Girlfriend weight gain stories

Adventures at Fat Camp

A young women, though still in high school takes a job at a "fat camp" that works on overweight girls self esteem rather than weight loss. She gains weight and enjoys it to the point of becoming obese to marry her boyfriend   More ▼

A Machia-belly-an Scheme

Matt is sent by his family to console his recently deceased grandfather's plump young widow. Weight gain ensues.   More ▼


This is different from my usual stuff. This is a MALE weight gain story, so keep that in mind!   More ▼

Oppressed Fantasies

David can finally give in to his deepest desires after getting divorced. (An experiment I did with ChatGPT)   More ▼

The Fattest Space Empress (preview)

A mechanic girl gets swept up into a politically arranged marriage that will save the galaxy. The weight of the empire and galaxy goes right to her hips!   More ▼

Pandora's Box.

In a world where societal norms dictate beauty and limitations, enter the extraordinary love story of Pandora Chadwick and Oliver. Pandora, a woman whose girth defies conventional standards.   More ▼

Welcome to Fatville, Continued...  

Blueberry Surprise

Lucy's grandmother has just passed and left her granddaughter and her wife her estate, and a few surprises along with it.   More ▼

Mooby Monday

My girlfriend Emmy enjoyed that Snapchat filter just a little too much. Check out my latest story: "What's the Difference?!" here on FF   More ▼

Cherie Blossoms (pt 2)

The world wakes anew after a long Winter of exploring a newfound kink. **WIP, Part 2 of a 5 part series**   More ▼