Sexy weight gain stories

A Summer Job

When a young man returns from college to his summer job, he finds himself getting involved with a new coworker, who is suspiciously attentive to his added pounds. (Completed)   More ▼


Demise of a Cheerleader (long)

Suzy has plans for Alyssa and she intends to push the cheerleader to the brink and beyond. -Developing a shorter one shot story I released awhile back.   More ▼

Love on the Scale: Lena

Lena, a financially struggling student, meets Michael, a successful businessman who offers to take care of her in exchange for companionship. However, Michael has a fetish for bigger women and asks Lena to gain weight. Desperate for money Lena agrees   More ▼

Swimming in Sweets

Josie is having trouble keeping a work/life balance until the perfect job comes along. Will she get in over her head? It's only a matter of time until she is drowning in sweets.   More ▼

The Cheater  

F80 Ctrl+alt+del

Emily has a secret kink, not known to anyone but the online F80 ChatBot. But what happens when a kinky cyber fantasy gradually collides with a very much physical reality?   More ▼


Grown Up

Michaela takes Matt and Mel up on their offer to fill an evening and her stomach together. Will she outgrow her plane seat before she's even boarded for her trip to Europe? Will Matt and Mel be success?   More ▼
