Sexy weight gain stories

Loving Me to Death

Enema of the Female 2

Too Fat for Alice Bands

A feeder discoovers that their slim partner has a love for pies and pampers her, then fattens her (with her permission). A story about affection.   More ▼

The Weekend of Sensory Delights

[ONGOING] Amanda's escape to a mysterious resort becomes the start of a seduction from gourmet pleasures, and hidden desires. Each chapter reveals a surprising transformation in this provocative tale of 'Sensual Delights Weekend.'   More ▼

There Was Nothing Left - March Theme 2024

Here's my entry for this month's FF writing theme! An SSBHM riff on Beauty & the Beast, written by someone who knows the Beast should never have turned back human. Never. Magical bondage, male dom/fem sub, virgin FMC/first time   More ▼

Too Hard to Stay Skinny (commissioned)

After a man's wife refuses to let her workout regime and self-discipline go, she realises that her toned body many not be what her or her husband actually want...   More ▼

Fatter Image

An athletic young man purchases an enchanting mirror and sees a rather chunky version of himself staring back. What will happen when he dares to touch the glass?   More ▼

The Phlebotomist

A socially awkward college student goes to the doctor to find out she needs some tests run. She meets a very sweet and very rotund phlebotomist in the process.   More ▼

Apple Pie and the Art of Seduction

An afternoon of shopping leads Alex to a tearoom. The waitress he meets there is the most beautiful person he has a ever met, for one reason: she is fat.   More ▼

Look and Eat

A feeder and her Pet looking in a mirror. BBW, Dom/Sub, Feeding, Stuffing, FA, explicit content and sexual senario. don’t like it? don’t read it.   More ▼