Sexy weight gain stories

Bad Girl, Fat Girl

A mild mannered office clerk finds getting stuck in an elevator with his ssbbw co-worker can be a fun experience   More ▼

Wicked Stepfather

Oscar wants to get revenge on his wife for being mean to his chubby son, so, he decides to give her a taste of her own medicine and starts to fatten up his twin stepsons   More ▼

Exercise Anticonditioning

The Fight of Her Life

Female character who's life takes a sideways direction during lockdown. Extreme weight gain.   More ▼

Club 220

A thin boy falls in love with a girl wo likes only chubby guys, so he desides that he gains weight to conquer her heart.   More ▼

Shape Shifter

Pete gets a visit from a lady from another world that can make herself whatever size and shape he wants. I�m betting that a lot of guys have had a similar fantasy. Fat admiration.   More ▼

Moving On, Bloating Out.

Sometimes it's the one that got away.   More ▼

Not My Usual Delivery

I didn't expect to live out my deepest fantasy and get tipped for it. I guess being the pizza boy paid off.   More ▼

The Random Roommate

Amber has always dreamed of becoming a global soccer star, but when her college matches her with an obese roommate, she learns that some dreams are overrated. A story of love and self-discovery.   More ▼

Body and Soul - Love and Marriage

Intense short story about an extremely kinky couple in love. Includes domination and control, weight loss and gain, breeding, and humiliation.   More ▼