Girlfriend weight gain stories

My Fat Valentine (1)

COMPLETED. Kylie and Dan have been dating for three years and three hundred pounds. On their Valentine's Day date, Kylie's boyfriend takes advantage of the fact that his habits have clearly rubbed off on her figure throughout the years.   More ▼

My Fat Valentine (2)

COMPLETED. Kylie and Dan have been dating for three years. On their Valentine's Day date, Kylie's usual overindulgence does not go unnoticed, nor unappreciated.   More ▼

Isolation Bellies

A young couple has to isolate themselves due to the Coronavirus. The frustration of being cooped up leads eating too much and gaining weight. Last chapter posted, I hope it gave you something to enjoy while we're in quarantine.   More ▼

Competitive Sisters

Two sisters are determined to be the better wife by seeing who can fatten up her husband the most.   More ▼

Perfect Game

Andrew invites Ellen for a game of bowling that has quite an effect on her figure.   More ▼

Halloween Hospital Horror

Kelly is a healthy petite pregnant woman. Until a series of unfortunate events unfolds turning her life upside down. This is short realistic story, that involves betrayal, sacrifice, and of course....weight gain.   More ▼

Lucky Rainy Day

Delve into an unexpected, scintillating tale where the most passionate desires collide with the scars of the past. Aaron, falls under the enchanting spell of Natascha, an obese woman brimming with sensuality. [Complete]   More ▼

Involuntary Gain and Spousal Gain

A widower marries a cute little hottie from the office. He starts putting on weight and starts to become obese, he thinks his new little wife might have something to do with his gaining.   More ▼

By the Shores of Lake Aranel

Emily: P.o.v - 760 Pounds

A story through the eyes of Emily. I’ll do more of these at different weights, I would recommend reading ‘the rise of Emily’ first before reading this. Hope you enjoy!   More ▼