Dadbod +1 - Largetwink

Chapter 1 - ride for 3

Ride for 3
Tom wants a ride to LAX. Accept

I got my large SUV and made my way to the destination. I looked around my SUV while at a traffic light and I realised that after my wife left me, I shouldn’t have this large car. We planned for kids. But that’s a no-go. I also planned for us to move to a new house and that wasn’t a part of her plan. I am now in a Los Angeles airport hotel thousands of miles from home. Not able to go back but also not able to stay.

So, I start thinking about how much this new and expensive SUV will sell for.

I make my way to the large opulent mansion. It was on a cul-de-sac with 2 homes. One was being sold off and the other was getting renovations. I muttered “Rich people” as I think about my car.
There were three men coming in. I didn’t think much about it. Just another job.

One of the men ask. “Hey, is it ok if we stop at a burger place?” I reply “OK”
The three men start asking about what they’d get, and I think about my order. I also place in the rideshare app that we have 2 destinations. So, the ride doesn’t affect my rating. Because that’s one of the only things I have left.

I get to the burger place; one of the three men gets out of the car. The one that got out was the largest of the three. He was pretty cute looking for a thick guy. He had a nicely bearded face with a small, tiny double chin especially regarding his size.
TEXT MESSAGE from Tom to Mark [Hey Mark, what do you want?]
TEXT MESSAGE [I’d have whatever you’re getting. Also, you can eat in the car anyway.]

Then I realised the largest one was Tom the one who ordered the ride.

I started to talk to the other two men. One was Tom’s Boyfriend. His name was Bryce and the other was Kurt the two men’s best friend.

Bryce was around the same size as Tom but, but a bit slimmer. Kurt looked like he was a muscular man bulking. But I am not fully sure. They were heading to a lodge in Montana. Going to some retreat with 12 of their other friends about body positivity.
Which probably means extreme dieting knowing rich businesspeople and companies. I imminently thought about the three men doing rich people things and not regarding anything else. Then I thought about selling my car again.

The three of us are still talking when I ask. “Hey, I wonder when Tom is coming back?” The two large men wonder as I text him
TEXT MESSAGE From Mark to Tom [Hey Tom, Any updates on our food?]

TEXT MESSAGE From Tom [Hey, I got it all. I am coming to the car.]

Tom comes with a multitude of paper bags, cup trays and boxes. I remembered what I asked for and regretted my decision.
4 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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