Nineteen Candles - Largetwink

Chapter 1 - first days

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This story was in a format I have tried before but never released. You all wanted a First-Person story and here you go.

You blow out the candles of your birthday cake, you are now finally 18 and going into college tomorrow.

The next morning, You wake up in your bed to see the pletera of boxes labelled and to be loaded into your sedan. You spend the morning placing them in the car, then to shower and change. Grabbing your keys, college admission information, wallet, and a thermos of coffee for the open road.

You know your life is changing but for the better and happily enter your car, leave the driveway, and wave goodbye to your parents and younger brother.

You take a few pit-stops until you reach the prestigious De Bauhn University. The hub of Higher Education. The university has a great physics program which you are going to use to its full potential.

You used Football to get your foot in the door but, now you can be the man you always dreamed of. Learning about the expanding universe and expanding your stomach in the process.

You get out of your car and grab your admission info, wallet and keys and head to the admission office.

You file your info and get your dorm room key and head up. You are staying in a single room which you love. Obviously, privacy is something that you adore especially considering this apartment would be where your stomach will expand half as much as your mind.

You place in all the boxes and make your way to the cafeteria. You are ready to start in your journey to expand your stomach.

You eat and eat and eat until you are full and can’t eat anymore. You head to your room to rub your stomach and your six pack has been distorted by the bloat of the massive amount of food you just gorged yourself on. Looking in the bathroom mirror to see the trim figure temporarily transform into a larger and bigger one.

Your first week is a breeze, you are eating whenever you can and studying whenever you can. Your six pack is still there but it is coated with a thin layer of fat. You look at your photos of you naked and seeing your slow but intentional progression to obesity.

You spent the weekend buying new clothes, although you haven’t gained that much you want to buy some basic clothes a size or two above for when you need to.

You spend the rest of the weekend with a lot of your freshmen going to bars and drinking. You only drank beer and lots of it. It is calorie rich and carbonated to stretch your stomach to as far as it goes!
You meet a few guys here and there, because you know it could be harder to date when you get fatter and with the abs still clinging on. You are still a guy magnet.

You go on a few dates here and there and these meals were the only meals which didn’t leave you rubbing your stomach in your now familiar mix of agony and ecstasy. You don’t really succeed in connecting with guys for a while. But you still got action. So, it hasn’t been a total waste of time and energy.

You keep on eating as time goes on. Your routine is Photos, Eat, Class, Eat, Study, Eat, Relax/Date/Party and Eat, Eat, Sleep and repeat.
3 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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