Chapter 1 - Convicted
They came for her in the night, her scream already stifled by a gag, her arms already bound, a bag over her head, and strong arms lifting her from her soft bed as she woke. Struggling uselessly, she grunted, squirmed, and bit, desperate to free herself. At what point she passed out, she was unable to remember, but when she came to she was naked, her arms outstretched, and her legs wide apart, her wrists held at right angles to her body and her ankles pulled wide apart by secure velcro straps.As she flexed her muscles, fruitlessly searching for an escape, she realized she was bound to a slightly convex surface, her soft rounded breasts pulled tight by the wrist restraints, and pushed proud of her body, while her taught belly pushed upwards slightly. Her neatly shaved pussy was held high and terribly vulnerable by the slight arch the restraining table imposed on her body.
A young woman in blue medical scrubs walks into the small barely appointed room, reading from a clipboard as she glances at the woman exposed and helpless on the table. "Gina?" She asks, in a soft, kind voice.
"Yes - yes - please tell me you're here to let me free - this is a mistake - I haven't done anything - please!"
"Gina." says the young woman, gently stroking Gina's brown hair from her face. "There's no mistake - you've been convicted of being an accessory to treason. You've been sentenced - I'm here to carry out your sentence. Don't worry, it won't hurt. My name is Alma, I'm going to look after you."
"No! Please, you don't have to do this, I haven't done anything, please, Alma, I can help you, my family, they have money - you'll be well rewarded, please, you don't have to do this!"
"Oh Gina, I don't think you understand - your father has been convicted, and that means all your family are accessories - your family doesn't have any power or money any longer. Don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you. First of all, we're going to map your sexual response neural pathways, then we're going to sever them, and link them to your hunger and satiation pathways. Your punishment is that your hunger response will be linked to your libido, the nerves that respond to swallowing and distention of your digestive tract will be linked to stretch receptors in your vagina and vulva, and your satiation receptors will be linked to your clitoral nerves. There's a little more to it, but basically the modification will make you respond sexually only to overeating. Your libido will be enhanced, and your body will reward eating large quantities of fatty food with sexual stimulation."
Ever since gene therapy and behavioral conditioning had eliminated most diseases from the population in the early 2050s, obesity had been virtually eliminated. Only an underclass of people without access to the new medical techniques were overweight, and the physical imperfection had become a clear marker of the grinding poverty of the outcast, or the laziness of moral failure. The overweight had become the new untouchables. They were not welcome in public spaces, found it almost impossible to rent housing in all but the worst parts of the city, and were a source of constant ridicule.
"No! Please, not that, Alma please don't - I - I couldn't bear it!"
"Oh Gina, it will be fine, you'll love it, I'll make sure you do."
"But Alma, I, I don't want to be constantly trying to resist a thing like that - it's - it's so horrible. I've - I've seen people who've had it, who've been, you know... They are always trying to control themselves, to stop themselves from eating, to avoid being overcome by lust in public, sometimes I've seen them completely helpless, stuffing themselves uncontrollably, trying desperately to gorge themselves enough to be allowed release from the fires burning all the time in their loins. It's - it's horrible!"
"Oh come now Gina, don't fret! It's not so bad - your body will like different things, that's all, I promise when I'm done with you you won't want to be changed back, I'll make sure it's the best feeling of your life! Now, Gina, you seem like a nice girl, so I'll give you some advice - let go and enjoy yourself during the testing stage. You can fight it if you like, but in the main what I see is that the results are the same in the end, nobody can hold out for long, it's just that girls who resist end up having neural programming that leans more heavily on frustration and need, and less on pleasure and reward."
Gina begins to sob, her young body wracked with tears of shame and humiliation, the realization that her tight and trim body is about to be subjected to a process that will ensure that she enters an unwinnable fight with weight gain that will inevitably end with her humiliated, obese, and enslaved to her sexual needs.
"There there." Clucks Alma, gathering a box-full of equipment and cables, and pulling a cart with a computer console over to the table where Gina is held down. A large number of wires snake from the computer, and Gina works quickly, connecting electrode pads to the ends of the wires, pealing off their protective backing, and applying the sticky pads to Gina's forehead, neck, chest, and hips. "There we go, that didn't hurt, did it? Now we'll be able to track your reactions in real time, and figure out what really makes you tick!"
Gina wriggles fruitlessly, her tight bonds holding her in place as Alma works, efficiently but not unkindly, now placing two clear plastic cups over Gina's neat breasts, and connecting them by plastic tubes to the computer console. "These are going to give your little titties quite the workout Gina! I hope you like being massaged there!" Alma smiles, adding, in a conspiratorial tone, "To be honest I've never found anyone who doesn't like it in the end!"
Gina shrieks a little as the cups begin to exert a gentle suction, "No!" she shouts - "Please, no, please don't do this to me!" Her struggles to be free are equally hopeless, but have renewed energy.
"Now," says Alma kindly, "hold still, I'm going to insert a probe into your vagina and anus, but don't worry, each one is very small, they won't hurt, they stimulate by the application of micro electric currents. We will need to do some girth calibration later, but by then you'll be warmed up and ready for it. I'm also going to attach your clitoral massager - my advice is to lay back and enjoy it! That's my little joke -" says Gina, smiling, "you're going to lay back and enjoy it - but really, it's easier and a lot nicer if you don't fight it."
Alma positions herself between Gina's spread legs, evaluating the girl's toned and well proportioned body splayed out before her. Her eyes settle on Gina's neatly trimmed bush, and removing the probes from their covers, she dips a finger into a small pot of lubricating gel and runs the finger gently up the cleft of the helpless girl's vulva, separating her intimate lips and exposing her inner folds and vaginal opening.
Gina bucks wildly at the violation, her hips thrashing against the table, screaming in shock and fear at the unwelcome touch in her most sacred of parts. Alma sighs, a part of her unsurprised, and reaches for a wide fabric belt. She passes it under the table, cinching it tight around Gina's hips, pinning them firmly to the table. Repositioning herself, she cups Gina's vulva momentarily, then deftly inserted the first finger-like probe into the girl's vagina, and the second into her anus.
It seems as if every muscle in Gina's body tenses simultaneously, her torso and legs straining in their tight bonds, her face screwed in concentration as her body unconsciously tries yet again to free itself. After what seems like minutes, Gina's body collapses as, panting, she lies, helpless, at the mercy of Alma's probes and sensors, unable to prevent her most intimate feelings and sensations from being turned against her. She closes her eyes, shaking her head, muttering incoherent protests as Alma proceeds to attach a large ball vibrator to the top of the probe in Gina's vagina, clipping it into place with a short tether that fastens to Gina's waist belt, holding the vibrator tightly in place.
"There now," soothes Alma, "that's better, isn't it? Wait a minute while I get you calibrated, and then we'll have some fun with you!" Alma turns to the console as Gina begins again to beg her to stop, to let her go, and then, in an instant, Gina is silenced. Her body tenses, but not in the violent way it had. Rather, she braces, new and unfamiliar feelings gushing through her. She whimpers, trying to fill her mind with thoughts of unappealing things, to transport her imagination far from thoughts of arousal and the sudden symphony of pleasure that she is experiencing.
Alma steps back for a second, admiring her work, as Gina's senses are overwhelmed, sensations washing over her body, her breasts alive with an alternating sequence of light teasing touches and deep, strong suction, massaging her tissue, pulling her nipples to a proud state of erection in seconds, her aureola darkening and wrinkling, her tiny buds tightening with arousal as the machine works relentlessly, adjusting its cycles of stimulation to its measures of her neural response.
She feels a fluttering sensation in her belly, like the instant she first realized she was in love, and her heart sinks at the realization that the machine is much more effective than she expected. Her pussy is already wet, her nether lips swollen with arousal, her body wrestling once more with her bonds, this time not wanting to escape, but to begin to thrust her hips rhythmically, to feel her clitoris pressed hard against the vibrations of the machine that is teasing her vulva, bringing her to a fever of excitement, but denying her the deep feelings of penetration and rich vibration that her body is craving.
5 chapters, created 11 years