The Fat Secretary 2

  By SLDB  

Chapter 1 - hers

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© 2020 SLDB

“Cum for me baby, cum inside your wife’s big fat pussy!”

I felt the world close in around me as Emily worked herself atop my body, my orgasm drawing close as my fingers dug into her fleshy and unfamiliar back fat. The sensations were simply too much to comprehend. When we last slept together, she had been so scrawny and reserved, but as Emily’s soft gut sweatily brushed itself against my midsection, she seemed to radiate a level of confidence I had never seen from her before. She knew that I couldn’t resist her new body, and it was far too late for me to turn back now.

When I finally let lose, my hands pulled Emily’s doughy form in close as my hips pistoned upward, my shaft firing a geyser of batter straight into her womb. Emily burst into a fit of moaning and then laughter as she felt my warm gel coating her insides. My eyes remained closed as I pulled her in tight, my mind fixated on feeling every last twitch of my shaft as she rocked herself back and forth, each movement more subtle than the last. When my orgasm had finally subsided, we both sat perfectly still in each other’s arms as we took in the gravity of the moment.

“Looks like you’re all mine again. I knew you’d love my pussy now that it’s so soft and fat,” she whispered into my ear before softly giggling.

When my eyes opened, I found her smiling face only a few inches from mine.

“And all I had to do was get nice and fat. If I had known sooner, I would have stuffed my face years ago.”

When Emily lifted herself from atop my body, my clothing clung to her skin from the thick amount of perspiration she had produced during our session. I had learned months ago that fat girls were always warm, and it felt like a gale of freshly conditioned air hit me the second my 350-pound barbie had removed herself from my lap. I watched my overstuffed bombshell bend over as she collected her clothing and got a full view of her enflamed lips, a trail of my seed leaking out and streaking down her thick right thigh. I wanted to take her again, right then and there, but there were other things now rushing to the forefront of my mind.

“What are you going to do with her? With Amber, I mean.” The words clumsily stuttered out of my mouth with a hint of palpable concern. When Emily was done putting on her clothes she smoothly waddled towards the door, only turning to face me when she had her left hand on the door handle.

“Me? Oh no. The question is: what are WE going to do with her?”

With a wink and a smile, Emily pulled the door open walked out, leaving me all alone to think about the days ahead.
14 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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SLDB 4 years
Thank you to everyone for your patience, I hope you enjoy the ending. As always, I use likes as a way to gauge reader interest with certain themes/POVs/etc. I also take suggestions so please feel free to reach out.
91stol 4 years
A lovely story full of feeding and fucking what more can one desire
SLDB 4 years
Final chapter coming tomorrow!
Krollmeister 4 years
glad to see that the MC is finally gonna step up & do something about Emily. ive been noticing for a while now how his's feelings for Amber had become genuine love and had theorized that Emily had only returned out of spite and to get revenge on the othe
Burtmacklin 4 years
Really hope the main character takes control and turns his wife into another fat immobile pig
SLDB 4 years
Sorry guys, next chapter is long and 80% done but I've been working 14 hour days and haven't had time/energy left.
Justposting 4 years
When’s the next chapter coming
Ottogerg 4 years
Please finish this one!
Qaz 4 years
This is solo good!!!
SLDB 4 years
Feeling better! New chapter is out with more on the way.
Mjhonson 4 years
No worries hope things get better for you soon. Your story is great so far. I am sure it will be good when your ready to continue writing it.
SLDB 4 years
Sorry all, it's been a rough week or so on my end and I just haven't felt like writing much.
Tommmy 4 years
Love the story I can’t wait to see how huge miss you get staying on all fours all the time and eating from the trough. Please continue this soon it’s a wonderful story
Ulvrik 4 years
this is really good, but I wonder if the wife realise the danger to have a such huge girl as a pet lol. the wife maybe will gain more weight just because miss piggy is so big so she forgets herself smiley
SLDB 4 years
Sorry guys, been caught up trying to secure one of these scarce RTX 3080s. Will pump out chapters this week.
Towel 4 years
Awesome direction! Can’t wait to Amber further expand!
Tom_Smith 4 years
This is so hot, this is my personal favourite kind of fantasy
SLDB 4 years
By popular demand, I present the squeal to The Fat Secretary. Looking forward to this one!