Weight gain stories

Nobody to Feed... 😔

I'd like so much to have a Princess to feed...😔 But seems that nobody wants to be fed by me! Or at least I still didn't find anybody who wants to get fatter and fatter only for me! 😍 Well looks like I still have to wait for that special pe   More ▼

A Morning at Mcdonalds

A real experience, recounted in a narrative that dances around truth and elaboration. Nevertheless, these events have a basis in reality   More ▼

Kelly Weight Gain

Kelly was always a very skinny girl throughout her life until she was 19, but after spending a few months at her aunt's house, her life changed forever...   More ▼

Fertility Programm

Jen a fresh out of art college graduate is looking for a way to get some money. She enlists on a genetic test and trial.   More ▼

A Lose and a Gain Between Frienemies

Summer has always been the better of the 2 but thats all about to change when Aria challenges her to a noodle eating contest   More ▼

The Drive Home

A young man is driving home from a concert when he hits a deer. A mysterious organization gets to him before emergency services. And they have big plans.   More ▼

Jennifer and the Two Week Cruise

Abunta on the Waves

Follow Diego, his partner Malik, and their ever-expanding family as they go about life on Abunta, a welcoming island nation of great excess and strange wonders. Unravel its mysteries. There's more than meets the eye... (Mpreg, large pregnancies)   More ▼

Oblivious Love Gains

Crystals chubby boyfriend gets back in shape and she loses hers without realizing it. Her boyfriend starts helping her secretly gain weight because he realizes he might like her a little heavier as well.   More ▼

Caring by Cooking

Food, romance, gaining and sex. Completed 24/6 xx   More ▼