Girlfriend weight gain stories

Watching Waistlines.

A little stuffing scenario for my Muse. My fattening Feedee   More ▼

Big Fat Geek

Charlot Émeric arrive to his blind date with Kaylee Evangeline, a woman with curves in all the right places, and then some. The idea of her swelling fatter is such a turn on to him. Will she feel the same way?   More ▼

The Fat Reunion

A couple goes to a family reunion that will last three weeks. It turns out to be a three weeklong gorge!   More ▼

Becoming Gloriously Out of Shape

Evil feeder fattens up his wife to immense proportions without her realizing it.   More ▼

The Speckled Waistband

Showing Off

The associates of a prestigious firm come together once a year to show off who has the fattest wife   More ▼

April's Growth

An overweight girl grows even more when she finds out her husband's surprise.   More ▼

His Island Hideaway 2

Cookie Monster Preview

Work in progress. First chapter preview. A couple starts an onlyfans called “cookie monster” the “guests” and fans are given choices that are somewhat ambiguous and misleading   More ▼


My take on a fat young Regency era British peer, Lord Bulgerton, as he navigates Wayfair society in search of a wife who will encourage his ever gluttonous ways.   More ▼