Girlfriend weight gain stories

Loosening Habits

A man reaches his dreams of having a loving wife, new house, and his dream job. Little to his knowledge all conspire against him to push his waistline further and further. (Warning: sexually explicit) Making some edits to have it read better   More ▼

Culture Shock

Blubber and the Beef

Sammy and Dean have fallen for each other at work; but for some reason, he's holding back. He can't really be serious about his family curse?   More ▼

Inside the Admirer

Anna can't get enough of Bill, her new 400lb boyfriend. But as a slim, athletic girl, she doesn't believe the man's warnings that all of his girlfriends eventually end up getting chubby themselves. Maybe Bill will just have to show her instead...   More ▼

Gimme Chocolate

Heather goes for a job interview at a chocolate factory paying a million for the year. The goth owner Lisa explains she'll also be doing an experiment on chocolate addiction. She agrees since she can lose the pounds later, but will it be that simple?   More ▼

F80 Control

Having won a competition, Holly is delighted to meet the lover of her dreams. Handsome, strong and made almost entirely from steel, she has no idea that this android sexbot is about to lead her down a very dark path...   More ▼

Big Gut Energy [commission]  

COMPLETE 9/30/23 A commissioned novella. Dan's a bit shy, but when Liv tell him about her fetish, he starts gaining for his love. His weight increases, and his confidence goes up with every pound! Light gas, humiliation, XWG, lactation, light BDSM   More ▼

Training and His Diet  

Cameron starts his new diet and yoga training has started. Part two of secrets. Work in progress. Forgot what I decided to call the girl. More in the works but kinda lost track. Let me know what you want to see   More ▼

The Challenge

Brittney, after a little too much wine brags to her girlfriends that she can fatten up her hard body husband. What will that lead to? Last chapter posted, I hope you've enjoyed the story.   More ▼

Grocery Store Gains

Blossoming figure and relationship with a grocery store clerk (Chapter 39-42 up now) chapter 42 will probably be the last chapter at least for now.   More ▼