A Brand New Me

  By Fluffy Kitty

chapter 1 - discovery

I stared in disbelief at the letters on the tag of the athletic leggings I had tried on just a minute or two before. The leggings that I had thought were just a little big in the calves and a little tight in the belly. The leggings that had been on the hanger marked Large. X-X-L, and they had been ever so slightly tight.

I was just coming out of a very difficult 3 1/2 years punctuated with job loss, a harrowing move, selling a house, loneliness and severe depression. It didn't help that my new job was considerably more sedentary than previously and that the new culture I was immersed in consisted of celebrating multiple times a week with mounds of unhealthy foods. To top it off the year end holidays were winding down and everyone was feeling the extra pinch along the waists of their pants. I really thought I was carrying only a few extra pounds from where I had been a year previous, or even six months. After all the scale really hadn't changed too much, stuck in the 170s. I had forgotten to figure in the loss of muscle mass from my thighs. This explained the drastic change in shape from slightly chubby to round and fat in absence of a significance increase in poundage. To quote Mac from 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' I had been "cultivating mass " and what a great amount of mass it was.

On my way home from the store that evening I started to feel my belly, fully realizing, or so I thought, how large I had become. I undid my size 6 jeans for comfort and keeping one hand on the steering wheel I rubbed my expanded abdomen marveling at my size. I soon felt a wetness in my crotch and I spread my legs a little while driving. I rubbed my belly a little more and soon felt a quivering in my vagina. I panted and moaned ever so softly, struggling to maintain control of my vehicle. Pulling into my garage I parked my SUV and finally allowed myself to finish.

I now knew two things:
1) My new body turned me on in ways I couldn't imagine and
2) I really needed to get a few new clothes.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
8   2   1688


Jazzman 4 years
Thanks! You're a Superb Writer. I wish I had your gift.
Theswordsman 4 years