Contemporary weight gain stories

Being Obliged to Eat

Forum user recounts her friend's gradual weight gain, which was caused by (among other things) being surrounded by friends and family who are cooks and insist you eat what they make...   More ▼

A Sunday Buffet

A couple goes away for a fattening weekend, and it peaks with an eventful Sunday brunch. (Contains explicit sex)   More ▼

Submit Your Story Ideas!

My dear macarons - have a story idea you'd love to see written in my style? Check out this story for details on how you can make that happen!   More ▼

Small Breaths

Measuring Tape Fantasy

You measure me with a measuring tape and take too long. [Complete]   More ▼

Winning the Jackpot - March 2024 Theme

Roy, the winner of a grand prize, suffers an unexpected accident and all that extra money goes to his hips   More ▼

An Unflattering Portrait

A nude reference model sees the results of an artist's impression of her body, showing something around the waistline area she doesn't exactly want...   More ▼

My Story. (non-fiction) Auto Biography

This is my story and what brought me to Fantasy Feeder more than 8 years ago. It might help you understand me more.   More ▼

Jackpot (march Writing Prompt)

A man stumbles into a fortune, but how will he spend it? (Silly little cliched one off based on the writing prompt this month.)   More ▼

Shaped Like a Heart

A recently rediscovered Valentine Day vignette from long ago. Inspired by someone special I once roleplayed with back when I was a slender feeder.   More ▼