#onemoremeal one more man (john) - largetwink

Chapter 1 - john - parts 1 to 4

Part One – Intro and Orlando
Start - Weight 62 kg (136 lbs), 1.8m (5’11”) (19.2 BMI)

APP POST [I want to gain weight but, I don’t know what to do? I have tried everything under the sun]
I look at the responses and someone talks about the #OneMoreMeal diet. I’ve seen it before with some of my favourite gainers swearing by it but, I didn’t know what it was, so I asked around. I got the spreadsheet and some recipes.

I have always spent my 20’s waiting for my metabolism to slow down. I also have always wanted a big gut. I have dated men with these frames for my entire adulthood. They always tell me. It will come. I got stuffed a few times but, I always hated it and it always resulted in me not fitting in my clothes for a day. Then being thinner than before.
I had enough.
I had won a work raffle and the top prize was a 4-week paid vacation to Florida.
I am going to come back with souvenirs, memories and with a lot of fat on my frame.

POST MESSAGE from JohnGainz [Hey, I am going to Florida for a month. Anyone wanna feed me?]

I got to the airport. From Austin, TX to Orlando, FL. When I got there, I imminently went in the free hire car and made my way to my hotel. I get to the hotel and it is ironically called The Lust Hotel.

I am in for a treat. So, I get to my room and weigh and measure EVERYTHING under the sun.
Then I read the amount I have to consume in that one day and it was around 2,800 cal.
The 2,800cal. wasn’t a big deal so I go through that like a breeze. I step on the scales and look at my torso. I gained 0.1kg (0.2 lbs) Ughhh. I have spent all this time on what.
During that next week I went to stuff myself every day. My min. daily calorie count was ~3,100 cal. Which was a barely a challenge most days. I make my way to the scales again and weigh myself. I gained .4kg THIS WEEK (0.9lbs) I have gained a pound!
So, I upped my daily calorie count was ~3,500. I blast through that daily calorie count as I have started putting my stuffing technique to action. I step on the scales like every other day until I read out the number 63.5 kg (140 lbs) then imminently grabbed my phone.
POST MESSAGE [I gained 2 lbs this WEEK]
With a collage of 4 images and under one [SW 136lbs], [W1 136.2lbs], [W2 137.1lbs] and [NOW 139.1lbs].
It was really happening. So, I went through ~4,000 cal. Daily like a breeze and I actually was 500 cals. Extra on average and that did wonders for my stomach. I do my now normal daily routine as normal and as I measured myself, I was larger by a bit. So lastly, I weighed myself I read [141.3lbs] (65kg) I muttered “WOW!” I look at my stomach over 4 weeks my BMI has increased by 0.8 points.

POST MESSAGE [4 lbs in 4 weeks! #OneMoreMeal works.]
I get a DM from someone. I don’t care as I am I checking out.
I get in the hire car. I read the in-app message

APP MESSAGE from FloridaFatty to JohnGainz [Hey if you are still in Orlando could I feed you?]
I ponder then message
APP MESSAGE to FloridaFatty [I am leaving tonight. Can we meet-up?]
APP MESSAGE to JohnGainz [Yeah 20mins at]
FloridaFatty placed a pin at a location which was a chain fast food restaurant.

A large man around my age enters the fast-food restaurant and asks me “John?” I reply “Florida?” we sit down, and he tells me his name is “Frank”
He stands up then goes to the counter and orders me food. He sits back down and start talking. He talks about his big stomach and I talk about my ‘retreat’.
Our food comes and honestly, I thought a man like that would order me more. I had a ~4400 cal. Min. this week. He only got me 2 burgers, 4 fries, 3 drinks (One a shake, One Soft Drink and, one juice), and A muffin “For the road” as Frank placed the muffin atop the large amount of food.
I went through it like a breeze. Both Large burgers instantly were finished, I was going through the fries while having my burger. My cold near frozen Shake was drunk instantly due to the humidity and heat. The juice was had right after with the last of the fries gone as I started with my soft drink and muffin.
I look at my watch and see that I had an hour until I leave so I sat there with Frank side-by-side with an empty table with half a soft drink and a bit of a muffin.

We talk for a while then when I was comfortable to do so made my way to the car. Giving Frank a handshake then a hug. I place the soda in the cup holder and eat the last of the muffin. I drive to the airport, dropped off the hire car with soft drink in hand
Then I later than I know it I headed back home from the airport. Made my way back to my apartment to get some takeaway
Eating the last number of calories plus a few extra calories. I go to my bed for some well needed rest and belly rubs.

Part Two – Back Home
WEEK 5 - Weight 64.5kg (142.3 lbs) (19.9 BMI)

On the first morning I was back in Austin. I went and bought dress shirts, pants and suit jackets for the next 4 sizes up (M->XXL). And the rest of the clothes 5 sizes up (M->3XL).
I hadn’t increased in clothing size as my clothes were big on me before I left but, I knew I’d be bigger even after Orlando
Before I left for Orlando, I bulk-bought a large variety of fatty foods and snacks. With my first day back, I brought a few boxes of snacks and fatty foods to the office.
I made a rule my first day back about eating these foods hourly. When the minute hand is at the 11, I gorge myself on these treats. I also have been using the lunch hour to go to the microwave and microwave all my new greasy and fatty foods.
I do everything else just like before except, I am consuming ~4700 cal. Plus my daily extras.

One week after I arrive home, I gained 1.5kg (3.2 lbs) more than when I landed.

I measure and weigh myself like I do every day now with the scale reading [145.5lbs] (66.2 kg). I look at my small pudgy stomach and I mutter “One day closer.”

As one of Frank’s many tips. I do my work, gorge and sleep those were the three things I did. I had the minimum of ~5,200 cal. That’s how I spent week 6. I gained 1.7kg (3.7 lbs).

I gained 2.8kg (6.2lbs) in week 7 alone. I had a ~5450 cal min. but I averaged around ~5900 cal. per day that week. So, I didn’t change much from week 7 to week 8 except I started ordering daily from that fast food place that Frank and I ate to top of all I ate. I averaged around ~6450 cal. Per day that week. Much above the ~6100 calorie limit Ending up gaining 3.1kg (6.8lbs).

The next week was a challenge

I was really noticing the 9.1kg (20lb) weight gain from the last 4 weeks. I went up 2 sizes, I had a noticeable but small pot belly. I also was getting a skinny fat frame. With a mound of fat at my gut and a bit in my legs.
This weight gain was noticeable to everyone and they don’t realise 3 things.
It is intentional.
It is too little.
It started at Orlando.

During that week I hit a barrier at the ~6700 daily cal. min. I did reach it but, barely. I still gained weight that week a 3.2kg (7lbs) weight gain that week. I did a lot of stuff for week 9 to prepare for the ~7100 daily cal. min. Getting more at the fast-food restaurant. This included research and find and ‘sampling’ some gainer shakes and also added some more snacks to my cubicle. Also having snacks when the minute hand was on 5 as well.
So, every hour between x:25 -x:30 and x:50 and y:00 I was snacking.

Week 9
These incentives actually were really easy and made me surpass the calorie min. by 800 cal. at ~7900cal. on a daily average. I celebrated this on the app along with a picture of my 6.6kg (14.6lb) weight gain

POST MESSAGE [I am officially OVERWEIGHT! I am now 48lbs (21.9kg) heavier than when I started!]
The post has a 9-image collage of John from SW through W1 to W9 with the number 184lb (83.4kg) under the W9 image. With every week getting an ever-increasingly large gut and legs. with small growth in his ass, arms and a double chin ever approaching.
I looked at my gut, it was big and jiggly but not the size I wanted so I continued. I grabbed my XXL suit. Putting it on and continued my way to work.

Part Three – Promotion
WEEK 10 - Weight 83.5kg (184lbs) (25.6 BMI)

I had the EXACT same foods except my boss Walter was retiring. So, on Friday we had cake. I obviously had a respectable amount but, I was annoyed that Walter was leaving.

He was an Old-Fashioned large ball-gutted man. He was very rotund and loved his size. He 100% couldn’t be on the FFApp as he doesn’t even own a smartphone.
He talks to everyone and he comes to me and asks, “Congrats on the kid John.” He taps my gut and the two of us laugh. He gets serious and asks me “Do you want my job, John? I know you don’t have all the experience but, you look like a businessman now. You look mature.” He looks at my gut. I look at his and I reply “I am nearly 33. I am nearly there.” I point at the rotund gut that Walter sports.
Walter adds “You make sure that you treasure this time John, you could be at a state you cannot come back from.” He adds “I know.” He taps my gut and adds “Don’t worry, I am leaving anyway.”

He grabbed my arm and took me to his personal fridge in his office and gives me a Tupperware of about 10-14 servings of cake and replies “Be a man.” He adds Tomorrow I am coming back at 8 I want the empty Tupperware by then or you don’t get my job.” Tapping my gut then leaving.

I finished work and instantly finishing the large 10-14 person serving of chocolate cake. I was so happy.
TEXT MESSAGE From John to Walter [Hey Walter, I am coming back to the office in 20.] I sent a picture to Walter of the finished cake still in the large, uncleaned Tupperware.
TEXT MESSAGE from Walter [Congrats on the job! Come by the office any time I am just clearing out the office.]

I drive over there with the Tupperware in the passenger seat. I race to the lift and press the 19th floor. I go to Walter’s desk past 2 assistant’s desks to see Walter.

“Hey Walter. I finished it.” I notify. He asks me “Did you?” I replied, “Yeah Walter.” Showing the cake stains on my dress shirt and the image.

He walks to his desk and rummages through a box. Grabbing out a smaller Tupperware of cake, a document and his desk title paperweight.
“10 minutes tops. I didn’t know for sure after I gave you that so try mate.” He gives me the Tupperware and starts a timer on his flip phone. I blast through the cake in 4 minutes and that includes cleaning my face and no utensils.
Walter replies “F**k sorry for not trusting you.” I replied, “I f**king love cake.” He adds I realise. Giving me the desk title and the contract.

Signing instantly and I ask Walter “I have to get my name plate. I make my way back to my cubicle, grabbing my desk name plate and some snacks.
I enter my new office and place my old title on the desk and slide the new title on the desk name plate. And give Walter a handful of snacks and telling him “You did great! Thanks for being a businessman.” We cheer with our hands of snacks and talk about all to do with the job.

I left 2 hours later went past the fast-food restaurant and ordered my regular excessive amount. Got home ate it ALL along with the extra cake that Walter gave me as a ‘Promotion Gift”

Eating around ~7950 cal. daily on average. For the second week in a row, I gained 6.7 kg (15lbs) knowing 100% that the cake contributed .1kg came from Walter’s cake.

I had to eat ~9150 cal. per day. It actually was a sort of struggle but, not so much. I had my new office; I eternally ate and had my gainer shakes in the fridge and microwave that Walter installed so along with all of that I didn’t even realise I was gaining anymore until Thursday.
I was getting my hourly shake and snacks. I grabbed a bunch of cold chocolates and some frozen snacks and I put the frozen snacks in the microwave, and I bent down to get one of my many daily shakes when…

[RIIIPPPPPPPP] My tight suit pants finally gave up. The 40” pants finally gave up. I had moaned to get new pants, but I was too lazy. So, I emailed one of my assistants.

EMAIL from John to Zach [Hey can you get me a size 44 pants. I have a big meeting and I have sauce on them.]

10 minutes later Zach comes in with the almost identical pants. I ask him to close the office blinds and make sure no one comes in.

I take off my now ripped pants right at the ass crack, when I realised, I did get sauce on the leg. I look at myself in my new full-length mirror. And place my pants on. Ripping the tag off and putting my belt from my desk drawer where it stayed for a week and a half and back on the pants.

I place the pants under empty wrappers in the trash, open the blinds and go to the meeting. Files in one hand. My food and shake in the other.
That week I ate per day ~9980 cal. per day average. I also gained 7kg (15.4lbs)
I looked myself in the mirror now a normal part of my everyday routine. Weighing myself and it states [214.4 lbs] (97.2kg) I take a photo along with by body profile and continue on with my day
APP POST [Just reached Week 11 to find that I am NEARLY OBESE! One more day!]

Part Four – Ten Thousand
WEEK 12 - Weight 104.3kg (230.1lbs) (32.1 BMI)

APP POST [Week 12 asked for ~10,200 calories per day. And I barely passed it only above by 12 calories. I am ALSO OBESE!]
I gained 7.1kg (15.7lbs) and now at 104.3 kg (230.1lbs)

APP POST [I have made it! I am now a large obese man. I reached my goal]
I also accompanied the post of a collage of 8 images (SW, W2, W4, W6, W8, W10, the start of W12, and a current photo.)

I spent that Sunday playing with my fully fledged gut, masturbating while playing with it and eating food.

Hours later
I look in the mirror of my closet and I open it up to see my clothes that I wore the day that I won the trip to Orlando. I grab the dress shirt which was a size Small. Placed it on my gut and it was no way to being closed. So, I took it off buttoned it and placed it over my head. Getting it down a bit I took a photo and sent it to Frank.
IN-APP MESSAGE from JohnGainz to FloridaFatty [Look what you have done! Thanks Mate]
IN-APP MESSAGE to JohnGainz [You’re welcome Fatty!]

I get the rest of the outfit. The pants stopped a bit above the knees, the underwear was so tight that it left marks, the suit jacket didn’t even cover the now small dress shirt.

I muttered “I have finally made it.” Grabbing my phone and getting naked while ordering my regular order of fast food. Then going over to the fridge grabbing my tasty gainer shake.

A large obese man. Drinking a gainer shake while naked.

That’s THE life.
My Life. I won 708.6 donut points!
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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