Sexy weight gain stories

Appetizer One

A short scene between a feeder and feedee. Free writing idea that never quite panned out for me, but I thought some might enjoy it.   More ▼

Thorns and Meadows

After reassignment below her station a lampad finds herself with too much time on her hands. Time that was once spent working is spent meddling in the lives of unsuspecting flower and meadow nymphs. Loosely based of “Midnight Summer’s Dream”   More ▼

Young Queen Weight Gain

My Big, Fat, Tiefling Christmas

A Christmas short with Baz and Millie from Never Trust a Thin Chef. Happy holidays everyone! 🎄🦌 ❄️   More ▼

Trip of a Lifetime (preview)

Three college best friends get the chance to go on a free vacation to Las Vegas. At least, that's what they think. Their lives are about to change in a massive way.   More ▼


Of Course You Would

The tale of a separated couple drawn back together by their common love of weight on her body and her lack of independence.   More ▼

What I Love About You

"I like that you have grown so chubby. I always wanted a man like you, someone I could feed and grow." A story of romance and desire inspired by an FFA's profile on FF.   More ▼

The Dreams of Summer

Micah reunites with his high school crush Christine, who's much heavier and hornier now. They have a steamy summer affair with lots of full bellies, hiccups and jiggling! *This is a censored version of a sexually explicit story from my Patreon*   More ▼

The Godess of Gluttony: Harold Binnger's Diary

Harold Binnger, was a geneticist scientist well remembered in the city, but slowly fell into a degradation and exponential madness, the only thing that was recovered was his personal diary that you are about to read, which according to the authoritie   More ▼