Sexy weight gain stories

First and Last Call

You recall the first time you ever fed your wife; now, three years later, you witness what your work has created.   More ▼

The Office

An Office Boss signs a new contract with a snack company and his colleagues start changing.   More ▼

The Night the Kink Came Out

After years of denial, this story describes the night that I could no longer deny my little fetishes   More ▼

Megan (alternate Universe) Physical Trainer  

His Baby

A man tired of seeing his moderately skinny girlfriend starve herself each day, turns her into a spoiled pig for her own good. Something had to happen and fast.   More ▼

The Blimpmaker Meats His Match and the Tides Are Turned  


Growing Gaia - Sample

A young lawyer finds herself growing into a big bellied fertility goddess, becoming a human embodiment of Mother Nature.   More ▼


With This Ring, I Thee Wed