Just as Jessica had explained, the unpleasant sensation faded further into the background with each second that passed. As her mind adjusted, April’s eyes traveled further up the resting woman’s form, her thoughts buzzing with fascination as she gazed upon what had become of her original body.

“Holy fuck Dan! You said she gained weight but you didn’t say she was a fucking whale!”

With little warning, the excited blonde rushed towards where Jessica was sitting, her eyes going wide with excitement as she soaked in the woman’s rotund 352-pound shape.

“Holy fucking shit I’m so fat!” she shrieked giddily, her plump hands flying to Jessica’s belly and gripping a handful before wobbling the bloated sack. “I always dreamt of getting this big, but you actually did it.”

The irritation in Jessica’s mind quickly dissolved as April suddenly lifted the fabric of her blue sundress, her pale mountain of belly flesh spilling forward as it rolled lazily upon her lap. A soft moan escaped Jessica’s plush lips as the blonde’s fingers grasped and kneaded her blubbery paunch, her doughy flesh oozing between the woman’s pudgy fingers. A part of her wanted to snap back and assert autonomy over the body she now claimed as her own, yet each touch sent another shiver down her spine. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was enjoying every second of the attention.

Dan watched the mixed emotions playing out on Jessica’s face, stepping forward as he placed a hand on the blonde’s shoulder. “Hey April maybe we should slow down a bit, yeah?” he urged as he pulled her away. “Obviously we have much to catch up on and time is of the essence. Though she was reluctant to agree, I specifically asked for Jessica to be here so we can discuss the pressing matter at hand.”

April released her grip, and the blonde’s pale face turned a shade of crimson as the rational part of her brain took back control. “Uh yeah… I suppose you’re right,” she mumbled weakly as she suddenly realized just how bizarre she had behaved. “Sorry about that.” Backing away, her blue eyes scanned the room, searching for a place to rest before finding a nearby lounge chair in the corner.

“It’s umm… fine,” Jessica said, clearly flustered as she struggled to stow away the pile of excess belly flesh resting on her lap.

Dan wearily eyed each woman as the three sat in silence, unsure what to make of the scene. “Soooo anyway, the reason why I asked each of you here together is to discuss how we can best resolve this ‘situation’. There’s only five months left in your experiment, and clearly things aren’t going as expected.”

“Yeah no kidding,” April interjected as she pointed towards the large woman resting on the bed, “I’m a fucking whale!”

Jessica squirmed uncomfortably, trying to suppress the brewing heat within. Trying her best to compose herself, she searched within her mind for the anger that had gripped her just moments ago, trying to stay on balance as negotiations commenced. “Oh you’re one to talk,” she jabbed sharply, though her tone betrayed the mix of emotions within. “I was a fitness instructor before you got control of my body. Now I’m a fucking cow! You threw away my career and now my naked body is in the mind of every stranger on the internet with a fat kink!”

Dan sighed, elevating his voice as he tried to restore order. “Guys that’s enough!” he pressed, trying his best not to add to the chorus of loud screaming that felt destined to attract unwanted attention from the hotel staff. “We must deal with the situation at hand, regardless of why or how we got here. None of us are innocent here, so let’s not waste out time debating who is the worst among us.”

The two plus size women sat quietly as silence filled the room once more, their labored breathing mixing with the room’s AC unit as their hearts pumped mightily within their chests.

“April, your old body is now somewhere around 350 pounds and Jessica, your old body is now around 250 pounds. Like it or not, you are both morbidly obese and, barring a miracle, you will both be morbidly obese when the experiment ends. Now if you will each calm down, we have more than just a few extra pounds to reconcile.”

The room fell into silence as Dan’s words settled on their minds, yet the tension held a charged undercurrent of something else they could not suppress - emotions none of them wanted to acknowledge. The two women shifted uncomfortably in their seats, and April’s expression twitched as a faint flush spread across her plump cheeks. Jessica’s gaze fell upon the squirming blonde as she caught a faint quiver in her plush lips, and her own body shuddered in response.

“April, you took Jessica’s fit body and doubled its original size,” Dan continued. “By doing so, you threw away her career as a fitness instructor and you put her long-term health at risk. You also plastered the internet with her naked body and you profited from turning her into a sex symbol. Can you see how this greatly complicates her life if she were to go back to her old body?”

The dejected blonde took a long and drawn out sigh, nodding softly as she stared into the hotel carpet.

“Ok then. And Jessica, yes April was already fat when you entered her body, but you’ve actually managed to out gain her by around 20 pounds or so. You are also not innocent when it comes to career sabotage. You lost April’s steady job as an accountant, and the only reason you’re even gainfully employed is because Mr. Anderson made you his secretary, but let’s not pretend like he hired you for your organizational skills.”

Jessica’s face flushed a deep crimson red as she averted her gaze towards the floor. She wanted to protest, yet deep down she knew that April was not the only one in the room to profit from their weight gain. Across the room, April perked up with curiosity, blinking incredulously as she looked upon Jessica with a new light.

“Wait hold up. Are you… sleeping with Liam? As in ‘son of the company’s founder’ Liam?”

Jessica nodded weakly, her body shuddering slightly with embarrassment.

“Holy shit that’s so hot,” April said with a palpable tinge of jealously, her unexpected shift in tone taking them by surprise. “I mean that man is built like a Greek god. I know his old secretary got fat but the rumors always seemed too farfetched to be true. How is it?!”

Dan rolled his eyes, expected Jessica to retort with aggression.

“Oh it is incredible!” Jessica blurted abruptly, her pent-up angst dissolving as she felt a twisted sense of pride in her escapades. “Like best sex in my life by a country mile.”

“Guys focus!” Dan interjected sharply, cutting off April’s response as his patience wore thin. But just as the last word rolled off his lips, Dan felt April’s hand forcibly strike his arm from just outside his peripheral view, the unexpected contact spooking the man as he jumped slightly.

“Dan would you chill the fuck out!” she interjected sharpy. “I get it. Jessica doesn’t want to go back into her old body, right? Am I missing something? Isn’t that why we’re all here?”

Dan blinked incredulously. “Umm, yeah I mean, that’s the gist of it…” he mumbled softly as he ran a hand through the strands of his brown hair.

Turning back towards the massive woman sinking into the hotel mattress, April gazed upon what had become of her old body with a sly grin across her face. “Jessica I totally get it. Obviously the body and life you left behind no longer exist. Clearly the same can be said for mine. If you’re cool staying in my old body, then I’m cool staying in yours. Does that work for you?”

Dan felt the need to interject once again, yet he found himself suddenly struggling to collect his thoughts as the scene around him seemed to move at a pace and direction he could no longer anticipate.

“Oh absolutely,” Jessica exclaimed with relief as a mountain of tension fell from her shoulders. “That’s all I wanted to hear.”

The man stood in shock as the two plus sized women stood from their seats and hugged right in front of him. “That’s it? April, don’t you want to think it over? I mean what about your old life? What about us?”

The two women gripped each other closely as they sighed, relishing the soft and warm embrace before slowly disconnecting.

“Dan I like you and all,” April said flatly as she composed herself, her demeanor shifting as she turned towards him. “I don’t really know how to put this, but we haven’t talked in like six months and a lot has happened since then. Also, you’ve been sleeping with Jessica… which is fine! I mean we sort of broke up and all that. But also, it’s kind of weird since you were fucking my old body behind my back, and I’m not sure how I should feel about that. I guess what I’m saying is… I like you and all, but it’s just a lot right now. I’m going to need some time to think about all of this.”

Jessica watched the life drain from Dan’s face as he stood motionless beside them, his lips twitching as he struggled form the words to describe the gut-wrenching emotions within.

“This is going to sound strange,” April continued, her crystal-blue eyes locking with Jessica’s, “but would you like to go get lunch with me?”

Jessica blinked, her mind reeling from the abrupt shift in tone that left her momentarily speechless. Her gaze darted to Dan, his defeated expression shifting to one of utter disbelief.

“Lunch?” Jessica finally managed, her voice tinged with confusion.

April’s grin widened as she grabbed Jessica’s hand, pulling her towards the door “Just you and me. I’ve spoken to Dan for a few days, but I think we have got a lot of catching up to do. Don’t you agree?”

Jessica stared into the blonde’s crystal blue eyes as their fingers interconnected, and a strange yet familiar warmth stirred within as the woman’s 352-pound frame shuddered. April’s grip tightened as she sensed the woman’s hesitantly, a knowing smirk dancing on her lips as she pulled her towards the door.

“You know you want to,” the blonde said softly with a playful tease.

Jessica’s stomach churned, her chaotic thoughts swirling as she nodded.

“I knew you would say yes!” she cheered as the two stumbled towards the exit. “Talk to you later Dan!”

Dan watched in shock as the two plumpers giggled on their way out the door, their departure leaving him alone once more.
10 chapters, created 2 months , updated 2 weeks
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Chivosama14032 1 month
Now she is pregnant? Gal is gonna become soooo gassy 😋!
Champ 1 month
Love it! Looking forward to more!
Awkward_af 2 months
Great stuff!
Btw, who's the girl in the thumbnail?
SLDB 1 month

Unfortunately I don't know who it is. I tried using AI but after an hour of not getting anything decent I just started googling for a placeholder.
Bcain 2 months
So stoked for the follow up/conclusion to this one!
Jambo 2 months
What a gift for the new year , brilliant writing as always!!!!
SLDB 1 month
Much thanks. Guess my resolution is to finish the story haha.
LeDebonaire 2 months
The king returns! Always a treat to read your work.
SLDB 1 month
Thank you!