Chapter 1 - orientation
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“Welcome to ‘Deep Dives in Online Personalities’ everyone! My assistants are passing out the waivers as I speak, so please review and sign the documents as swiftly as possible so we can begin! I’m sure you all are dying to know what we will be covering this year!” Professor Cadbury pronounced to her lecture hall filled with Junior Psychology students. As the waivers reached the third row, a trio of longtime friends reviewed the thick booklets, skimming hastily before signing their names in the back.
“Blah blah blah we signed up for the class, didn’t we? Let’s get the show on the road!” Julie said with a smile as she handed over her waiver. The 5’2” Asian girl looked at her two best friends expectedly as she waited for them to pass over their forms. Stef was the next person to hand over her waiver. A few inches taller than her pint-sized friend, Stef’s skin was much paler and her hair radiated a bright blonde.
The two girls looked over impatiently at Sarah, who slowly read through the entire document before eventually signing. The 5’0” girl had alluring, mysteriously dark skin. As her deep brown eyes looked up towards her friends, a look of concern crossed her face while she handed over her waiver. “Did you guys not want to read that? It says if we drop this class after hearing the assignment then we will receive an automatic zero. Plus, we’re going to be doing this for two semesters. That’s really intense! Are you two not worried?” Sarah said nervously.
Stef put an arm around her slender friend and gave a slight hug. “Relax girl! Everyone that has ever taken this class said it changed their life for the better. Last year they studied video game streamers for nine months. Their final exam was a game of Fortnite. How bad could it really be?”
As the professor collected and counted the waivers, she stacked the documents into a briefcase and handed it to her assistant before he disappeared out the back door. Walking towards the center of the podium, the 35-year-old woman wore a gleaming smile as she adjusted the tight dress adorning her slim body.
“Alright folks, we’re truly locked in now! As you know, the goal of this class is to enter the body and mind of our subject, with the hope that we all gain a new perspective on life. So without further delay, I present… our focus for the year!”
With a flick of a switch, the auditorium’s lights went dark and the projector turned on. As the image materialized on the screen above, the auditorium audibly gasped in horror and disgust as a picture of a fully-nude, sweaty, morbidly-obese girl was displayed in front of them.
“Behold Jessica Clobinsky! Or as she goes by her online name… BellyBomb69! At 23 years old, she is a highly successful 450-pound online feedee and gainer. What this means is she makes a living by stuffing her face with food all day and sharing her growing body with the entire world through the internet.” As the professor flipped through numerous images of the girl’s fattening form, the audience was aghast at the transformation this girl had undergone. “Two years ago, this girl was but a mere twig, but now... she is a huge pig!” As the last image settled on the screen, the girl appeared to be spread across her bed, fully naked with a funnel inserted into her mouth as her boyfriend dripped milkshakes down her throat, the words “FAT SLUT” written across her belly in black marker.
The lights flicked back on as the image hovered above. “So as you can probably guess, this year we will be studying the online culture of feedeerism and intentional weight gain. For all the women, we will take your weight each month, beginning today, and track your progress over time. Each of you will be required to gain 25 pounds per month and your grade will be a result of how much you gain, as well as how well you document your gain for the public. For the males, you will be assigned a female classmate and will be partly responsible for their weight gain. I expect all of you to spend considerable time reading and studying the many models online, and I hope that maybe some of you will even become the next generation of online gainers!”
The classroom sat in stunned silence for the remainder of the lecture as Dr. Cadbury explained the values this lesson would instill in the everyone. After recording starting weights and assigning partners, the trio of friends stepped outside the lecture hall, each girl fighting back tears as the reality of the situation weighed on them.
“So… yeah. I guess this is happening… We either gain weight or drop out of school…” Sarah said woefully as a tear shimmered down her cheek. “What do we do now? If we gain the minimum for this class then we will each gain an additional 200 pounds of pure fat! We’re going to be huge!”
As Stef looked around in dismay, her eyes settled on a massive girl waddling her way down the hall, her huge belly shaking as it protruded from underneath her food-stained t-shirt. Munching on a candy bar, the girl wiped her chocolate-covered hands on her shirt as she shamelessly belched in the middle of the crowded corridor. The sight disgusted Stef while a shiver went down her spine at the mere thought of becoming just as fat. “Is THAT going to be us at the end of the school year? Are we just going to be a bunch of disgustingly obese slobs when this is all done?”
Julie grimaced at the sight as the girl walked by and then grabbed her two friends, giving a short sigh before bringing them in for a close hug. “No matter what, we’re in this together. We have no choice, we've come too far in school to give up now. The only thing we can do… is eat.”
Her two friends nodded in solemn agreement before they gave each other a hug, and the three girls set off towards the cafeteria for their first of many meals to come.
College Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
20 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years
I see you closed you DeviantArt account... Is there a way to get a long form version of this story, since it is completed?
Busy reading through your other works!
Oh don't you worry, there's a big reveal coming up with her!
take your time
keep this going
I love your story and I bet eveyrone who reads it does too.
I love the hint of mental changes too and
I have an idea though but not about your story and its for all the authors out there.
Ok, so, i forget where the story left off while waiting for a new chapter.
so. would it be possible to put a d
Inspired by "Broadening Your Perspective - Gluttony" by crudeatoms on Deviantart.