Girlfriend weight gain stories

Melting Point

Caught in the flames of a burning summertime lust, two lovers lose themselves in indulgent excess. Softer feedism, FFA emphasis, slow burn. WIP as of 1/18/22   More ▼

Phil and Jim and the Fat Chicks

Phil and Jim are chasing Fat Chicks. They meet two that are more than they bargained for. Mostly male weight gain, but also female.   More ▼

Tess's Bakery

A body builder FA pursues a relationship with the BBW who owns a bakery across the street from the gym where he works.   More ▼

Out of the Closet, Into the Kitchen

A gay feeder helps his new boyfriend out of the closet and into some rather huge clothes! (Posted in celebration of same-sex marriages everywhere. Does this story end in matrimony, er, I mean patrimony? You'll have to read it to find out.)   More ▼

House of Candy

The story of Greta and her best friend, Hank, as they discover a house made almost entirely of candy. Watch as Greta discovers the joys of gluttony, and Hank discovers a preference he never knew he had.   More ▼

The Regular

Mike is your favorite regular at the coffee shop where you work. You're enamored with his growing belly and always give him extra sweets, but what happens when he notices your attention? A gender-neutral self-insert fic where you're the feeder.   More ▼

The Magic Touch

A boyfriend brings home some massage oil that will cause some weighty changes in his girlfriend's figure.   More ▼

Rising Waters (pt 1)

Josh and Dani take a long trip out to the West Coast to visit old friends. Something deep within Dani awakens as they experience a more relaxed lifestyle. **This is Part 1 of a 5 Part series involving these characters**   More ▼

It's My Birthday

Grace was a shy girl until she met Paige who helped her get in great physical shape. She loved compliments about her body, but when they stop coming and the attention dies, so does Grace's desire to maintain her glorious physique.   More ▼

Ignorance Is Bliss

A one off story. Amanda has been living in blissful ignorance for years. She’s always been fat, yet never dared put a number to it. How will she react when she takes that next step. Will it make her reconsider her life choices?   More ▼