College weight gain stories

Going Beyond the Freshman 15

Fall is when the leaves turn colorful and college students start to plumped. An introduction to the culinary -- and pudge-inducing -- joys of college! Based on the real-life experiences of a young OSU coed gaining the Freshman 15 Plus!   More ▼

Taylor Decides to Gain

A young women comes home after being away over a year to find her once buff parents now morbidly obese and hooks up with a now fat former crush, see what happens.   More ▼

Lesson Learned: Cody

Sometimes it takes a hard lesson in treat others how you wish to be treated. When Cody mocks someone's weight in school, he learns how grave that mistake was.   More ▼

A Cure of Loneliness in Food and Fat

A girl finds comfort in food after being lonely all her life. Something I wrote and posted here a few years ago.   More ▼

The Boardwalk Buffet

Darcie finds a new way to feed her humiliation kink... (one-off)   More ▼

Mother's Blessing

In a special Tales From The Crypt, A young man must win the stomach of a protective mother if he has any hope of winning the heart of the daughter.   More ▼

Scaring Them Fat

An obese recruiter for an obesity research company visit a college campus to recruit future employees. Great pay, benefits, but there is a serious downside, that is if you want to stay in shape.   More ▼

Janine's Big College Gain

Based off a contest from, Janine starts growing and gaining with the help of her boyfriend Kevin, throughout college. Should there be a sequel?   More ▼

Slobby Love

A couple takes vacation time to live out their dreams (My first Story)   More ▼

Fat Art