Sexy weight gain stories

No Longer a Fantasy  


Adam is surprised to bump into his ex-girlfriend: Holly, the sexy tennis ace. All of a sudden, the last four years apart seem to disappear. But whilst most guys see her sexy, tiny waist and cute butt, Adam sees the potential of an insatiable appetite   More ▼

Ethan: the Secret Feeder

Mel is pretty smitten with sexy man, Ethan. So why are all of her friends so against her new crush? But as she uncovers their reasoning, she realises they may have a point...   More ▼

Fat Girls Give Better Headd

*caution adult story in nature, with adult themes* A thin girl can't satisfy her man orally in the bedroom so takes a class on giving head. What occurs after the class affects her in a strange way.   More ▼

Dating Vincent's Wife

Martin doesn't like the thought of what will happen to him if Jenny's army marine husband finds out about their affair. However, it may not be his safety that he needs to be concerned about, but rather, his waistline instead...   More ▼

Emily’s Ability

The Bimbo Pill 3  

Quotes from Bimbo 3... I was inheriting a new bimbo epidemic. As the landing strip continued to grow, so did my engineer. Her added weight was now obvious. You were my first love and now, you're breeding me. I wish to announce that I am with foal.   More ▼

One Pig Farm

With a kinky, submissive streak, Troy has quite the sex life with his wife Emma. So why on earth is he secretly buying a seven hundred acre farm in Texas?   More ▼

From Jock to Feedee

After being humiliated by Tom in the club for her weight, Becca vowed to get her revenge. However, she wasn’t the only one to change Tom… (Male WG and Role Reversal).   More ▼

Acid Orchid

Aspiring feeder Mia meets reluctant SSBHM Scott at late night Taco Shop. Where will their relationship go from there? Story completed!   More ▼