Sexy weight gain stories

Shay's Magic Chocolates [patreon Commission]

April's Patreon commission for JJBinx! Naven's fun adventure with Red coming to a close, he got something to prank Shay but then Abel sees the box first... Naven, Abel, and Shay are JJBinx's OCs. Contains gay male sexual content, immobile & rapid WG   More ▼

Walk the Gain

A fictional story of a metal metalcore clean vocalist who falls in love with a pop singer and they both have a fat fetish.   More ▼

Dragon Sin

Something meant to be cozy turned into something very lewd. Sara denies she has a huge crush on the Captain (and his wife), and trying to avoid him ends in a chaotic, kinky threesome.   More ▼

For the Love of Plumpness

Adipose acquisition leads to better lovemaking. For couples of all types, mutual fatteners, fat wannabes, and those who are fat-curious!   More ▼

Ms Fortune

Everyone needs a little Ms Fortune in their lives. Hopefully a fun little scene between a female feeder and male feedee, both 'in the know' about their fetish. Hope you enjoy!   More ▼

My Big Girl (preview)

Austin's Take on Haley's Gain

Original Haley's gain is by ConJohn. Same story but with additional parts of my own. Haley, a popular hot college freshman starts her college years. Themes of Humiliation/revenge. Feedback is good. This is my fan take on the story Haley's gain. Enjoy   More ▼

To the Male Feeders

a fantasy I want to share with the male feeders   More ▼

Ffa in Bed With a Bhm

First published seven years ago. Time to revisit.   More ▼

Jay Marx (aka Stretch)