Lard Bless This Mess - Largetwink

Chapter 1 - research and context of feedville

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Lard Bless This Mess

The Bureaucratic Manner to repair and build a city using the identity of the citizens.

By Elected Mayor of Feedville Logan Spruce
Former Director of Maine City Office for County Commerce, Financial Integration and Connection.
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This is dedicated to the citizens of Feedville for being Feedville!

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I drove my way to the town which I came to crisis manage, The town was called Feedville. A town in the middle of the state of Maine. Where the mercury stays lower than anywhere in the forty-eight.

Feedville was a quaint town it had a handful problems that I was assigned to fix and make sure that Feedville continues to be an integral part of Maine and the US of A.

There were 3 main problems Feedville faced that I was told to solve.

1. The city’s lack of resources for food, clothing, and workers.
a. This is due to the irregularly high demand on these
b. A Lack of city employees and public officials
c. An intense food demand especially more than other towns with similar obesity rates let alone the rest of the nation
d. An unproportionally decreased healthcare demand
2. The citizens’ bodyweight. The city is made up of 89% overweight, obese, morbidly and extremely people.
3. The town’s lack of children and youth in the town.
a. ¼ of the adults are in the LGBT community compared to 1/14.2 in the rest of Maine
b. There are 1.2 children for every twenty-six adults

Feedville was the 19th town I have been assigned to that I fixed. I will show you how I fixed it.

I drove to my house. I started by talking to my neighbours. I due this as the city halls in most financially strapped towns can be very out of touch with the actual citizens that live in the town. Sadly, Feedville was no exemption.

I asked them a few questions and INSTANTLY everything I knew about this town and the citizens living there. I instantly thought that the oversight and my data was useless.

I held town meetings and I talked to everyone I could, and they first said, “Please fix our town.” Then they said, “Stop saying that Obesity is a disease, Obesity isn’t a disease” It made sense when I thought about the people who said it.

These people aren’t sick. They just like food. These people were never sick or yearning for healthy options. Because they’re smart and know enough to love their bodies for what they are.

So, I researched suicides, psychiatric visits and eating disorders in the area and there were none ever since its founding in 2003. The town lowers all these rates for Maine by a large amount. So, that was something I wanted to keep.

More importantly I wanted to figure out why these were so low, If I can export it to the rest of Maine and the nation, we could see many saved lives.

Then I realised. The citizens might not be physically healthy but, mentally yes, they are all as fit as an Olympian. I wanted to keep the people to be healthy just maybe it’s a different healthy than I first thought.
3 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Bhfjbjhdwhb 2 years
I want live in this city
LargeTwink 2 years
same lol!