Dude Ranch - Largetwink

Chapter 1 - stalled

“ARRGH” I look around to see nothing but the interior of my luxury Italian SUV and a flat prairie engulfing my entire field of view.
I smash my steering wheel and start sobbing. “Why???!!!!! Why here you stupid car!” I open the hood latch and make my way to the front of the car to check what the check engine light was alerting about.

I open it to see a waft of grey smoke. I fan it out to see what the problem may be. I turn to see if there’s anyone who could help me but alas there was no one.

I checked my phone but there were no bars. I was stuck in a massive remote prairie in the middle of Montana. I took this route because it was quicker to get to Minneapolis then the interstate, but it could lose my new job. I know full well that my new editor would tear up my contract if I don’t get to the office.

I look around the now smoke free engine and see the oil and see if there’s any debris or whatever in my engine but there was not. I look at my watch [11:28am] and listen to the silence.

I open the car door and look at my possessions packed into a mid-sized SUV. I start the engine once more with the hood still open the engine turns then fails with a heap of smoke out of the engine. I turn off the car, got out of the car and closed the hood.

I was lost, clueless and toast in about 38 hours. I was meant to make this journey with my boyfriend, but he is now my cheating ex-boyfriend.

I sat on top of my hood trying to see any homes or buildings where I can ask for a mechanic but there were in my massive line of vision, only swaths of farmland, a 2-lane paved road and small fences parallel to it.

So, to at least embrace the silence for a little before life comes by to bite me in the a---.

“Howdy bud. Ya need some help?” I turn behind me to see a rugged-looking young man atop a horse.

I replied “Yeah, some may be an understatement.” We chuckle. We shake hands I state “Joseph Blake” he replies “Danny Walker”

Danny asks, “Can I take a look at the hood?” I hop off the hood and open it for Danny. He looks around and checks a few things then says. “I have no idea what I am looking at but, I could call the local mechanic to check it out for ya. I don’t think he does too many non-trucks let alone luxury SUVs but, at least he’d do more than check the dipstick”

I reply, “I’m happy with that.” Danny brings his arm to me, “Hop on my steed, Joy or J.” I grab Danny’s hand for support as I sit on the saddle in front of Danny as RJ goes into full speed racing to Danny’s home.

The 3- or 4-minute ride was a blast, Danny was embracing me as much as one can embrace on another. It was pretty quiet due to the wind and clacking of J’s hooves on the grass.

Danny gets off and he lifts me off J before letting her run free. Danny opens the door and I take off my muddy shoes and Danny does the same.

Danny asks me “Hey do you wanna drink? Water, Beer, Coffee?” I reply “maybe a water. I have to still drive.” Danny replies “A beer then. The mechanic’s about 15 miles away. So, you might not be able to get on the road for at least a few days bud.

I grab the cold beer and sit in Danny’s living room as Danny in the nearby kitchen making a call on the landline to the Mechanic.

He gets off and looks at me. Danny states “You might have to stay here for a while. Andy cannot come to see the car until next Tuesday, So you could stay here until the car is done.

I reply “Well, I am probably losing my job unless I call my editor and tell her that I am not coming for 2 weeks.”

Danny hands me the phone and I dial the number that I saved on my smartphone. “Hey, Susan. It’s Joseph. I cannot come and sign the contract for at least a fortnight. My car exploded so the earliest I could come is in a fortnight. Also call me back on this number as there’s no reception where I am.”

Danny looks at me with his vivid green eyes grabbing his keys and saying “You could sleep in the guest room”

The two of us went up and unloaded my SUV and I grabbed the essentials and putting them in Danny’s guest room.
5 chapters, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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Jens01 3 years
good start...... beer so good for hot boys
LargeTwink 3 years
I hate to burst your bubble but... its not a FFA story. I do have a FFA version but, it's going to be in the paid subscription. sry ♥️