Chapter 1 - Part one – max’s beginning
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Max applied to De Bauhn as a long shot. Due to the university’s prestige and out of state location. He didn’t think much when the letter came from the college until it said that Max got accepted with flying colours.
Max exits his family home. A large double story home in the inner suburb of Chester Park. With the last of his things in his car which was his parents’ old 1-year-old blue Range Rover and his muscular older brother Jack in the passenger seat.
Max goes from the atrium and hugs his mother a tall muscular woman exclaiming “Bye Mom!” she replies, “Bye Baby!” and then Max sprints to the home office to see him on a treadmill-desk which is very common for the muscular man and His father lowers the speed and then he hugs his son and Max waves and exclaims “Bye Dad!” and his dad replies “Bye Max!”
Then Max makes his way back to the car and passes his bedroom and looks inside to see the room entirely empty apart from his ‘very slightly used’ crew rowing machine in a postal box ready for delivery to his new apartment with the much-needed paperwork atop the box. Grabbing it and his wallet and making his way to the car.
He closes the door and makes his way to the entry.
As he closes the front door and closes the fully loaded boot of his car. He gets in, On his way to a new life. Max on the ride to his new home on De Bauhn University campus with his brother Jack to help him move in.
Arriving at the prestigious university within the day. Max heads to the campus administration building. The tall lightly tanned man around 1.85m grabs his paperwork out of the car with his older brother Jack still in the Passenger seat. Max informs Jack as he is going to the admin building “Don’t take any boxes out, I need to get my keys and apartment number!”
He looks at his older brother as he gives a pair of his signature finger guns.
Max opens the admin doors to see a quiet room with 3 receptionists. This is where his journey to adulthood begins. Going to Double Major a degree in Health. With the Majors in Sports Science and Dietetics.
The first-year flies by. Max manages to balance his school life, working as a TA, social life, being Capitan of the university crew team and, working out.
He didn’t know what his life needed. He would always crave a boyfriend. But didn’t have the time let alone the energy for another person in his life.
Max had learned about many a thing during his first year. But the summer approached, and all these obligations fell out. No friends staying on campus like he was, no school which meant no need for teacher’s assistants and the crew team’s season finished.
So, Max went to find a guy. He didn’t really know if anything would be long term but, he knew that he needed to find a guy that could stay the night.
By the end of the summer, he’d explored and had many one-nightstands obviously due to his sexy features and muscular and thin figure. He would be with someone with the same if not barely different features let alone form and figure.
Max did however have a person Toby who he dated. Toby was thin just like him. Muscular just like him. Good looking just like him. Max didn’t really care that Toby was like him. But, after a while Toby cheated on Max.
Which was fine as Max was cheating on Toby with a random muscular hot guy just like the other two.
So, the summer ended up with Max alone again and ready to get insanely busy to forget about men.
The Second year went by as fast as the First. It was about 7 months in when Max realised that he needs to find someone more than a one-night stand.
So, Max started using his dating apps again.
He’d always get a lot of offers but, didn’t go through with any of them more than fucking one or two times and never again.
He continued to date these men that were hot, muscular, and thin. He didn’t find anyone who he’d like to meet his family or close friends though.
The Second Year finished. Max went to see if this summer could be better than the last. But, instead of getting a man he got a new job in the field, being a Teacher’s Assistant was fun but, he wanted to be out in the world. To work with a practicing dietician a Dr. Eli Stone at a GP clinic.
Dr. Stone was pretty much an older version of Max. Buff, Brown hair, lightly tanned and around 1.8m (6’). Max pretty much filled his days at the clinic.
Days at the clinic and at the Night at the club. That’s how Max’s summer ended.
Contemporary Fiction
Friends/Family Reunion
Weight gain
8 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years